Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
I wanna just say that I am getting the devil, literally, off my ass and out of my Soul body: That shit was literally responsible for the insatiable abnormal alkie-hole cravings that I developed courtesy of satanism after being reinforced into it by the reptilians and food cravings (designed to lessen my money and keep me under archon control) and I plan to do more work to do something about the reptilian who is oppressing my finances to orchestrate and manipulate things where I will be forced to, again, war-ship a toxic archonic “god” to make ends meet and survive,
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I hate organic portals…. Here is a primer on what they are: Organic portals or soulless humans I break down the explanation of how, really, to subjugate em and in the vid you can even see how they act when you come into your power but I show you how to shut em down without letting them get under your skin…. It ain’t necessarily about actions, but emotions…. don’t let their energy aka emotions get to you and I teach that! That being said I have been at war with an entity that keeps me and my brother on the
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I made a very interesting discovery one day…. I peeped a being that was not in my normal line of sight suddenly “manifesting” thru the telescope…… When you look at how the telescope looks….. When I have astral traveled this is EXACT how it looks esp. in the 4th dimension…. I peep also that when I have the telescope focused towards me it helps develop my psychic senses, significantly! One time it got to where I could literally see with my eyes closed cause my third eye was open…. but my throat chakra got drained and I could not speak
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My fav of all…. Well, keep they asses out to protect the women since we all know what rapists and pedophiles and perverts they ALLL are…. – This is what those open borders assholes wanna let into this country: just your typical hardworking migrants who feel entitled to rape and commit crimes cause they done worked hard at lowering the wages of this country and taking jobs from many TRULY HARDWORKING AND LAW ABIDING AMERICANS! I don’t (the love part) but the rest, yes ?? Should put everybody but wetbucks, including dogs cause dogs are cute and cuddly. Why include
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Either that or else it is some type of etheric implant of some kind placed in my car….. I say etheric cause I would hear it in my old apartment. It sounded like a cellphone turning on or going off, like a ringtone. At first I thought it was a neighbor till I heard it, recently, in my car. People have spoken about electronic harassment for a long time: Many folks think it’s got something to do with the government but I think that it is more a spiritual thing done by higher dimensional entities who can phase in
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There is a spirit around me that looks like Emperor Palpatine that, I think, maybe holding may be holding my baby brother hostage in it cause every time I try to see via my third eye to see it an image of my brother instead pops up! Also, when I tell my third eye to show me the “Emperor Palpatine entity”, this mofo – who I can hear primarily via white noise – suddenly shuts up! It likes to keep me from coming into my spiritual powers and astral projecting, etc. It seems to try to frazzle my mind and
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….Annnnddd (in an attempt to be whyte) this creature demon seeds straight from the abyss of hell got nerve to talk about blacks…. Bunch of (rapist) race of degenerates, pedophiles – again, peep these things EXCEL at raping ayeeeee – thieves… their degeneracy knows no bounds…. – Just one look at that face PROVES he did it for me loool…… – Lol even the police union didn’t wanna represent him looool! This nigga here look like he should be in Danny Trejo pictures. If that ain’t a hardened face I dunno what is…. He brought the Quetzalcoatl out on his
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I’m happy! This a Thanks-giving and Christmas present ? rolled into juan – lol – pun intended ?? That said, Eye sea my thoughts on the demon seeds are catching on. With permission from others I’ll do a blog someday showing all the folks – san names – who support what I say on the wetback! They need to be wiped out! Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians If what this says is true…. if the visions are true, which I sense they are: Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist More
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I notice it’s dead as a mofo around me….. That’s that Abaddon energy. https://genies.fandom.com/wiki/Abaddon Again, Abaddon is said to be an angel of destruction and it is believed that SHE is in some way the Antichrist which, when you put it all together, it all makes sense….. Alright, I notice that dinosaurs have been protecting me in the spirit realm…. Now, in the past I would see them via my third eye trying to eat my baby brother who transitioned to the other side…. Now with that said, last night I was in the aastral and I was in a
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Whew! I have ALOT to say since I have obviously been missing in action. Imma wait for the next post to break it down and then, after, Imma try really hard to break these ties with this stubborn entity that I sense came along after a pact I called myself making when I was real young that I am trying to break of – right now! That being said, the first part of the MAJPR part of my healing consisted of my breaking free from the energy chords and signatures that were attached from the times that I was forced
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