Society is shit and I expose it!
I saw through my third eye that even his own ancestors, spirits he called himself working with stood by and laughed and did nothing cause they did not like being turned into a marketing gimick….. This is a prime example of white folks stealing what they don’t know and using it for personal gain and it coming back to bite em on that ass….. – Sick misogynistic mofo. I been dealing with that – and racist – mofos all this week….. Here is a progression of when he once looked halfway decent (he was always a methhead manufacturing meth to
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Look at the color scheme….. If you can’t see he fake I don’t know what else will…. The mofo’s collar is the sigil of baphomet….. – It’s an upside down star, upside down pentagram….. If that is not an obvious sign that he is part of the Yaldabaoth-Archon-Matrix trap, I don’t know what is….. He trying to get people to join some new (c)age cult called, “Hyperianism”….. Here is some paid fake reviewer paid to buttress his bullshit….. C’mon, man! The name “Morgue” = death! …..The ghastly white visage that is reminiscient of the reptilian like Morlocks who ate the
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They’re trying to pull that bull with me but it won’t work….. The Illuminati Comes To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist Who Will Destroy Humanity Funny thing is he was big into the occult….. and had a meth addiction = feeding the spirits…… National Geographic is telling you all…… Like Kobe Bryant, now he is in hell: Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision
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When I woke up this morning, I heard this…… It’s no coincidence that I had this “dream” aka astral vision….. I heard that song from “The Devil’s Advocate” play when I awoke….. I also saw this subliminal when I saw “recommended” Youtube videos….. Note the viking advertisement in the video and how it alludes to one of my past lives as seen in that astral vision….. Astral Vision Shows That I Was A Female Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Named Irma Grese This perfectly explains why I had white supremacists – as part of some satanic astral cult – protect me
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THIS JUST IN 👍🏻 I think the dyke broad might be living here cause I saw this very vehicle zoom as she shouted some dumb shit as I was doing a tarot reading….. Alabama (wonder if them two were fucking cousins?) license plate number 9004BF5. Right after I left from there – as can be seen in the video above – I saw the Cutty Black Sow who I talked about here….. Racist Arab Seller Makes Good On Threat And Sends The Cutty Black Sow and Casper The Methhead Hoe In Sprinter Van They Stole My Way Park right next
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– He also when I looked up his comment thread saw a comment he made that Youtube wouldn’t approve, saying that “Even if what I said was true….” insinuating he knows this dude a fucking racist. Here is the comment whole thread….. Sick motherfucker even joke about beating kids on his profile….. – Who the fuck does that….. Here is his channel….. Here one of his videos…. He also got a Twitch account which you can see here: Also a Twitter: Here is why he posted his comment: White Supremacist Racist Employee Named Billy Who Works For
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Back in 2018, a young lady came to me telling me that a K pop band was stealing her look, image, essence in the astral….. POS Scrubs Trying To Use Me For My Knowledge AND Spiritual Abilities – I was going through ALOT back then and I regret how I took what other people hoisted upon me out on her…. Lady Gaga did this to her “friend” Lina Morgana who “committed suicide” aka was sacrificed in 2008, stealing her image, style, etc…. Now she having nightmares of where her friend who she sacrificed is at, getting torn apart (now she
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Back in 2016, I had an incident at an artist loft that fucked me up for a loooong time….. LAPD Are REALLY Out To Get Me: The Artist Loft Incident PROOF LAPD Won’t Solve That ASSAULT Case LAPD Central Division Caught Sleeping On The Job Making Gang Signs and More – Looka these fucking wetback demon seed of Quetzalcoatl ass “cops”…. I bet if I were to call ICE at 1-866-347-2423 half them wetback ass “cops” – if not all – would be GONE 🧹👨🏾🇲🇽 God damn illegal border hoppers….. Someone on lipstickalley even said them demon seeds do crack
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It’s a continuation of what I was talking about here….. How The Image of Jesus Is Used To Destroy Soulled People And Black People Before I begin, this fat neckbeard, who was part of some homeless gangstalking operation here (I saw the person in the car across the street orchestrating this is part of the police and his last name starts with an “E” as seen through my third eye) crawled his fat ugly neckbeard ass out the tunnels of his ma’s basement to say, “He Jesus” and wanted to fight me with an ax…… He has Colorado plates. It
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Look at what happened to me when I walked, butt ass naked, healed and most importantly of all, not drunk….. The cops just passed by lol 👋🏻👮🏻🚔 Saw this the other day and night….. Now contrast this with the times I was drunk and not standing in my power and doing the same….. The Symptoms of Reptilian Possession Respectable Politricks Nigger Bitch Calls Cops On Me For Being Naked And More Fuckery Black Ass Nigger Rapist Named Tony Punched Me For Not Accepting His Sexual Advances – This was RIGHT AFTER I got drunk….. Running Naked And Drunk In Malibu
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