Sexual Harassment by L.A. City Construction Subcontractors

Sexual Harassment by L.A. City Construction Subcontractors

These guys here: …have the rape mentality What do I mean? Well, when you go to watch the tape:   Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28832″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] you will hear them say such things as, “Well, you are bringing attention to yourself (for being BARELY topless on a hot summer day, wearing PASTIES I might add)”, or as another said, “You ain’t respecting yourself” – using that as a PETUS to disrespect me, also for all those familiar with the “rape mentality”, it is used by some sordid low down dirty mofos to effect rape victim blame by saying

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Federal Injunction Filed Against LAPD By Topless Female

Federal Injunction Filed Against LAPD By Topless Female

Here in this video, I talk about filing my federal injunction against the LAPD… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28820″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I am so proud of myself. It took me a while – close to a month – to study what I needed to study to get this thing through, and now it is finally going through… Here in this video, I talk about and actually show myself serving papers…have fun and I look forward to seeing the L.A.P.D. in court! 😉 Peace!

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Black Americans are the True Natives of America

Black Americans are the True Natives of America

This a pic of Oprah from the Color Purple side by side with a SOUTHEAST ASIAN WOMAN Tell me I’m lying…. Happy topless 4th of July!! Here are some pics of me during the 4th of July! Don’t I just look like I belong in a “bush”, lol!             I just wanna take the time, the day out to say THANKS to this “great” country of ours, for lifting the land from up under our feet and doing what they did to us, which is deny our history as well as put us in chains AND

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Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Here is the image of Officer Richey, possible SEXUAL PREDATOR, leering down at my breasts while stopping me, saying it is “offensive” what I did but he is not being offensive for STARING AT MY BREASTS, which is what you can see in the picture down below:  All these bitches ought to be LOCKED UP for what they did to me… Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”28809″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on this issue up above… (Notice that at 10:58 in the tape, he starts asking me about my gender, whether I was born a “male or a female”.

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Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

This is the second false detention video of my neighbor, who was merely detained for speaking her mind on a public sidewalk. Fortunately, this video was taken by a neighbor who was also frustratingly and violently told by Sgt. Morse to keep on moving and that it wasn’t his “business” to that effect. This all took place on April 6, 2014. The officers involved are: Deckel (badge no. 41400), Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400), Estevez (the main instigator) – (badge no. 36886) – and an unnamed Asian female officer. I plan on filing a federal lawsuit by the end of this

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Walmart Discriminates Against Topless Female but Lets Topless Male In and Torrance Police Called

Walmart Discriminates Against Topless Female but Lets Topless Male In and Torrance Police Called

This occurred at the Walmart in Torrance at: 22015 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503. Phone number (310) 750-0179 This one was EXTREMELY traumatic to go through; extremely! Despite the civil rights of act of 1964 saying that you can’t “treat people differently on the basis of race, GENDER, etc.” this STILL happens. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28801″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why my next game plan of action is to change the law whereas, you can NOT discriminate against a topless womyn for being topless just as “lacktivists” have made it so that you can’t discriminate against breastfeeding womyn breastfeeding in public. I

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Exposing Artie Bigley and Other Government Trolls in the Top Free Movement

Exposing Artie Bigley and Other Government Trolls in the Top Free Movement

I did a youtube video on this a while ago and feel the need to reiterate it again: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28796″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is a good video, basically exposing certain elements in the topfree movement who I believe to be GOVERNMENT AGENTS! This is very important that I expose em cause of why? Well, it’s because, just as they did with John Africa in the 1980’s or the Black Panthers, the feminist movement or any other progressive movement back in the day, these people come in and DESTROY right out from under just as they do

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Sexual Harassment While Driving While Topless

Sexual Harassment While Driving While Topless

This is one of the subjects that kills me: Okay, check this out: this bastard fucked with me, stared at me and leered at me SIMPLY CAUSE I WAS TOPLESS AND FEMALE IN PUBLIC! As one viewer on my channel said, had I been a male, no one would make a big deal but all of a sudden cause I am a WOMYN and I bare my breasts; it’s a big deal. People make a big deal about it and MEN most of all – esp. beta bitches like him – feel all entitled to my body, etc. simply cause

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Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

This one was funny and showed my “quirky” side like most of em: I caught a bunch of cops – while trying to check out me of course 😉 – stand there and try to help while fending off the “advances” of a gentleman – meaning advances in him trying to KICK THEIR ASSES THAT IS 😉 LOL! Anyways, I caught these cops trying to fend off this supposedly “infirm” male who they couldn’t keep down and needed the aid and abetment of a 15 strong male army unit to fend this black homeless man off from em – trying

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