Going for a Topless Walk Around My Neighborhood In Mid Wilshire

Going for a Topless Walk Around My Neighborhood In Mid Wilshire

Here is the highlight of my jogging experience while TOPLESS:     The highlight of my morning right here: When I am topless and spend my day jogging or working out (Thursday is my designated work out, walk around/ job day) I usually go from Hauser Blvd to around near the LACMA museum/ LaBrea Tar Pits area and from there to the other side of Wilshire, by Curson Ave. and then up near the playground and then back to Hauser Blvd…since it is too got damned mofo HOT OUTSIDE – which is why I got the idea to go topless in

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This Is Why Black Males Must Die

This Is Why Black Males Must Die

Look at this here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28972″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Need I say more? Black males are violent, they are pernicious. They are scary and they tend to work outside the bounds of the law. As you can hear this nigger yard ape say here that: “Well you naked” as if that gives them a right, an invitation to SEXUALLY HARASS ME (I was topless, not nude, so whatever), you can see the animalistic nature of the black male coming out. This is why encourage more cops to kill black males: Black males in general must die out

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We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

We Need More Darren Wilsons and George Zimmermans for Black Men

I will not lie to you…black men are fucking animals which is why I almost feel the need to say that we need more George Zimmermans as well as Darren Wilsons for them.   Let me explain. See, as the victim of street harassment, I can not tell you how many times I have been THREATENED by NIGGER MALES for not liking them, with physical violence involved or the threat thereof. I do not get this with Asian, latino even or even white men, but NIGGER MALES and they always look to deflect from their fucked up way of behavior

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Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called

Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called

***Looking back with my topless thing Eye Sea a hispanic siSt⭐r STARTED THIS ISH… She low key served as a foreshadowing of where I went*** ⭐⭐⭐ – I was low key trying to show the Star of David while discussing my spiritual adventures…. I took this a longggg, long time ago, March 23, 2012 to be exact. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28951″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I remember the day like it was yesterday. Now, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, there are no laws on the books against public nudity, either…but you won’t be seeing me running around MacArthur Park or

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The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and

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Undercover Cop Across the Street From Me?

Undercover Cop Across the Street From Me?

This was taken a while ago, last week to be precise, in which I spotted what appeared to be a cholo dressed in all black clothes… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28915″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Or was he? I kinda suspected that he is an undercover cop. Why? It is because undercover cops speak with articulation, are intelligent (not saying cholos can not be) and was spying me while donning a USMC sticker on his car, something that is counter to what most cholos stand for. Plus I have seen an undercover at the Wilshire Community LAPD station on Venice Blvd, exit

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Foreboding Nightmare About LAPD, Drugs and Murder

Foreboding Nightmare About LAPD, Drugs and Murder

My friend had the first dream, and I had two of the same one twice in a row… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The cosmic universe is telling me something…I believe that when you dream, you go into parallel universes, etc. However, your dreams can be a precognitive thought into the realm of what is going to happen to you in the future, hence the term “precognition” where you can see something before it takes place. That is what I feel both dreams, rather, NIGHTMARES that is is telling me…   I have always had somewhat psychic

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Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

  Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28896″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed that, right after the Bank of America incident, which you can see right here, I have had a second encounter with the LAPD in which numerous times the PD officer on the scene, Officer Goldberg (badge No. 36672) told me that: 1) They showed up for a naked lady (nasty ass) 2) That he was going to call the Department of Transportation to render me a ticket (LAPD is authorized to do that themselves) 3) He claims I believe that he got a call from a civilian yet my

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Buy My Art Prints

Here are what I think will be my TWO BEST SELLERS RIGHT HERE:               BUY EM! Go to this link here: https://toplessinla.org/artwork-for-sale/   The reason why I am doing THIS instead of merely begging you for money – as MANY activists do – is because I feel like I should give you something of value, something that will last a lifetime (well, if you take good care that is) by offering my art re-prints for SALE which posses all whooping 11 reprints of my artwork – paintings – for sale! I am glad to

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