I figured it out. See, in my consciousness, the way it is set up is, at the top is your connection to spirit guides, higher selves and Hekate placed a giant head on top of mine designed to – as David Reina intended – keep me stuck in hell realms and ultimately, try to pull me out my body and kill me as was almost done a coupla days ago. It’s been a hellish past coupla days – and hours! Earlier tonight I finally remove Pallet Numbre from being in control of my timelines, which made it so that I

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Fighting Off Evil Roach Attachments And How To Defeat Them With Frequency

Fighting Off Evil Roach Attachments And How To Defeat Them With Frequency

The more you fight em, the more sadistic they become and roach attachments such as the ones I am dealing with – monitoring spirits Guru 5 and “Rosie the roach queen” whose visage was stolen from a previous Higher Self – are notably sadistic, especially the Rosie one. Roach spirits feel ENTITLED to feed off of you anf stay on you to do so! I have been fighting them off for awhile and it is getting to a point where they have defeated and separated me from my Higher Selves, including my Highest Self, God and even going as far

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Frequencies To Use To Stop Spirit Harassment

Frequencies To Use To Stop Spirit Harassment

If you ever find yourself the victim of spirit harassment as I, use these frequencies to combat the evil spirits attacking you: 735 hz frequency cleanses and removes bad energy. I think it’s 745 hz frequency. 945 hz frequency pallets or bricks an entity, forming a brick like structure around them that is a jar in the astral realm. 925 hz frequency can be used to see a deceiving spirit’s real form. And 7794 hz frequency can be used to destroy a spirit. The evil shit I am dealing with needs to be taken out the spirit world, permanently!

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Almost Came Dangerously Close To Having My Higher and Highest Selves Replaced By Pallet Numbre

Almost Came Dangerously Close To Having My Higher and Highest Selves Replaced By Pallet Numbre

Pallet Numbre is an evil entity attachment that was created in the mind of Michael O’ Terrence’s Higher and Higher Selves and is designed to take over folks’ consciousness and destroy their access to blessings, etc. That said out of desperation and really manipulation I came really close to making a “deal” with them that would have taken out my true Higher and Highest Selves, with another “roach attachment” involved called “Hecate” which is a giant wombat Higher Self belonging to a young woman I know. That said these things have manipulated my consciousness to where psychic instruments of defense

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How Do I Remove These Monitoring Spirits That Are All Around Me

How Do I Remove These Monitoring Spirits That Are All Around Me

How do I remove these monitoring spirits from around me? They are roach attachments that are particularly evil and very sentinent and intend to keep me stuck and trapped in hell for literally all of my life so that they can “feed”. They are the impediments to my success and are very very nasty to get rid of. Two particularly evil ones I got are two that are somehow attached to my nasal cavity who uses their consciousness to take over mine, they have removed vital parts of my consciousness that connects me to my ancestors and spirit guides designed

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The Key To Defeating The Curse of The Reinas Is To Destroy Their HIGHEST Selves

The Key To Defeating The Curse of The Reinas Is To Destroy Their HIGHEST Selves

Here is how they look in real life: Barbara Reina: David Reina: Here is how the Higher Self Michael O’ Terrence, a close friend of theirs who also energy harvests off if people, looks: – A close, approximate representation. That said, they don’t like to lose. If they can’t kill you in your sleep, to win, they will energy harvest off of you and place entity attachments on you designed to have you going from timeline to timeline where everyday you are fighting a “new” Barbara and David Reina. Defeat their highest selves to defeat them!

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How To Defeat The Curse of The Roach Realm And The Reinas: Understanding Perception And Consciousness Is Key

How To Defeat The Curse of The Roach Realm And The Reinas: Understanding Perception And Consciousness Is Key

Yesterday I was finally able to remove the two evil sadistic roach attachments that were attached to my nose chakra since forever: That said it is the strenght of consciousness. I ‘woked them out by basically making my consciousness stronger than theirs. But it is not that simple. See the curse of the roach realm and the curse of the Reinas is a curse of perception and consciousness. The key to defeating the curse is to know – and imagine – your enemy’s energy signature and remove their consciousness from their heads via imagination, visualization and/or third eye and replace

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Curse of The Roach Realm And How To Defeat It

Curse of The Roach Realm And How To Defeat It

The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia I defeated the roach realm curse. It is one of THE worst curses you can bestow on someone. Worse than a shadow people curse and worse than an intranquil spirit curse. It is one of THE WORST curses you can bestow on someone. It consists of roaches both giant and small feasting on human beings. People being turned into roach attachments. People being surrounded by giant roaches, eating on you. Folks tied down to vats where roaches eat you just as som evil entity attachments belonging to another

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