I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To
As John Ellizz said, ALL these people make deals with the aliens, reptilians, greys aka archons to get money and fame….. All of them: https://www.sportscasting.com/kobe-bryant-323-3-million-nba-wouldnt-dinner-seats-alter-ego/ NOTE these things that lit follow him around, one is a skeleton…… This is the SAME skeleton entity who I reported here whom I saw astrally who folks make deals with in exchange for material wealth and fame….. I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Fighting Off Archon Possession The other is named Black Mamba – a snake, very similar to what John
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