The Hypocrisy of Hypochristians Who Practice So Called Pagan Rituals And Sin As Well In Their Religion

The Hypocrisy of Hypochristians Who Practice So Called Pagan Rituals And Sin As Well In Their Religion

I was prompted to write this article cause of some real judgemental shit I saw being hurled at a young woman who wore makeup in an unusual manner, and they were calling her demon and shit….. Crazy thing is “Jesus” or shall I say HEY-Zeus (there is no “j” in the Hebrew language) is a mythos that was concocted at the council of nicea under the direction of Eastern Roman Emperor, Constantinople, who altered the original, real christianity (there were actually 4 sects of Christianity before the Romans fucked with it, including gnosticism which I fuck with) in which their

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Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

It was hard to get thru this video without crying….. All the feelings, emotions of powerlessness – it’s how many rape victims feel – is torturous and I’ve been tortured with these feelings for weeks cause of inertia, inaction here….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation There’s more to the story and I had to do deep meditation, obsessing to get there: YOU KNOW WHAT – I KEPT MULLING OVER THE MEMORY OF WHAT HAPPENED A COUPLA WEEKS AGO WHEN

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Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation

Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation

Remember this….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Welp….. LOL: Public works messy….. Can they do this tho. (this was later as I did my tarot reading)….. Funny, cause there was this burgundy reddish suv that kept parking – I’m guessing his gangstalker “manager” he gotta report to I sense – and they didn’t help him but they called this honkey….. Here is his license plate CA license plate number is 5XMZ959….. This wide boi πŸ‘‰πŸ»β¬œ KNEW to get THE. FUCK outta town when he saw me

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My Cat Friend Snug Knight Protects Me From A Giant Sacrificial Head

My Cat Friend Snug Knight Protects Me From A Giant Sacrificial Head

It’s not her name….. not what she told me spiritually but it is my nickname for her. Unless a cat wants to be claimed as a pet I don’t believe in owning them. They gotta give you permission….. I noticed her taking on that guard pose and saw thru my third eye a giant sacrificial head approaching….. The Sacrificial Head Entity: How They Work and Why They Are THE HARDEST INTERNAL Entity Attachment To Get Rid Of The reason I realEYES cats are associated with witches is cause they can see into the spirit world like us and act as

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Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

…..No organic portals 🀚🏻 I don’t fuck with white males who are organic portals and you know WHAT the fuck you are….. Organic Portals – Soulless Humans Like this nigger here….. I’m about to lose it my damn self! That said, how dare this nigger who said I was ugly and old when I confronted him about something else as well as the gangstalking not even more than a week ago….. LOSE IT when I say that my core attraction is white men….. It is how I was born…… YOU KNOW WHAT – I KEPT MULLING OVER THE MEMORY OF

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White Supremacist Employee For Hampton Tedder Yells Racial Slur Then Gets Me Hit With A Felony

White Supremacist Employee For Hampton Tedder Yells Racial Slur Then Gets Me Hit With A Felony

It took me awhile to do an article on this cause of the injustice….. This how the ugly “Hills Have Eyes” fucker looks…… Here the company he work for….. To give you a brief synopsis of what happened….. I was chilling in my van, in really GOOD spirits, having bought new and far superior lights from Party City for my van when I parked, got on my bucket I call a toilet, and, while taking a shit I see this inbred motherfucker pass by reeeal slow past my van. I then see IT park further up. All of a sudden…..

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Misogynist Russian Gangstalker REVEALS He Came Around Deliberately To Fuck With Me

Misogynist Russian Gangstalker REVEALS He Came Around Deliberately To Fuck With Me

Listen to him say, “put on some clothes” and the debasing way he tells his girlfriend to shut up….. This a misogynistic mofo WHO AIN’T EVEN FROM MY COUNTRY who needed to be dealt with 🀜🏻πŸͺ¨ His license plate number is CA license plate number 7PLS284 πŸ‘πŸ» Like that city attorney said to me – like I been known – these mofos deliberately come around to fuck with me to run me out but it don’t work. Fuckers like this asshole – I don’t like this guy….. His license plate number is CA license plate number 5ELT826. Motherfucker got bandaids

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Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

This a response to a foolish comment made by this young lady in this video here where she GRAVELY MISTAKENLY says that race does not play a part in magic….. ….Tell what you said to the white girl who died “mysteriously” after trying to use the SAME voodoo loas who freed my ancestors from the very same people whose linneage she is of….. White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover FOH with that kitchen witch shit….. There is a science to this shit. You can’t come at this with a kitchen

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