Do Not Think That I Am Going Shirtless For Your Sexual Desires Or Else I’ll Make You Regret It

Do Not Think That I Am Going Shirtless For Your Sexual Desires Or Else I’ll Make You Regret It

I heard a gangstalker – not these two simpletons…. Say, “Why she gotta have her breasts out?” like that has anything to do with you! Just mind your fucking business and keep it fucking moving! – You can hear the cat – a female – in the video all throughout agreeing with me! She know I’m right 👍🏻 It’s sick that we live in a world that should not be where men are allowed to control what women wear cause they don’t wanna control themselves! IT’S SICK! When I first came around here I had to start fighting mofos cause

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Aztec Skantè Warrior TRIES To Attack Me Then Comes At Me With A Knife

Aztec Skantè Warrior TRIES To Attack Me Then Comes At Me With A Knife

They ALWAYS wanna attack black womben but let a brother be there….. Motherfucker I took taekwondo as a kid don’t come at me like that. He told me he used to get his ass whooped in South Central by blacks for selling drugs in their gang territories. I also heard thru the grapevine a dude looking to kill him for stealing “his” girl ?? At one point when I jumped up and did a karate kick right before he could put his hands on me he stopped and said, “Imma get my girlfriend.” ?? That said, envy is a motherfucker…..

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When I Wanna Cum For A New Van These Wetbacks and Crakkkas Go A ‘Runnin ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️

When I Wanna Cum For A New Van These Wetbacks and Crakkkas Go A ‘Runnin ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️

I told ya’ll this shit with the street harassment and the “wooo baby” and cat calls is about sexual violence (targeted at me mainly cause I am black)…. Why I Have To Throw Rocks And Hands Doing My Shirtless Activism As A Black Woman I inadvertently found a way to repel they asses lol…… I do need a new van and mo-nay dough ? so please cum talk to me at 310-359-5199 to discuss details. Serious inquiries only…. That said….. This low key social experiment has exposed something that many feminists speak on which is that sexual harassers get off

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Any Man Who Finds Me Attractive IS A RAPIST

Any Man Who Finds Me Attractive IS A RAPIST

After alll the shit I say…. Men Are Innate Predators This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker And do…..     YOU HAVE TO BE A RAPIST MOFO to STILL pursue me, find me attractive…. – leer at me:   Ever since I was a little grrl child I have always hated men. I now as I come into my spiritual powers I realise that it is my destiny to destroy the patriarchy and all the men trying to act as “allies” are here to throw me off

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Why I Enjoy Intimidating Men

Why I Enjoy Intimidating Men

I’ve been like this since I was a little girl. It is so nice to have me, my inner child, fully back and embraced ??????‍♀️? I always liked to sorta start shit so I could control shit as a kid….. That being said, honest – tho. It is so NICE to be away from that toxic industry: Breaking Away From These Tricks Has Helped Me To Break Free of My Alcoholic Addiction I KNEW a fucking curse was behind it all….. Breaking Free of The Archonic Curse of Being Chained To Sex Work For Money Said that shit months ago…..

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I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry

Fucking Mortal Kombat: Before I begin, I just wanna start off by saying – to the creepy ass, I presume based on the accents I heard coming from their voices, WETBACK mofos in the black jeep who be passing by close to my car – I saw ya’ll for TWO FUCKING NIGHTS PULLING THAT SHIT – Imma ‘woke ya like I did that crakkka in the big black-green truck Imma talk about later on, “telling me to leave….” THE MAIN EVENT (I know you heauxs been waiting for this video):   I remind me of this song here cause no

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Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Dude Tries To Attack Me For Being Topless THEN Calms Down

Just looking at this guy’s profile (he was one of the ones involved), he looks like a fucking demon SHOWING WHAT SPIRIT IS IN HIM: Imma say this… I kinda wonder if somebody put some shit on me cause ever since I went toe to toe with another witch it’s just been bad shit happening out the ordinary… I’m protected, mind you (esp. in terms of what you will hear about what happened from yesterday which was ASTOUNDING – HAD TO BE AN ANGEL!) but that said a couple of weeks ago, interestingly AFTER my online skirmish with the three

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South Americans And Mexicans Are Organic Robotoids Created By The Draco Reptilians To Be Worker Bees

South Americans And Mexicans Are Organic Robotoids Created By The Draco Reptilians To Be Worker Bees

That’s why Mexicans work so HARD (Notice I said NOT SMART 🙂 That said, I think I found my answer to this blog I wrote a while back: See, I’m a natural anthropologist. I have a natural knack for it. I’m so good at it that I aced anthropology when I went to college yearrrs ago without studying. I sit back and I observe people. I am very astute and intuitive. That said, this thought has been rummaging in my mind for quite some time. That said, I notice that Mexicans, South Americans are SIMPLE MINDED BUT SPIRITUAL PEOPLE!

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The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

The TRUE Meaning of Real Femininity

Fuck that old outdated, misogynist definition of femininity. In this video below, I explain what TRUE FEMININITY IS which means connection to the Divine Source, the Divine Source Creator who is female and the Spirit Realm, hence why we as WOMBAN are known for our “intuitive powers”: > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29424″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Menstrual Blood! The Elixir Of Life

Menstrual Blood! The Elixir Of Life

Can you take a second and I guess what I am drinking here for a sec.: That’s right, fresh period juice mixed with urine (I find that when drinking blood it goes down rougher UNLESS you add urine into the mix and for flavor – with urine – it tastes better, too.). Yes, that’s right, I am drinking my own period blood. That said, we live in a filthy, patriarchal society that condemns THAT yet is okay with: Sipping on men’s semen (IT DOESN’T GIVE YOU POWERS – unlike menstrual blood – but for women it REDUCES IT which I

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