Sexually Harassed by Ignorant NIGGA With the Los Angeles Public Works Department

Sexually Harassed by Ignorant NIGGA With the Los Angeles Public Works Department

This ignorant NIGGER who you are about to see here:

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Well, I won’t go into further comments but you can see this dumb brained, money ass NIGGER would have said something even if I were wearing a long fucking tunic or burqa down to my fucking ankles, but this is not only why this nigger said it:



See, there is a fight for power in this world! Womyn control things in terms of creation. Men want that power to create so they destroy in the process as a counteract to what they can’t have and will never own no matter how much they oppress us: our ability to create life! Yes, that is right! Life! A the end of the day, these niggers, crakkkas, spiks, honkkkies, gooks, etc. hate womyn cause they wish and desire to have what we have but they are not nor ever will be unless in some far away parallel universe have the ability to do what we are able to do. Thank about it! That is why they give credit to a male divine deity rather than giving all accolades for control of creation over to it’s rightful owner: the womyn.



Mary just couldn’t have a kid of her own; it had to be the “son of god” or else it was a bastard without a man’s name.

Black Mary and Child

That is why kids for the longest who were born out of wedlock and without a man’s name were called “bastards”!



That is why for the longest and even now to this day womyn suffer the stigmatizing effects of slut shaming – being called “whores”, sluts for the very same thing that men do and get praised for sexually all because we wanna control our sexuality for OUR benefit and pleasure (pun intended) and not let men control it for us for THEIR reproductive benefit!


that is why the whole pro life side of abortion – against it that is – exists! It is not to help the “child” who – when not viable (as is best on my own fucking personal experience – is a fucking PARASITE anytime anything subsist in your womb and can not live physically independent of i. There was a case in India not too long ago where a man found out his “fraternal twin brother” was residing inside of him – as a stomach ache – for 30 EXCRUCIATING YEARS! He had this “life” ie parasite with it’s own brain and everything cut from his body, ie aborted. Where is the protest?


You won’t see none because it is all about control of womyn’s bodies for MEN’S reproductive benefit, not about the “fight for life” ior even the safety of the child once it is born, hence why pro lifers take off and want to take away vital social care safety nets for these woulda been shoulda been aborted kids once they are born.



Sisters, remember that!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

One comment

  1. My sister you are amazing! I love how you handeled that beast!! would love more vids o fthis! empower us womyn to speak back! I have a fear of confronting them. I wish I was as strong as you. Women are expected to deal with being harassed!!! notice how he got loud when you were making your points? he got hostile! pathhetic! I hate black men too

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