When People Project On Me It Is An Issue With Them Not With Me

When People Project On Me It Is An Issue With Them Not With Me

I was gonna ‘woke him…. Tina By Tarot TOLD Me That People Get Sent My Way So I Can Sacrifice Them But something told me to hold on to my spiritual guns with him…. ?? This statement here speaks volumes…. That comment I will say pisses cause all throughout my life I have the co dependent, the needy get pissed off at ME cause I am living my life in a box to buttress theirs, esp. when they are not paying me…. I wanna say before you watch this, I understand where you coming from with white folk (even though

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Old Lying White Bitch Judy Truly Tries To Get Me To Fuck With The Sheriffs By Lying On Them

Old Lying White Bitch Judy Truly Tries To Get Me To Fuck With The Sheriffs By Lying On Them

I SENSED THIS WHITE BITCH THE ONE COVERING UP SHIT ON MITRICE! Like I said to the other dude I SEE BETWEEN THE LINES so nothing gets past me…. I sensed THIS bitch if anything was covering shit up…. when I worked on that case years ago TWO SEERS SAW MITRICE BEING TORTURED IN THE BEDROOM OF A PRO TEM JUDGE so sit your bedridden Golden Girls looking ass down! I talked about that hear….. What Happened to Mitrice Richardson Your ass – like so many mofos in Malibu, WANT ME GONE so you talk shit about the sheriffs so

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Here Is Why Asians Are Better Than Wetbacks Tho They Come From A Reptilian Bloodline

Here Is Why Asians Are Better Than Wetbacks Tho They Come From A Reptilian Bloodline

I LOVE when people prove their own stereotypes…. This thing is saying that cause this demon seed right here…. has a right to stalk me cause he “works hard” while throwing in racist shit about blacks and whites (I told you all that logic ain’t them thing’s strong points cause of their inherent lack of intelligence combined with inherent reptilian tendencies). Look further at the statement: he states that wetback child things run from their parents in messy-co due to widespread sex child enslavement and trafficking. It proves my point that they are inherent sexual predators. You can look on

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Nasty Meth Couple Brings Me Brown Paper Bag of Goddess Knows What To Me

Nasty Meth Couple Brings Me Brown Paper Bag of Goddess Knows What To Me

You can look at her here and see her spirit ain’t right: That is the look of a drug addict, someone with all sorts of demons and entity attachments on her. I wasn’t gonna accept shit from her (or anyone else really) cause I am sick of being treated unfairly and having folks think that they got a right to snatch at my strenght, my intelligence to build themselves up by knocking me down! I’m not having it anymore and so my defenses, my walls, my moat full of alligators, is going UP! Don’t bother me, leave me the fuck

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Why I Would Rather Deal With A Perverted Old White Man Over A Wetback

Why I Would Rather Deal With A Perverted Old White Man Over A Wetback

Here the old white man (he actually alright but his energy is one of sexually predatoriness but unlike the wetback, there is a semblance of humanity behind it ie white privilege is borne out of the desire to prevent white genetic annhilation as explained by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing: – To the wetback in the new white model car (that I am quite certain you stole since you can’t afford it….) Imma get you.   Read this as a primer: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians With that said, I make my content so that humans

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Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People

Shadow Man Hat Man And Yellow Eyed Entity Spotted IN My Car Plus Gangstalking By Other Homeless People

Watch the video (SHIT I JUST GOT STRONG TINNITUS IN MY LEFT EAR – a bad sign – AFTER WRITING THAT JUST NOW):   Here are some screenshots I took…. When you watch the video you will see some eerie yellow eyes blinking…. This happened not too long after I got gangstalked, initially by a white van (with a homeless couple living inside here)….   And that weird perverted mofo I have talked about here (I believe it was him)….   Sexual Predator Still Stalks Me Even Though I Whipped His Ass Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly

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Tina By Tarot TOLD Me That People Get Sent My Way So I Can Sacrifice Them

Tina By Tarot TOLD Me That People Get Sent My Way So I Can Sacrifice Them

– Imma say something about this dude right now: I saw in the spirit realm that he deliberately went on a date with a white woman to rape her so she sent him my way….. The cards say it….. Now I’m about to deal with him.   His soul will be the property of the entities I work (‘woke) with! I warn you lil people all the time not to fuck with me. You step to me, you will be in for some really scalding hot water in the form of a very terrible, terrible afterlife fate! Here are some

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A Name Reveals ALOT About A Person

A Name Reveals ALOT About A Person

Looka the name…. Looka what he is saying…. Lemmings are stupid creatures who follow the hive! They fall off a cliff when the others do the same…. They are a well known euphemism not to follow the crowd when what you know they are doing is wrong…. Here his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv4gzQ3p9F6KrRDdKyUPXsg This was a spiritual message not to follow this LEMMING and what he got to say! I forgor to mention to that, while I asked to throw cards on WHY the reptilians are harassing me, A WETBACK knocking on doors interrupted him and the WHOLE apartment complex he

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I Don’t Play….. And More On The Brown Invasion

I Don’t Play….. And More On The Brown Invasion

The face says it all…. – THAT is the epitomie of the nasty face, the perverted nature of the wetback! Woe, I say no lies…. I don’t play! The more I learn to protect myself, know my worth – I SEE AND ACKNOWLEDGE the difference in how these wetbacks would treat me as a black woman vs a white woman and I ain’t putting up with shit (I did before I started my healing period) anymore…. This wetback, I recall, when he helped me with my EGR (shoulda got the license plate) groped me. I felt that that was “okay”

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Why The Hell Trifling People Think They Can Give Homeless People Their Scraps Like We Are Fucking Dogs

Why The Hell Trifling People Think They Can Give Homeless People Their Scraps Like We Are Fucking Dogs

….Looka this shit that I done cooked for myself: Look, I even got NEW healthy drinks to go with it…. That said, WHY give me your fucking trifling ass leftovers as if I am not even human? These are the assholes who did it: Here their instagram (driving a BRAND NEW suv but you gonna pull this shit): https://instagram.com/kylemcqueen.mvp?igshid=miahxeey11ve Like what they do with blacks – prob on there to steal shit. Looking at that second photo he probably a wetback! I peeped THAT WETBACK laughing as he drove away…. People got some FUCKED UP ass ways of seeing the

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