Society is shit and I expose it!
? In this case I want da white boi and rejects the wetback (whose nastay ass was about to pull dat thang ?? out and start wanking wit it ?? #icubeauicuuuuu). Anyways…. I’m cooking here too: Lordt, looka dem facial expressions: LOL! PS Whoever diss cop iz iz my spirit animal, soon to be babay dadday ?????♂️ LOL, poor man! Peace! And, remember, I am THE Goddess of The ‘Woke And Da Heauxz SO I CHOOSE, BYTCH!
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LORDT HAVE MARCY I STILL CREAM OVA THIS ‘WOKE TO DISS DAY LORDT HAVE MARCY HEY-Zeus H CRAKKKA CHRIST: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump – Flawless victory. LORDT HAVE MARCY THAT ‘WOKE WAS SO BEAUTY-FULL! Lemme share withs ya’ll the magical instance where he let me kno’ that ‘woke I puts is POWER-FULL ?? I’m petty tee hee ???☠☠☠ My ‘woke done killt three people relatives (who fucked me over HORRIBLY) since then! Imma kill this Richard Wachowski mofo’s 15 year old son for talking shit about
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To the boring mofo, calling himself “singing” at this lil farmhouse here on Topanga Canyon Blvd: I heard your bitch ass mentioning me, talking about “had an abortion”, “topless”, and “take your clothes off”, and I ‘woked ya! I CAN’T STAND MEN and in particular mofos who get intimidated by and are PISSED by a strong alpha femail womyn like myself who don’t take ya’ll bullshit. I heard lil snippets of conversation where mofos were low key pissed (cause they can’t stand that I am strong) cause I stood up to my rapist! FUCK YA’LL and this is why I
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Before I begin talking on it, LET ME TALK ABOUT THE HATRED THESE MOFOS GOT FOR ME IN MALIBU THAT I SAW IN THE ASTRAL REALM EARLY THIS MORNING: I ‘woked these two bitches. That’s why their reactions towards me done changed and they are more respectful. That’s why I got a problem with people having a problem with me practising black magick and ‘wokeing people: I use black magic to keep mofos in line and I’ll ‘woke the mofos, too, who got a problem with it! That being said, early this morning, I was in the astral realm,
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THIS ESP. APPLIES TO THE WETBACKS – WHO I DO NOT LIKE, PERIOD AND LOOK FORWARD TO ‘WOKEING! Wetbucks Are Now Getting They Deserved Due For What They Have Been Doing To Blacks Ase ✊??? ????? Imma get back to exposing you reptilian demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl, soon! You can see my work, here: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump And here: The Museum of Da ‘Woke I’ve killed people and fucked up others spiritually so don’t fuck with me. There will be no learing, no projection of
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The guy up above is Bill, who started and was big in the so called “True Forced Lonliness” community which was a predecessor to the INCELS of today, smdh! Roger Elliot was one.. – Nigga look like he shoulda trying been trying to nail bois! Also, don’t Elliot Roger – who was the son of a famous producer (means they groomed him to be a mk ultra psyop patsy) look like the so called “Youtube Killer”, exactly like her…. They even got them side by side with each other when you search her! That tell’s you ALOT! There’s a reason
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With that image I felt something peak in my sacral chakra just now which is telling me is an accurate depiction of what is happening to the souls he collected in his concentration camps on the other side…. BEFORE I BEGIN I WANT YOU ALL TO SEE HOW REAL THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE I FACE IS WHEN I LET THIS STUFF OUT: Looka them pupils…. That’s those reptilian people David Icke and Credo Mutwa talks about. It’s all in the eyez….. That being said, his ass came out of NOWHERE to fuck with me (beforehand he was stalking past my
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….Lordt this shit has been a fucking ride! All this crazy shit that has been happening this week, the week before with people who have been influenced to fuck with my ass by reptilian entities, looking to keep me from coming into my power, including by organic portal satanists or shall I say ‘aintanists – here are two examples: – You can FEEL the jealousy and just complete evil – he was arguing and being a pompous condescending dickhead to others in the comment section – coming from him! Via my third eye I saw he molests his daughters and
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LOL @ that title! I was gonna start this off with regret but…. I’m actually happy I did the shit I did! ? You know, most organic portala talk of living ‘dey best life and living life to the fullest but…. do they really? Do they really live their best life by living their TRUEST? Do they really live their TRUEST life beyond the constraints of social pressure? Most of these mofos don’t even know themselves so to know what the fuck “they best life” is! That being said onto the “shit”show…. Before I begin tho what in the organic
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Smdh ??♀️ They REALLY pushing hard to lead us into martial law and this NWO agenda. Read this as a primer: The Corona Virus Fake Scare Is Designed To Lead Us Into Martial Law Then Agenda 21
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