Why We Need To Check The Crakkka And Wetback For Treating Black Women As Men While Lusting After Us

Why We Need To Check The Crakkka And Wetback For Treating Black Women As Men While Lusting After Us

Look at this closely….. – That creature to the left is a wetback. That white demon on the right – I have seen that creature before out here in Malibu – staring (I ran IT’S punk ass off one time – you ain’t doing that shit to me around here – yeah, I’m terror-torial too)….. Looks like him….. Actor Toby Bronson Shoots At Black Woman He Sexually Harassed Could Actor Toby Bronson Have Kidnapped Raped And Murdered A Little 13 Year Old Girl? I swear just like wetbacks all white “males” – I use that term loosely due to their

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My Article Calling Crakkkas Evil Yesterday Was Such A Threat They Took My Youtube Channel Down

My Article Calling Crakkkas Evil Yesterday Was Such A Threat They Took My Youtube Channel Down

LOL! I take it to mean that when the honkkkies are dissatisfied, I am on the right (war)path. Hurrah Asè ✊??? Honkkkies can kiss my black ass. Good that you literally kick your ass now just for being you. That being said, cause white folks own the system – making them a lil more dangerous then the wetback – it is understandable – and expected – for these literal pale demons to use their power in an unfair system tilted alllll the way in their favour to knock us down. That is why it is important not to rely on

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White People Are The Devil And How To Use The Satanic Energy Against Them

White People Are The Devil And How To Use The Satanic Energy Against Them

White people are the devil! But I’ll teach ya’ll to use something worse to fight those demons….. It makes sense why as a lil child I had to use force, darkness to get my way…. It all makes sense ??? White people are some evil mofos…. what kind of fucking race of “people” awake in the caves of the caucus mountains and decide to conquer and colonize the world due to a fear of white genetic annhilation due to their having inferior, defective, recessive genes….. https://www.yesmagazine.org/social-justice/2019/07/04/abortion-ban-fear-white-extinction-babies http://www.sfltimes.com/news/nationalandworld/whites-are-tormented-by-genetic-annihilation Their “males” – I put paranthesis cause of what I am about to

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Why I Have To Throw Rocks And Hands Doing My Shirtless Activism As A Black Wo

Why I Have To Throw Rocks And Hands Doing My Shirtless Activism As A Black Woman

* The more I think about it, their harassment is a form of sexualized violence, designed to force me to wear a shirt , ,,, .(I hear the murmurs….) by making me feel uncomfortable as possible when I decide to go shirtless, hence the rapist predatory energy as can be seen here…. I also wanna say – you know why white males are attracted to small females – in particular small, petite lithe black women, when those creatures call themselves “being attracted to us”…… Like with kids, they see small females as easy to take advantage of cause those demons

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Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

This a fucking shame how women and girls in their culture are fucking treated. Always pissed me off and saddens me….. I remember when I first started the female shirtless activism they were THE FIRST to get on board cause of how bad they “men” treat them…. That’s why I honest have nothing against them. Their “men” on the other hand….. I remember one dude said he’d beat his sister for walking shirtless as I do….. I stand for the womben and girls. I do what I do for them. – I am good looking handsome mofo. They call me

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Nasty Ass Sexual Predator Parks Right Behind Me To Masturbate And I Run His Ass OFF

Nasty Ass Sexual Predator Parks Right Behind Me To Masturbate And I Run His Ass OFF

He look JUST LIKE this other sexual predator here. Just like him…. Actor Toby Bronson Shoots At Black Woman He Sexually Harassed THERE IS A REASON why I do what I do…. I Know What The Fuck You Doin’ Motherfucker Or like this mofo here from yesterday…..   He another one…. saw him around here twice and saw him looking into my vehicle…… That being said, this mofo a sociopath rapist!   Listen to how he dehumanizes me based on my marginalized status and cause I am an outcast, misunderstood, seen as “weird.” I saw his ass outside my car

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DO NOT Buy Dasani Water

DO NOT Buy Dasani Water

That literal shit of a watee brand will have you running with the runs to the bathroom (or in my case porta potty) literally ?+?=??‍♀️? That said, THERE IS A REASON why it is banned in the U.K…… That literal shit ? got bromate in it which causes cancer That literal shit ? is not safe to drink….. A very very nice young man dropped off packs and packs of it last night, saying his bawse didn’t want it (I wonder why…..)….. That said AFTER ONE SIP I had to throw that literal shit ? out…. I had the runs,

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Fighting The GodSelf And The Importance of White Light Protection

Fighting The GodSelf And The Importance of White Light Protection

I know what this is now….. At first I thought it denoted that I was destined to be some underworld Goddess as mentioned here but I was wrong….. It All Makes Sense: I Was Destined To Be An Underworld Goddesss It is what I now know to be some type of “god self” that gets edtablished to “rule over you” while you live in a particular timeline. It acts as your intuition and sets out your life path based on a particular timeline. Think of it as your Soul contract! Mines is composed of bees – I thought those were

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It All Makes Sense: I Was Destined To Be An Underworld Goddesss

It All Makes Sense: I Was Destined To Be An Underworld Goddesss

It all makes sense….. – This is my “Beelzebub”, law enforcement card. When I see this card it means Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, insects, is around…… That being said it all makes sense….. It all makes sense. It makes sense now behind why I was never destined for a normal life (I never wanted that anyways. I thrive in adversity and overcoming it). When I was a child, I was like a norp when I was very young – to a degree. I knew I was different when I looked around the neutral ground – term for the

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Pick Me ??‍♀️??‍♀️ Mayates And Crakkkas Lose They Shit Cause I Call Out Nasty White Bitch With No Respect For Black Boundaries

Pick Me ??‍♀️??‍♀️ Mayates And Crakkkas Lose They Shit Cause I Call Out Nasty White Bitch With No Respect For Black Boundaries

~~~~IT’S OFFICIAL~~~~ Said “model” aka prostitute (for white menz) is officially a bedwench……   Here she is waving dat horse hurr ? in a desperate attempt to get approval from an ugly ass old bald white man passing by whom 99.9999999 100* power % of white women would not even look nor even piss on (even if he were on fire)…… Now, whilst she dating a wed-buck….. She low key look like Chris Rock….. Here fake corny ass is showing civil rights shit here….. All bedwench bashing aside these photos are depressing are exactly why I have to throw rocks

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