Van Gangstalking of Homeless And Coming Into My Divine Realization of Self

Van Gangstalking of Homeless And Coming Into My Divine Realization of Self

Man, it’s been a journey… This is what BAS-TARDS like this here: This: And this: Were trying to stop me from: Coming into Divine Knowledge of My Self! Now I’m Complete: That said, as I explain here…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31238″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Energy vampires amorously come after ne for One Reason: to drain me of my energy via sex as the Great Baba Bobby Hemmitt Explains: I also talk about Earthly, mundane world 3D shit like van gangstalking but I’m protected: …So I ain’t got shit to worry about!

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Stalker Jeff Smith Who Works For Pleasant Valley Iowa Public Schools Calls Woman A Nigger

Stalker Jeff Smith Who Works For Pleasant Valley Iowa Public Schools Calls Woman A Nigger

Here is the message he left (after unjustly getting me blocked by flagging my facebook account), effectively FUCKING WITH MY BUSINESS SINCE MY BUSINESS PAGE IS CONNECTED TO THAT ACCOUNT: He used to work for the Pleasant Valley school district in Iowa as a janitor from 2016 to 2017 as a TEMPORARY CUSTODIAN, LOL! HERE IS HIS FACEBOOK: Here some of his pics: – Fucking Bubba Sparxxx Here his emails: [email protected] That said, this shit’s gonna end! Here is how it started! I get these demon possessed, reptilian possessed people who like to project on me much like this

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Please Visit My New Facebook Page Due To White Supremacist Jeff Smith Messing With Original

Please Visit My New Facebook Page Due To White Supremacist Jeff Smith Messing With Original

That said, here is a link to my new site: This person here who goes by the names “Mark Jackson” and “Jeff Smith” (here his facebook profile): – look at this, smdh, and he teaches at the Pleasant Valley Community Schools District in Iowa, which you can see here (WITH CONTACT INFO): Here is why I’m pissed: after getting me blocked after stalking me for awhile (which caused me to block his email), he then proceeds to call me a nigger after I block him from harassing me via enails (SICK!): That said, I’m gonna show the

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OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD! I GOT SOME POWERFUL SHIT AROUND ME – SOME REAL POWERFUL SHIT!!! MAN, I’m becoming POWERFUL! Let me explain… Okay, early this morning I went into a DEEP DEEP ASS MEDITATIVE STATE, ASKING TO SEE WHAT IS AROUND ME! Anyways, I WENT THROUGH A PORT where I was in this school (it was a public school it seemed like full of blacks) and I looked to the pavement and saw the gods in these “Hollywood Blvd walk of fame” squares, one of whom was Isis: Then I saw Ra: O I swear I saw

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The Occult Symbolism Behind the 1985 Ridley Scott Film Legend

The Occult Symbolism Behind the 1985 Ridley Scott Film Legend

Let me just take the time to say… – He sexy ass FUCK right there; hottest pic of him, looking fine as HELL! I’D LIVE THERE RIGHT WITH HIM! – He OOZES mad sexiness! BTW Don’t we look like we have similar eyes, like I could pass as the devil’s daughter: – Funny. It’s been reported that there are ALIENS that look like Satan. The series, “Stranger Things” revealed this: THE DEVIL WAS HOT AS A MOFO IN THERE!!! EVER SINCE I WAS A LIL GIRL – I wanted to fuck this nigga: all 8 feet and all 8 inches

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I Saw A Real UFO In Malibu On April 29 2018 NO JOKE

I Saw A Real UFO In Malibu On April 29 2018 NO JOKE

Watch Men In Black show up (I’ve seen those bitched before). Last time I got visited by aliens I saw them which you can read – AND SEE – here: They are all white. Cause they are 4D they have no discernie facial features and they move their heads – due to being hyperdimensional beings – they move their heads with the same fluctuating craziness of the demons from “Jacob’s Ladder.” That said, here is a screenshot: Here are the videos…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31231″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] YOU CAN SEE IT’S A FUCKING UFO! The lights on

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Seeing Spirit Guide And Someone’s Snuff Film Fantasy For Me

Seeing Spirit Guide And Someone’s Snuff Film Fantasy For Me

This spooked the shit out of me. Seriously! I saw someone’s snuff film fantasy for me. I don’t know if it was alien/spirit manipulated (Fuck spirits! I KNOW aliens play a BIG role in my giving all the abductions, visitations I’ve experienced – including one (I KNOW it is an energy vampire) who has wires sticking out the back of his head like these entities here from Hellraiser: It had a one eye, tried to portray itself as a cyclops as seen here: But I saw how it REALLY LOOKED, TWICE. Without the mask it looks like a black cobra

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Racist Boston Mike At Malibu Tow Calls Me Nigger Bitch and Tells Me To Get Out

Racist Boston Mike At Malibu Tow Calls Me Nigger Bitch and Tells Me To Get Out

UPDATE: NOW I’M GETTING WEIRD PHONE CALLS… Look at this: All day I’ve been having people circle my car, harass me. That said, awhile back I was a customer of theirs. After writing this, I STARTED GETTING WEIRD PHONE CALLS MEANING THEY DISSEMINATED MY PERSONAL INFO! THEY SENT THIS LIFEGUARD TO COME FUCK WITH ME CAUSE I’M PARKED ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD (SOME OF THEM ARE HOUSELESS TOO): Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”31221″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – That lifeguard a fucking druggie! I sense it! I’m seeing meth (it’s this hispanic one who was talking shit while I

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The Fresno Cops KILLED John Lang And GOT AWAY WITH IT

The Fresno Cops KILLED John Lang And GOT AWAY WITH IT

IT WAS A MULTI DEPARTMENT “OPERATION” consisting of a union between Sheriffs in Fresno county and Fresno City police! That said, THIS IS FUCKED UP! It’s fucked up that no one ever knew! It reminds me of my story HERE (this the “artist loft case”): AND HERE: That said, this a story that NO ONE except Mr. Nightmare down below: Has touched! NO ONE! NO ONE! It’s an example of how REAL SHIT INVOLVING POLICE DEPARTMENTS – shit like this which I’m about to tell ya – go unheard of! THE STORIES OF POLICE BRUTALITY YOU HEAR OF

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They Getting Desperate With These Satanic Antichrist Recruitment Attempts

They Getting Desperate With These Satanic Antichrist Recruitment Attempts

I feel that when I hit 35 – which will be next month – things will be taking a monumental push towards recruiting me for the darkside as I talked about here: here: here (You all should DEFINITELY look at this one): here: I’ve done numerous articles – fuck, I think 6 in all – that said! As I come into my power: …The more they gonna step up there shit! I’ve always known I was born for great things. I’m not normal. I’m here to do something big and I am slowly coming into knowledge

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