Did You Know It Was Once Illegal For Men To Go Topless

Did You Know It Was Once Illegal For Men To Go Topless

When I drive thru L.A., I have seen countless men who shouldn’t be topless – topless, including a few with double D’s, breasts FAR LARGER THAN HOW MUCH I WEIGH but did you know it was once ILLEGAL for a man to bear his NIPPLES just as it was illegal for us right now: After men won the right to be topless… It devolved into this… Think about it… Here’s a blog talking about it… http://www.stuffmomnevertoldyou.com/blogs/how-american-men-won-the-right-to-go-topless.htm Here is a timeline SHOWING IT (and how white people’s screwed up morals got placed on our bodies): http://gotopless.org/timeline You all won that right

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Drug Addict Poops A Squat Behind 99 Cents Store

Drug Addict Poops A Squat Behind 99 Cents Store

Filmed this just today: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29560″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This poor young man right afterwards – from what I can tell AFTER getting hasseled by some asshole – walked up to my car after I asked him if he were alright. I sensed – obviously – the poor thang was on drugs. I wanna say FOR THE RECORD how it is a shame how addiction can fucking KILL SOMEONE and blow their opportunities and that’s why IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO GET SPIRITUALLY CLEANSED when dealing with shit like this. I sense in his case it’s because

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Are Aliens The Cause Behind The Solar Eclipse of 2017

Are Aliens The Cause Behind The Solar Eclipse of 2017

According to Google, yes: Many youtubers suspected that this artifical “solar eclipse” WAS CAUSED BY ALIENS AS THIS VIDEO HERE TALKS ABOUT: And as this videos SHOW HERE: 6 months ago, back in Feb. 2017 – interestingly – a MOTHERSHIP ufo attempted to beam light into the sun’s corona to do God knows what: Here are vids talking about how UFO’s appeared around the time of the Solar Eclipse (watch the other videos following this that speak of alien attacks to get a gravity of the situation): This video here directly states THEY CAUSE EM: This one exposes (via way

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Solar Eclipse 2017 And The Big Consciousness Shift

Solar Eclipse 2017 And The Big Consciousness Shift

I think THIS is what they talk about when they talk about the “rapture” which really = heightened level of consciousness, consciousness shift! I SWEAR while meditating (hell, throughout the entire duration of the three days, starting from when I had my 2ND PERIOD THIS MONTH after having a dream about “Beelzebub” using a gynecological specculum to open my vagina up and then a day later “inexplicably” having my 2nd period which only increased my psychic abilities – and had me seeing shit – in combined conjunction with the Solar Eclipse of 2017) my fucking consciousness increased ten fold, which

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Is America Developing A Cult of Death Worship

Is America Developing A Cult of Death Worship

I saw these at a 99 cents store recently:                                                       Here’s illuminati owl and bird (crow/Raven) imagery:                             Basically, in effect – if you live in L.A. and ever visited botanicas, you would know what they are! They are basically the Mexican equivalent of Afrikan voodoo’s (or voudon) Baron Samedi or Baron Saturday: It’s no surprise (and I’m glad it’s going

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Spirits and Shadow People Caught On Camera

Spirits and Shadow People Caught On Camera

This is just SOOO obvious, I could not contain it: Here is the original pic: Here is another one taken a few minutes before where you can see something “forming”: Here is another one taken of a shadow entity. “Something” even told me to shoot in that direction (I had a cute biracial kid tell me he saw plenty of these as I had seen the other night which you can see for yourself: https://toplessinla.org/2017/08/15/best-evidence-of-shadow-people-or-lost-souls-ever-captured-on-tape/): This shit’s real!

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LAPD Is Bugging My Phone

LAPD Is Bugging My Phone

I CAN’T PROVE IT… but I KNOW IT’S HAPPENING and here is why: As you can see up above in the article written about Michael Jace, the actor who killed reportedly his wife, they literally have a whole section of the LAPD that hacks phones… That said, NO MATTER WHAT I DO TO REMOVE BAGGED UP STORAGE – INCLUDING 20 FUCKING BIG VIDEOS – THE AMOUNT OF STORAGE SPACW I HAVE FREED UP STAYS THE SAME! Also, the phone gets weirdly hot even when I’m not using it which is another sign of tapping which you can read about here:

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Cute Crazy Eyed Cop Shows Up For BS Call

Cute Crazy Eyed Cop Shows Up For BS Call

LOOK AT THIS NUGGA’S EYES…   Niggaz got crazy eyes, serial killer eyez…   After straightening that bitch out… I guess that entitled self absorbed BITCH WHO I TALK ABOUT HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2017/08/19/meth-out-looking-uk-bitch-gets-straightened-out-for-being-an-uppity-ugly-bully/ decided to call the police as predicted… He was a very nice man and I recall him from my days of copwatching in which he was very empathetic towards a homeless woman who he understood squated cause according to his own words… “She had no place to go!” Very nice man. Here’s the video: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29552″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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