Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

Los Angeles Sheriffs STRAIGHT Harassing Me For Searching For Incriminating Documents Regarding Deputy Konrad Thieme

This some straight BS right here – I am at a LOSS for words… Basically, as you can hear in the tapes, these bastards FOLLOWED ME AROUND the courthouse ALLL yesterday after I left to get a hotdog (I realized I didn’t have enough money so I went back in to use the ATM) after waiting for about an hour I recall to acquire some documents from the City Attorney’s office on the 10th fl at the Van Nuys courthouse… Note here, my Ankh was standing up, letting me know the ancestors (Ra) was around… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29691″

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Another Dream To Become The Antichrist

Another Dream To Become The Antichrist

Not the first time I’ve had this happen: https://toplessinla.org/2017/07/01/satan-trying-to-recruit-me-to-be-the-antichrist-you-all/ Here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/22/the-illuminati-trying-to-recruit-me-to-be-the-antichrist/ And here… https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/17/the-antichrist-will-be-a-woman-as-revealed-to-me-in-a-dream/ I’ve actually HAD THREE (three is significant in numerology) of these dreams which you can read AND see above: https://www.angeltherapy.com/blog/true-meaning-33-and-333 Here is the video… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29687″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is evidence Adolf Hitler was once homeless, too: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/homeless.htm …AND a starving artist http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-news/7511134/Hitler-sketches-that-failed-to-secure-his-place-at-art-academy-to-be-auctioned.html I won’t say too much but I remember them saying that the Pope – who I saw – has an underground bunker made of a substance that started with “B” and something I EXACTLY remember named, “Cauverite!” Note the

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White People STILL See Us As Their Property

White People STILL See Us As Their Property

Went thru some shyte the other day… Let me touch them WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION AND WATCH THEM DEVILS GET UP IN ARMS!!! I’m saying this cause – yesterday – a white BITCH was about to put her hands on my flourite (Who know where her dog paws been) and WHEN I BLOCKED HER, THE OTHER CRAKKKAS GOT AN ATTITUDE LIKE: “HOW DARE THIS NEGROE PRACTICES BODILY AUTONOMY!” – These mofos STILL THINK THIS IS SLAVERY AND THAT WE ARE THEIR SLAVES = WE ARE THEIR PROPERTY TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT and it’s up to US to straighten them out…

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I’m Catching A Charge If A White Boy Approaches Me For Date

I’m Catching A Charge If A White Boy Approaches Me For Date

They really trying to promote this fuckery and start off YOUNG! They even using FHEGGEIT TRANNIES to promote this: NOTE the deception: They make IT look like a black woman… YET IT’S REALLY A FUCKING TRANNY: MORE FUCKERY! This shit makes me sick! Anywaysz… Seeing this pissed me off, here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29675″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Personally, I’d catch a case if a white boy were to approach me and call himself wanting to go out with me (I’d take him out alright – on a murder charge!)! That said, I notice that white “men” – I REFUSE

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Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

Youtube Using Fake Psyop False Flag Advertiser Boycott To Get Rid of Truther Channels

To Taurean Reign, Titus Frost and others… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29671″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!!!! Take the “advertiser-boycott’s” ADVICE AND GET THE FUCK OFF OF YOUTUBE WHILE YOU CAN! They do NOT want you and find effective ways via which to host your site (Ya’ll got millions of followers – you can DO IT!) by posting up advertisements, patreons, etc. That said, the advertising boycott of truther channels did not come from out of nowhere – they are delibetately removing advertisers from the big channels (while just overtly removing the smaller channels – like

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Demonic Azz People REALLY Gunning For My Website

Demonic Azz People REALLY Gunning For My Website

I talk about it here… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29667″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Anyways, you can check these comments left by “Karen J. Dudley” who claims to be a “black hat expert” in which she underhandedly BOAST about fucking with my site, causing it to go down, then launches contumlies (insults) at me when I call her out (mostly, her snarky, sarcastic ass comment putting down my belief in the Spirit World gave it away…): Here a larger version of the comment: Bitch sound WHITE WASHED!!!! Like one of them “white talking” ass sell out, wannabe white NIGGAZ!!!! …And look

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A Vision of Being Raped by Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies

A Vision of Being Raped by Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies

Thank goodness I got the Spirit World and psychic powers in my corner to let me know what others got planned before it happens: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29663″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I can see things by having visions of things ahead of time BEFORE things happen so I’ll know to avoid em. In the video above – I talk about one such “vision” I had in which I had been raped by three of em – it was very specific who it was (Lt. Minster, Sgt. Foss and a third one I don’t recall ever meeting in real life)

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Black Woman Sexually Assaulted by Deputy Konrad Thieme of the Lost Hills Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

Black Woman Sexually Assaulted by Deputy Konrad Thieme of the Lost Hills Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

Lost Hills sheriffs station deputy Deputy Thieme is a sexual predator of black women: Here more screenshots of Deputy “Bull Connor”: THIS NIGGA SURE ASS HELL DON’T LOOK LIKE HE A FUCKING COP IN A NICE, RITZY – MODERN – PLACE LIKE MALIBU!!! COUNTRY FED, APPLE BELLY, FAT ASS PIG (AND I MEAN THAT IN THE LITERAL SENSE!!!!) JUST DON’T FIT IN, LOL! Here some more, lol: God, this mofo fat and ugly and surely don’t belong in no fucking Malibu!!! I believe based on the tarot cards that I threw on this fat obese landwhale (I believe search and

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