Why Are Black Women So Evil

I will take it a step further and say with my spiritual knowledge… BLACK WOMEN ARE INHERENTLY EVIL and here is my real world experience to confirm it:     Many of these people I just showed you are what would be considered “incarnated demons” or demon influenced in their cases…

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Just Wait…. My Site Will Be Fully Back Up ?

SEA – I got emojis now ⭐???✨?? Anyways, I sea wordpress got a new keyboard panel – which I really don’t like and makes shit ever more complicated! You know why they change this shit, huh!? It’s because their Bored of Directors demand “innovative” changes like every fucking week so that so that they can continue contributing money to said project/site. Yootube, fuck boi book does this! Make a long story short, I’m still doing me – walking around topless, pissing off the residents of satanic, saturnian war-shipping Malibu, same place where they murdered Mitrice Richardson, in part as a

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The Roads We Could Take: De La Salle or Xavier Prep

Looking back on it the choice between those two schools was LIT like the difference between taking the red pill or the blue pill: Xavier Prep was the red pill and, as my mom would say, I chose the hard road, the road with glass (shards), nails and whatever other difficulty you can think of! That said, unlike most folks who are left to wonder how things coulda turned out had they taken this or that path, I am gifted with the ability to see how an alternate path woulda played out. I get visions. Had I gone to De

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Successful Entity Extraction and Coming Back From The 5th Dimension

Before I begin going into what it is that I wanna talk about…. I wanted to mention that last Thursday night I spotted this strange juxtaposition of this ufo orb “star” next to the moon…. ?+⭐=? – Also peep how unusually wide my eyes look…. almost alien, like “future human” in appearance…. I HATE the new format of wordpress. The older version was mad easier…. Anyways, before I get into the heart ❀ of things…. I overheard some wetbucks last night talking shit about me, saying “Leave” and at one point I overheard him telling another chick to chuck a

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Gus In A Bus Is A CONFIRMED SEXUAL PREDATOR Photographer According To MALE Fans

Looka this ole busted goat looking methhead azz mofo here: – Here this weirdo getting out his rape magick busβ„’ – Bitch looking like father crackhead tyme ⌚? Issa that tyme! Anyways, before I being spilling tea on and talking negative on this ole raggedy ass, lying, manipulative using ass ole methhead pedographer aka “photographer” = creepy mofo who just uses his cellphone to take pics, lemme show you some REAL pics I took with sum REAL menz: – Art! * Dass me hopping on ah dyck! ?????? My brother could use this and put it on the back of

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