Demiurge Tried To Pull A Fast One With Vision Involving Me Dying Via Drowning

Demiurge Tried To Pull A Fast One With Vision Involving Me Dying Via Drowning

I know exactly what this shit was allll about: I had an astral projection experience (where I wasn’t fully conscious but it was vivid ass all hell) where I was a latina with white skin and on my left eye I had a black dot on the eye that was sorta reminiscient of David Bowie cause it was just a splotch. I recall driving to a place to get my tires fixed in macarthur park when I drove into a parking structure and then lost my car (symbolic). I then came out and I saw a Lowe’s worker I have

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Educating Folks On The Demiurge And Collecting And Smoking Sage

Educating Folks On The Demiurge And Collecting And Smoking Sage

Never judge a book by it’s cover… [purchase_link id=”31637″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] People ASSume that if you are conventionally houseless that you don’t know shit but these two – a couple with one nevet going to the indoctrination centres known as “schools” BUT YET CAN STILL SPEAK WELL (He is an artist) KNOW SO MUCH and were willing to let me preach to them about god aka the Demiurge and how the Buy-Bull stole from ALOT of real spirutual systems… Here is his art (Very nice and reminds me of mine with the colors, etc.): Speaking of which, when I

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They Can’t Kill My Spirit

They Can’t Kill My Spirit

Though they try… I RECOGNIZE that the reason behind why THIS happened: Along with the subsequent RACIST trolls like Irene Brennan looking to pick on me while in a weakened state like vultures to (what they think is) a carcass here: Along with DEMONICALLY POSSESSED/INHABITED individuals like here: IS cause they wanna kill my spirit! Like reptilians, they feed off of misery, pain like the reptilian induced attack that occurred against me, recently! It’s designed to throw me off course, divert my attention from doing what I came here to do and I recognize that, I recognize

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Witnessing Alien Etheric Manipulation

Witnessing Alien Etheric Manipulation

That said, I am now realizing that what I called “astral travel” IS IN FACT – ETHERIC TRAVELING which many see as being lower but still can in many ways be seen as superior to astral traveling as well and visa versa. OH YES!!! Before I get into my experience, let me say that I KNOW REALIZE THAT THE PEOPLE WHO HAD BEEN HARASSING ME HERE: AND HERE: WERE MORE THAN LIKELY THE DEAD INSIDE SCUM AT THAT ARTIST LOFT WHICH I TALK ABOUT HERE: AND HERE (WITH UPDATED NEW INFO – I KNOW YOU ALL ARE

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Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

Reptilians Put A Death Curse On Me

I recall after hearing a being in my car say in the jigsaw killer’s voice: “die” – I knew that what he said had to be true. They even came to a friend in another dream and used him as a conduit to threaten me. When I tried sending him a message, look at what happened (BARS WERE FULL before that!): He also told me he had a nightmare of them trying to steal my flourite since it protects ne and kidnapping my baby brother – Bryan – and holding him hostage in the astral. This mirrors what someone else

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Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

Why Christians Are Oppressed and Bullied

In this video I RANT about how Christians have a dumb, linear, tunnel visioned perspective when it comes to TRUE SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS, including how most of their symbolism was appropriated from so called “pagan” traditions why their lil sociopathic narrow minded war against nature: against nudity, people living their lives as homosexuals, transgenders – got their lil social group on the wan and headed towards extinction: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29331″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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The Demiurge And WHY Christians Face So Many Demonic Attacks

The Demiurge And WHY Christians Face So Many Demonic Attacks

You ain’t worshipping YOUR BOY properly. You can learn more about him in the Gnostic text HERE: and HERE: Watch my video on it, HERE: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29327″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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