5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

Alright, I thought that this shit would NOT persist after I filed my federal lawsuit but it is: Buy all 3 dem vids here [purchase_link id=”29026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] You can see here where I filed my lawsuit against the LAPD for this SAME, EXACT THING: For being topless in public, which you can read here: http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/2:2014cv04803/593138   Just today, as I was working out in front of, well, near my home you see, I got approached by a bunch of LAPD officers – MOSTLY MALE and I am noting this as well to note the inherent sexism in this abuse

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The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and

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Sexual Harassment by Reliance Home Services Driver

Sexual Harassment by Reliance Home Services Driver

This is why people hate niggers: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28920″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Niggers claim that they detest stereotypes, yet they are at the forefront of supporting their VERY OWN STEREOTYPES, ESPECIALLY NIGGER MALES!   The other day, as I was innocently minding my own business, driving down Wilshire Bvd, I was accosted by a Reliance driver (whose contractor license no. is 193955), a NIGGER in the driver’s seat, who said to me, “Can I suck on em”, referring to my tits. Now, I have encountered white men, jewish, men, asian men and never for the most part had these

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All These Topless Men Walking Around and LAPD Ain’t Doing A Damn THING

All These Topless Men Walking Around and LAPD Ain’t Doing A Damn THING

Look at all these topless men in this video walking around, with THEIR nipples exposed and the LAPD helicopter (which wasn’t even supposed to be there) then showed up only when I was topless…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28858″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It’s this type of treatment that keeps RAPE CULTURE ALIVE: THE UNCONSENSUAL SEXUALIZATION AND SO THUS AUTOMATIC OBJECTIFICATION OF WOMYN’S BODIES – without our consent!

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Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Possible Rapist LAPD Cop Richey Sexually Harasses Topless Woman in Hollywood, CA

Here is the image of Officer Richey, possible SEXUAL PREDATOR, leering down at my breasts while stopping me, saying it is “offensive” what I did but he is not being offensive for STARING AT MY BREASTS, which is what you can see in the picture down below:  All these bitches ought to be LOCKED UP for what they did to me… Buy vid here[purchase_link id=”28809″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on this issue up above… (Notice that at 10:58 in the tape, he starts asking me about my gender, whether I was born a “male or a female”.

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What Is The Difference Between the Male Nipple and the Female Nipple

What Is The Difference Between the Male Nipple and the Female Nipple

Can you tell me what is the difference between this and this:   Well, the former, to the left, belongs to HIM – a man! And the other belongs to ME, a womyn!   What is the difference? Somehow our modern society, where it once was considered taboo and crass to wear bikinis in public, where it was once considered crass for A MAN to be topless in public (look at old motion pictures before 1936 – when it, “male nipples” were legalized), now deems any showing of the female areola, nipple as “obscene”.   When I was driving down

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The Rapist Mindset

The Rapist Mindset

 See this kinda – “sweet” looking guy right here: He left this message on my youtube yesterday regarding one of my topless videos where he had this to say (you can go ahead and read it and I will paraphrase it below): Anyways, basically what this neanderthal, black neanderthal at that, was saying was: “Because I am a womyn and he is a man he has every right to burst into my body however he wishes cause he can’t help his misogynist urges…so therefore it is up to me to control him for him by wearing or dressing down and

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LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

Anyways, in this goodie but oldie (well, not that old, circa 2014 last month, actually, two months ago!!) I had my first taste of having the po po called on me in the form of an irate neighbor of mine – who you will see in the tape – calling the police on me for **wait for it** WEARING PASTIES! Ain’t that insane! I hit the pleasure chest the day before (awesome store btw) to get em! Here is what happened: The two officers who I met, Officer Kouvelis (who is quite cute and nice btw 😉 I even gave

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Madonna and Her Bandage Draped Dress

Madonna and Her Bandage Draped Dress

Isn’t this a damn shame: Well, Madonna wanted to go in this “outfit”: what is so obscene about the breasts, you say! Why is it that Anne Wintour of the Metropolitan Museum Of Art decides that this is “obscene”? Yes, I am quite certain for a gala of that calibre (one that takes precedence with rick folk, especially the rich and the snooty) walking in with ANY sort of bare chest – even male – would be “offensive”, dare say? However, in this case, it was unanimously and paciferously slammed for her being female and baring breast: why?   That

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