Reptilian Attempts To Pull Me Back In With Bullshit Silver Key For Good Luck

Reptilian Attempts To Pull Me Back In With Bullshit Silver Key For Good Luck

The knight of pentacles aka the reptilian card pops up which is how I know it’s them:

These mofos are ALWAYS trying to pull me back in but I am too clever for that….


This is interesting cause I found it after the EVPs I did last night:

My EVP Sessions And PROOF Of How The Spiritual Can Affect The Physical Plane

When the shaman rescued my brother from the underworld she said he gave me some keys for good luck….

Just like with the rendering of a herd of demons to be under me….

Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

I refuse it cause it will create a contract that will render me indebted to them….

Here is the key I found by my car….

Like Yashuah Ben Pendira aka “jesus” I stick to my guns and don’t make deals with anything cause I know what it means for me and my family and esp. my brother on the otherside….

They ain’t getting my or my family’s soul.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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