Anyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS talking about the archons and, esp. their creator, the demiurge – here is the archive for all that talk ?
**Word of advice: if you are an empath and got people attacking you, develop an innerstanding in which you “Don’t take shit personal.” ??** Another profound tip: if you can not integrate a “soul piece” then it is an entity attachment and not a part of you as I experienced with this invading entity I knew was foreign to my Soul. – When trying to remember that point this shit on the right side kept making me forget so I won’t teach ya’ll. See how deep this shit is. Peep the wetbucks – who will be packed en masse next
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I hate these mofos….. I was near gonna snap this bitch’s neck off if she came up to me – or sent me another email – again. That said, you can see she a lying bitch in that she sends me an email after I ran her up the street accusing me of “scamming her out of money”….. Now watch this short excerpt from a longer video which will be posted in which she offered me money to which I refused….. Then, via email she claims she didn’t claim that…. The more I read it, the more I wanna hurt
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That shit was as real as me writing on this blog…. I later on astral projected via my third eye thru breathing techniques and visualization in an attempt to retrieve my brother from hell (they are holding him there to fuck with me but I always go in to get him out thru my third eye)! It hurts me to be getting fucked with by thus shit! I just don’t understand…..
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While filming a video the reptilian eyes appeared again….. Another thing….. While taking this video a hand, something weird appears under my chin by my neck….. …..And while I was filming I heard a demonic voice to my right side….. YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I don’t like that shit….. Weak Willed Beta Males Come To Tear Me Down And this fucking fool just sent shit…. These dumb mofos see me as a “challenge”. That Thomas Murphy mofo is the sick misogynist woman hating mofo who tried to run over me the other night as I had seen thru my
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I look like I’m strategizing on how to kill someone here lol…. I’m so sick of this shit….. WHY park next to me if you got a “problem” with my being topless….. Nasty projecting bitch! And this mofo right here, who I had come across before….. LOL! Comes around for round #2 – at one point while I got my cellphone on me (I don’t like fighting with my cellphone on cause I could lose it) starts calling me a “faggot” repeatedly, letting me know his thoughts on me…… When I put that phone down he went
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I heard a booming voice that said in the sane deep, country accent I have: “Get him!” Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I Break Free Beelzebub And The Avatar Matrix System And Hellish Astral Visions I Think I Am FINALLY About To Rid Myself of Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub And How To Do It I removed the two entity attachments he placed in me after this astral vision….. Beelzebub Pays Me A Gynecological Visit So That My Period Blood Cycle Will Sync With The Solar Eclipse of 2017 I Finally Freed Myself
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I am so tired of lame ass pee-pole pushing the pedantic, tired, new (c)age phrase: “Peace and love” cause it is unrealistic and does not take into account the pitfalls, implants, archons, and other dangers lurking in the astral aka “spirit realm” that you will have to go thru to reach TRUE ascension and thus, true enlightenment!
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These vids here in which two reptilian groups: a turtle like bipedal species named the D’voreh and an iguana like bipedal species named the T’chaumpilas saying they are my ancestors (and ancestors to the Rothschilds) makes sense….. Makes sense why our neighbors called my family “aliens” and why, as a kid, when I would look out the window at night (a habit I have now which is why I NEED WINDOWS), my parents would say I was jokingly looking for home ?? I don’t think they are joking. That’s why I don’t like most people aka humans and
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This the same orb I profiled here that I see hovering EVERY morning before heading over to the Hawthorne airport: This Shapeshifter UFO Orb GOTTA BE Some Governmental Experimental Orb
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While drawing this here….. I noted this all seeing REPTILIAN eye that stayed even well into the final version: Not just that I see a woman trapped in his belly with a reptilian connected to the side of her mouth which is the cause of my urges…. Damn! No wonder they say the belly of the beast! This connotes to the fact that a reptilian sent this mofo my way….. It goes back to how they put a stranglehold on my money to force me into satanism and then…. to that! THAT was the creature that I would hear making
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