Hollywood Reporter ADMITS Kanye West’s Blonde Hair SHOWS that He IS UNDER MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL

Hollywood Reporter ADMITS Kanye West’s Blonde Hair SHOWS that He IS UNDER MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL

Need I say more: Here is MY talking on this: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29793″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, they are making the correlation we long have that blonde hair (like Kanye’s new hairdo) = ILLUMINATI CONTROL VIA TRAUMA! Go here to learn MORE about MK Ultra: https://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/origins-and-techniques-of-monarch-mind-control/ This most notably exposes how it affects Hollywood SELL-ebs (“celebs”): http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=71446

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Visions of Beautiful Malibu: Staring Off Into A BEAUTIFUL Sunset

Visions of Beautiful Malibu: Staring Off Into A BEAUTIFUL Sunset

– Screenshot taken from the video you about to see below… As you all know, I have a veritable COMPULSION to take pics out in Malibu: I just can’t help it!! Anyways, here are those pics featured with a BEAUTIFUL video of Malibu at sunset AND at night (tho. much could not be seen with that NO MATTER HOW MUCH I LIGHTENED IT): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29788″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are some BEAUTIFUL PICTURES (Perhaps the most beautiful!)!!! Here’s some more for you ALL TO ENJOY!!! TAKE CARE! – There are, approximately 66 PICS IN THAT GALLERY THERE,

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