Revelation In The Astral Plane About The Death of A John Goodard or Goodard By The Reinas

Revelation In The Astral Plane About The Death of A Jeff Woodard By The Reinas

That said, last night and early this morning, I got a sick revelation about the horrific – and I am being very nice here when I say that – rape and murder of a neighbor who lived some houses down – in a big mansion – not that far from the Occalas. That said four years ago from what I understand a young boy went missing in the area. That would make it 2020. That said the boy – from what I heard in the spirit world – was approximately 9 years old when he died. That said I saw

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Harassed By Real Evil Spirits For The Past Couple of Days

Harassed By Real Evil Spirits For The Past Couple of Days

Ever since releasing these articles, I have been getting harassed BAD by their sick ass evil ass entity attachments: The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed Astral Vision Shows That Veronica Edwards aka Barbara Reina With The Two White Boys Rapes And Murders Young Black Girl To Destroy The David and Barbara Reina Curse Destroy The “E” and “Z” On Mars That They Made A Deal With In The Astral Plane About Michael O’ Terrence The Malibu Shaman And His Connection To Human Sacrifice And Celebrities I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed

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To Defeat The Occala aka Paul and Veronica Edwards Curse Destroy Their Hell Realms On Mars

To Defeat The Occala aka Paul and Veronica Edwards Curse Destroy Their Hell Realms On Mars

A coupla days after releasing this article them bastards did sonething to intertwine their roach attachments and subconscious I believe with mine to create a hellish existence for my spirit guides and Higher Selves and spirit team: Just unplug em! Everything in the spirit world is connected to an extension chord so just unplug em πŸ‘πŸ» That said they have already attempted to kill off one of my spirit guides by turning her almost wholly into a “roach attachments” using red Victorian era dressed “Edgar suit” roaches wearing human skin that are connected to a pink “pallet numbre” that may

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The Occalas And The Network of Psychic Black Magicians They Work With: Barbara and Joel Hipps and More

The Occalas And The Network of Psychic Black Magicians They Work With: Barbara and Joel Hipps and More

That’s Joel and Barbara Hipps. Ironically she shares the same name as this “Barbara” here who – along with women dressed like this – are dispatched by The Occalas along with the Hipps I believe to do sacrifices of folks in the astral plane. They are also protecting the girl codenamed “Rosie” aka Ashley Hampstead – the girl who stole my body on August the 22, 2022 and my blessings and spiritual gifts – in the astral plane as well as in the physical from what I understand: – She look like her. They are giant roaches occupying human bodies

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I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed Me: Peter Frank Occala and IIona Occala

I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed Me: Peter Frank Occala and IIona Occala

This is how they look. This isn’t him but he looks similar with a Mr Peanut head: This could be IIona Occala: It took ALOT of deep meditation and contemplation (apparently these mofos got a TEAM of spirit entities and evil higher selves and entity attachments and entities working for em) to try to get this information. The name of Barbara Reina aka Veronica Edwards is IIona (neΓ¨ Sodenberg or Steinberg) Occala and the name of “David Reina” aka “Paul Edwards” is Peter Frank (or “Hank” as I heard in jail one time – I heard “Barbara” say “hush” when

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Astral Vision Shows That Veronica Edwards aka Barbara Reina With The Two White Boys Rapes And Murders Young Black Girl

Astral Vision Shows That Veronica Edwards aka Barbara Reina With The Two White Boys Rapes And Murders Young Black Girl

I got word in the spirit world the girl’s name is Alyssa Atunde. I had a hard time uploading this which I don’t really have with other videos…. I saw this not too long ago. It starts off with me seeing a white tiled kitchen, light blue tile on the walls and some wood panneling and I see cholorox bleach, ammonia and blood stains and two knives. This was not a flight of fancy or a mere dream. That said, I then see Veronica Edwards in a car with two young white boys. They were driving and I saw them

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You Gotta Kill Paul and Veronica Edwards In Their Sleep To End The Curse

You Gotta Kill Paul and Veronica Edwards In Their Sleep To End The Curse

That is how Paul Edwards and Michael O’ Terrence, the native american Malibu shaman looks, but the middle one I think is who Veronica Edwards is. I ain’t gonna lie. I have had a violent whooping cough ater revealing these series of articles, meaning I am getting closer to finding their true identity. To Destroy The David and Barbara Reina Curse Destroy The “E” and “Z” On Mars That They Made A Deal With In The Astral Plane The Roaches That Paul and Veronica Edwards Use To Attack People Are Former Victims The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica

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The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed

The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed

I think that Arianne and Hank (I heard the name “Hank” while in jail) Thompson or Thornton may be their name based on what I have seen and heard in the spirit world: That said I saw how another one who is involved – whose name is either Michael O’ Terrence or Brian Gleeson – look: Lou Diamond Phillips: Wes Studi: He has the facial structure of Lou Diamond Phillips and the face of the actor, Wes Studi! That said after I made this video here – and after I almost escaped the curse this weekend – these evil ass

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The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed

The Possible Identity of Veronica Edwards The Bitch Who Cursed Me

I think this the bitch: Sure looks like her. I recall seeing her years ago. She also has presented herself as a nurse in the astral plane – in dreams included as well -just as this broad who is donning a nurse outfit. That said I saw a young boy who looks like a mix between Nick Carter and MGK, more like Shawn Mullins, who also cursed me – Paul Edwards apprently runs a coven and a blog on the dark web where he types his dark exploits that he does on others on. < Here is how he quite

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The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

It is in the back of their heads on the left hand side. This is a very intricate curse that involves destroying hell realms, removing them from your subconscious – and concious mind. Don’t get me started on how HARD it is to remove those roach attachments. I have removed them before – about 7 times – and they keep COMING BACK, RELENTLESSLY! That said, in the astral plane, in the back of their head is an extension chord connecting them to their subconscious. Remove it! Cut it, remove it. As of now, it is the only simple way I

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