I Think Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology Was Either Killed Or Imprisoned By The Illuminati

I Think Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology Was Either Killed Or Imprisoned By The Illuminati

Thanks to A.O. for making me think about this: I talked about this a couple of months ago, EVEN PREDICTED IT (despite the objections of NAYSAYERS AKA SHILLS): Hell, right after I did THIS video right here: (I realize I mention death TWICE!!!)! I got these messages from a “Michelle Lashay (sound like the last name of the dude from the late 90s boyband, “98 Degrees”, like they just PICKED that name for her cause it is an unusual last name for a black person to have – I would even say it’s made up!) whose channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCripnmfk9x5Xl-pSQMNTa9A/featured?disable_polymer=1

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Inadvertent Alchemy Leads To Turning Fermented Urine Into Blood By Mixing Sage Ashes

Inadvertent Alchemy Leads To Turning Fermented Urine Into Blood By Mixing Sage Ashes

I had to do a standalone article on this here. While using my fermented urine = ammonia to cleanse my spiritual jewelry, I placed sage ash to cleanse it more and make it sacred thereby giving rise to this: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/28/using-urine-aka-ammonia-to-clean-spiritual-jewelry/ – Note, the jewelry I soaked IN THE URINE had copper, a main ingredient in alchemy! Blood was the inadvertent result. No, from what I recall, I did not taste it or drunk it so I don’t know how it tasted but… This is straight up alchemy I guess!

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Using Urine AKA Ammonia To Clean Spiritual Jewelry

Using Urine AKA Ammonia To Clean Spiritual Jewelry

I ONLY DO THIS WITH MY OWN PERSONAL JEWELRY WHICH I WEAR!!! That said, ammonia comes from urine: why not use your own preferably FERMENTED (that is how urine turns into ammonia) urine? I show you what to do, here: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29900″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And here: AND how it ALLLL turned out! I also did a lil bit of alchemy and combined the urine WITH sage, and here is what happened: …It came out looking (but not tasting) like blood, unfortunately!!! Amun: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun

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Are the Los Angeles Sheriffs Drinking While Driving The Bus

Are the Los Angeles Sheriffs Drinking While Driving The Bus

Okay, it’s been awhile since I rode on these… …Ole dirty, funky, NASTY ASS BUS! MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, I witnessed the bus driver of said bus exit and go into what appears to be a liquor store tho. to stay open they serve other items. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29894″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, in the past I overheard a discussion take place where a drunk ass sheriff over at the Twin Towers asked a female dep., “If she wanted some beer.” These mofos are crazy!! Anyways, I didn’t get enough time to go in and investigate

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Purse Belonging To Possible Kidnapped Person Found on Roadside of PCH In Malibu

Purse Belonging To Possible Kidnapped Person Found on Roadside of PCH In Malibu

First thing that came to my mind that such a beautiful purse (not that I’m big into fashion and shit) HAD TO HAVE BELONGED TO A PERSON IN DISTRESS, who got taken, snatched up and dropped her purse in the process… Bare with me, the light on my camera doesn’t work so I lightened it as much as possible so you could see what I saw… I saw a nice looking, “fashionable” handbag with a bunch of conventional contents you’d find in a purse strewn about (that’s how based on that I intuituvely felt that it couldn’t of belonged to

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Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Nosey Bitches Calls The Cops To Fuck With Me LAPD DISSES THEIR ASSES

Let me get this DUMB SHIT out the way cause I got more IMPORTANT spiritual shit to expose. Anyways, what was it? Friday night, people at this house here: Were talking shit while I was talking with an acquainteance over the phone. That said, as soon as I came over and CONFRONTED the two sister LORD ASSES, they became quiet as church mouses and ran back inside, asking me some stupid shit like, “Do you need help” AFTER BEING CONFRONTED! This ain’t the first time some shit like this has happened (I recall someone from atop the building at “public

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Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures

Pizzagate Part 1: Proof In The Pictures

WATCH THIS so you know #pizzagate is real:   The shit is real. Here are all the pics to prove it: These screenshots were taken DIRECT from Comet Ping Pong’s Majestic Ape video here (the people who run it – including that “Fahjay” John Alefantis guy – ALL ARE MAJESTIC APE “BANDMATES” AND I REFUSE TO CALL THEM MUSICIANS BECAUSE I FEEL THEIR “MUSIC” IS NOTHING MORE THAN ADVERTISEMENT FOR THEIR TORTURE/CHILD RAPE CLANDESTINE “ACTIVITIES”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c This is of a young man getting tortured (being a sensitive I believe it is REAL!!!): HE IS MISSING STRIPS OF FUCKING FLESH!!! Here

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Man Says There Is A Cover Up of Women Going Missing In Malibu Involving Sheriffs and Local Government

Man Says There Is A Cover Up of Women Going Missing In Malibu Involving Sheriffs and Local Government

I wanna mention before I begin that I may have found a purse belonging to a possible kidnapped woman, here: I think this shit has some occult leanings, which DEFINITELY as was the case with Mitrice Richardson: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/17/lost-hills-malibu-sheriffs-tried-to-set-up-itinerant-homeless-man-for-mitrice-richardsons-murder/ Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29882″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I feel that the missing girls – including a young Asian girl who went missing from the Glendale area here: http://ktla.com/2017/09/15/new-500k-reward-offered-in-case-of-missing-glendale-woman/ Β are being used in occult rituals out there in Malibu. ALOT of shit goes down in Malibu that most people wouldn’t be aware of… For instance, I was informed that the local sheriff’s

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Airport Courthouse Prosecutor NEVER Responded To Motions Even As Court Date Nears

Airport Courthouse Prosecutor NEVER Responded To Motions Even As Court Date Nears

You don’t have to take my word for it; you can listen right here: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29878″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] DESPITE the fact that they must respond to MY MOTION, one is a Motion to Dismiss 1385pc and the other one 1538pc Motion to Suppress, they never did it! Here are the following rules applicable for both: For a motion to suppress, the prosecutor has 2 days to respond to the defendant which you can see below: THAT SAID, I go back on 11-28-2017 FOR TRIAL and I went to the courthouse to check on the motion on

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