The Reinas Got Into A Fatal Car Crash Now They Are Trying To Switch Souls

The Reinas Got Into A Fatal Car Crash Now They Are Trying To Switch Souls

I just learned that the Reinas got into a fatal car crash πŸ‘πŸ½πŸš—πŸ”₯πŸš— That said I just learned through my third eye and from the spirits around me that she, Barbara Reina is trying to switch Soul consciousness with my mom and her husband, David Reina, with my dad! Here is how they started doing it….. A coupla weeks ago they killed my parents in the astral plane after cursing them as part of their evil plan to come after me. Their curse caused them to astral project every single night and – if you have ever had one of

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Thank You πŸ™‡πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ The Reinas Got FUCKED UP

Thank You πŸ™‡πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ The Reinas Got FUCKED UP

Turns out the nasty crown chakra he had on my head was designed to keep him, David Reina, connected to my lifeforce so he won’t lie. There is still one around my consciousness. They have done this to my family! Early this morning, I saw that my mother’s Soul is practically in Barbara’s body while her Soul is in Barbara’s Body. My mom’s consciousness is still there in Barbara’s body but a significabt portion keeps getting pulled out so, if Barbara’s physical body dies, my mama dies….. That said, I can hear their equally racist, white supremacist astral parasites, entity

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What Barbara Reina And David Reina Are Doing To Me Is Just Like In That Film β€œGet Out”

What Barbara Reina And David Reina Are Doing To Me Is Just Like In That Film “Get Out”

While making the video that white bitch Barbara did something to my spiritual larnyx to make it more “white” and thus acceptable to her. She also put an entity attachment on my crown chakra designed to steal my black consciousness. When I just took it off, I realize in part that not only is it designed to change my consciousness, but take a piece of it – a significant piece – when I remove it. This white bitch Barbara Reina is extremely jealous of my blackness and my identity – and wants it! She and that wetback David Reina (I

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Hit David Reina And Barbara Reina With Drug And Alcohol Urges For Stealing My Ancestors

Hit David Reina And Barbara Reina With Drug And Alcohol Urges For Stealing My Ancestors

…..As they have been doing to me….. It’s why I was having alcohol urges cause it was their way of controlling me and keeping me from coming into my power. That said in an effort to steal my power they been trying to steal my ancestors by stealing and altering my astral DNA to force them into working with them and against me! They also been stealing their Soul pieces to pretend to be them – and my family as well as myself. WATCH for the energy signature! Also, ask to see in the astral their physical selves so you

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Astral Parasites Eating Away At My Consciousness And My Soul

Astral Parasites Eating Away At My Consciousness And My Soul

Watch it cause they got blocks in the astral realm to keep you all from seeing where I’m at! I really need help! I can feel Barbara creating scissors to tear at my consciousness. I am also being told by said astral parasites that Baron Samedi “the roach attachment” will take over my consciousness and that they will make it so I get roped off from my consciousness for him. As explained here: Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You

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David Reina Just Roped Me From Out My Consciousness And Pineal Gland

David Reina Just Roped Me From Out My Consciousness And Pineal Gland

They’ve been using complicated entity attachments to do this. I can feel my pineal gland on fire as I type. The plot is is to cut me off from my spiritual ability and intuition so I can’t fight them off from what they really plan to do which is switch Souls (I think they did it last night) between me and Barbara so I can take on her karmic debt and go to hell.

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Gooru Using Roach Crown Chakra Entity Attachments To Steal My Consciousness

Gooru Using Roach Crown Chakra Entity Attachments To Steal My Consciousness

Gooru aka David Reina placed entity attachments near my pineal gland so that I would hallucinate seeing giant roaches. Just now he placed a giant crown chakra entity attachment designed to allow him to steal my whole consciousness. He also placed one earlier designed to block people from coming to me in the astral to see what’s going on. He and Barbara do this every night to try to steal my Soul! He is doing this so I keep drinking and feed him. He placed alcohol entity attachments in me to keep me from coming into my spiritual powers. He

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Barbara Reina Is Really Trying To Steal My Soul And Placed A Veil Around Me To Keep People In The Astral Plane From Helping Me

Barbara Reina Is Really Trying To Steal My Soul And Placed A Veil Around Me To Keep People In The Astral Plane From Helping Me

She’s fucked with my astral dna, putting her bloodline into mines so she can be able to mess with me and try and fuck me up! Just now Gooru 17 snatched my astral dna off my crown chakra and is now eating my ancestors who are in it. He is viciously attacking me too! She just placed a roach entity attachment designed to merge with – and eat away over time – and make me feel that I am eating roaches every time I eat food. Right now Barbara done placed a veil around me so that no one in

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Roach Entity Attachments Eating My Consciousness

Roach Entity Attachments Eating My Consciousness

…..And now they’re snatching my consciousness up! I’m not feeling like myself! I just felt my consciousness get sucked out of me, my Soul don’t feel the same. I am facing the prospect of eviction cause I have no money. I really need help, especially spiritual help! It’s cause of these mofos here, Barbara Reina and David Reina: Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract The main entity attachment causing this is Baron Samedi the roach

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Turns Out Barbara Reina Was The Used Instrument of A Demon Seed To Create A White Witch Coven Brothel

Turns Out Barbara Reina Was The Used Instrument of A Demon Seed To Create A White Witch Coven Brothel

Shit ran deep. He was the skeletal entity trying to suppress my powers here: Skeletal Entity Trying To Stop My Spiritual Growth By Kicking Me Back Into Body I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Fighting Off Archon Possession Don’t Be Fooled By Evil Entities….. I heard he likes to intercept and block strong black women’s powers before they come into it. He was responsible for taking my money for years and snatching it to the reptilians so he could force me into prostitution – how his demon

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