Lost Hills Malibu Sheriffs Tried To Set Up Itinerant Homeless Man for Mitrice Richardson’s MURDER

Lost Hills Malibu Sheriffs Tried To Set Up Itinerant Homeless Man for Mitrice Richardson’s MURDER

It’s been about 3 years past since I wrote this arcticle here:   https://toplessinla.org/2014/08/28/what-happened-to-mitrice-richardson/ and I believe a good 5 or 6 (Maybe 2012) when I interviewed this gentleman. I hope he ain’t dead! I sense they might of killed him as told to me by a seer that he was murdered in an occult ritual! His name was Richard: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”28862″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think that girl was ritualistically murdered given all the weird shit that goes on out here and as I somehow think of her again – I remembered this video and decided

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L.A. Lost Hills Sheriffs Fucking With My Ass AGAIN

L.A. Lost Hills Sheriffs Fucking With My Ass AGAIN

After they fucked with me last weekend – I’ll put it to ya like this, THEY AIN’T NEVER FUCKED WITH THIS AREA until after they fucked with me last Sunday!!! They looking to ham me up on some shit! They think cause I no longer got a youtube channel they can fuck with me and them bastards are trying to look for ANYTHING to ham me up but little do those bastards know ALOT OF PEOPLE VISIT MY SITE so FOH with that! Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29853″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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UFO Spotted In Malibu November 16 2017

UFO Spotted In Malibu November 16 2017

I spotted this while looking into the nighttime sky earlier: I even noticed something here (tho. it coulda been an airplane or something): This was taken of what I believe to be a gangstalker (the suv in black which is typical of what undercovers drive)! Here is another pic that focuses in that direction – the one you saw earlier: Here are the videos I did showing this… Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29849″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alot of weird shit goes down in Malibu. The Mitrice Richardson case in which she got summoned for a ritual sacrifice by beings like

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Samsung Creates Content Blockers To Keep People From Seeing Truth Teller Sites Like Mine

Samsung Creates Content Blockers To Keep People From Seeing Truth Teller Sites Like Mine

After being FORCED to update my samsung g7 software (I say FORCED cause you KNOW these bastards will fuck up your cellphone IF YOU DO NOT UPDATE AS THEY WANT YOU TO), THIS INTERESTING MESSAGE POPPED UP: Hell, just now, look at the message I got while writing this up: After refreshing the screen and SAYING something about this, then the regular screen saying/phrase popped up: I also just noticed they turned the thing that requests for my current “location” on the phone to HIGH ACCURACY: Usually, it’s an “You are offline” but why say CONNECTION INTERRUPTED like some force

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Retracing The Steps of How and Where Mitrice Richardson Died

Retracing The Steps of How and Where Mitrice Richardson Died

While out in Malibu, every now and then, thoughts of Mitrice Richardson pop up… Here’s a sec. pic. (Taken a sec. AFTER I shot the prior one) IN WHICH THE ORB IS NOT. THERE. Here’s another pic: Returning back to Mitrice, what happened to her, HER BEING SACRIFICED, is hard to dismiss (This world is wicked!!!)!!!! Here, I talked about this somber story before (PLEASE READ): https://toplessinla.org/2014/08/28/what-happened-to-mitrice-richardson/   I also retrace the steps regarding where she possibly succumbed, here: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29841″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, I went ahead and retraced WHAT happened to her so I

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