I have been getting in trouble with the cops as of late. I dunno wtf is going on….
Thanks for Youtube user, “The Black Child” for presenting this video here: That said, while watching this, I got an ephiphany… What IF these people are being USED to ENCOURAGE the children of today that it is GLAMOROUS to commit CRIMES (When I talk about prettyhoe304 in this context I am NOT referring to prostitution even though I feel it is spiritually dirty it should STILL NONETHELESS be made LEGAL by those who CHOOSE to get involved in it) and that said, in the future their behavior WILL LEAD TO ANARCHY SO AS TO JUSTIFY MARTIAL LAW? I came to
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This nigga stupid! Your mama do crack, bitch… along with meth and heroin! That said, this methhead “cop”… You can tell this nigga do meth, CRACK and heroin… COMBINED! That said, this nigga came to my attention after talking shit about me in my comment section. After long thought, I REALIZED it was the same mofo who I came to to file a report when I went to the police station that day after asking for a watch commander. Now, notice this nigga ain’t got stripes! Why they gonna send THIS NIGGA out after I asked for a watch commander
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IF THIS IS NOT EVIDENCE OF GANGSTALKING and going after a person who is a REAL THREAT (You can tell cause they trying to run me off of youtube AND ONLINE: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/15/google-is-putting-maleware-on-to-my-personal-site-so-people-wont-read-it/ and here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/10/17/google-is-so-intimidated-by-me-they-are-now-sending-fake-pro-black-government-shills-to-shut-down-my-site/ ) LISTEN TO THE LADY HERE SAY THAT IT WAS ONLY FOR 2 CASES Which you can look up right here: #7VW0806701 and #7VW08139 and you can go here to look up the two cases: http://www.lacourt.org/criminalcalendar/ui/ THAT SAID, you can hear the lady on the tape say that it was for 2 CASES (I recall the sheriff saying, “4” which I believe you can hear
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Okay, it’s been awhile since I rode on these… …Ole dirty, funky, NASTY ASS BUS! MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, I witnessed the bus driver of said bus exit and go into what appears to be a liquor store tho. to stay open they serve other items. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29894″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, in the past I overheard a discussion take place where a drunk ass sheriff over at the Twin Towers asked a female dep., “If she wanted some beer.” These mofos are crazy!! Anyways, I didn’t get enough time to go in and investigate
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First thing that came to my mind that such a beautiful purse (not that I’m big into fashion and shit) HAD TO HAVE BELONGED TO A PERSON IN DISTRESS, who got taken, snatched up and dropped her purse in the process… Bare with me, the light on my camera doesn’t work so I lightened it as much as possible so you could see what I saw… I saw a nice looking, “fashionable” handbag with a bunch of conventional contents you’d find in a purse strewn about (that’s how based on that I intuituvely felt that it couldn’t of belonged to
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WATCH THIS so you know #pizzagate is real: The shit is real. Here are all the pics to prove it: These screenshots were taken DIRECT from Comet Ping Pong’s Majestic Ape video here (the people who run it – including that “Fahjay” John Alefantis guy – ALL ARE MAJESTIC APE “BANDMATES” AND I REFUSE TO CALL THEM MUSICIANS BECAUSE I FEEL THEIR “MUSIC” IS NOTHING MORE THAN ADVERTISEMENT FOR THEIR TORTURE/CHILD RAPE CLANDESTINE “ACTIVITIES”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c This is of a young man getting tortured (being a sensitive I believe it is REAL!!!): HE IS MISSING STRIPS OF FUCKING FLESH!!! Here
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I wanna mention before I begin that I may have found a purse belonging to a possible kidnapped woman, here: I think this shit has some occult leanings, which DEFINITELY as was the case with Mitrice Richardson: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/17/lost-hills-malibu-sheriffs-tried-to-set-up-itinerant-homeless-man-for-mitrice-richardsons-murder/ Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29882″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I feel that the missing girls – including a young Asian girl who went missing from the Glendale area here: http://ktla.com/2017/09/15/new-500k-reward-offered-in-case-of-missing-glendale-woman/ are being used in occult rituals out there in Malibu. ALOT of shit goes down in Malibu that most people wouldn’t be aware of… For instance, I was informed that the local sheriff’s
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You don’t have to take my word for it; you can listen right here: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29878″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] DESPITE the fact that they must respond to MY MOTION, one is a Motion to Dismiss 1385pc and the other one 1538pc Motion to Suppress, they never did it! Here are the following rules applicable for both: For a motion to suppress, the prosecutor has 2 days to respond to the defendant which you can see below: THAT SAID, I go back on 11-28-2017 FOR TRIAL and I went to the courthouse to check on the motion on
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How crooked is this??? Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29873″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, I feel like on a SPIRITUAL TIP THESE BITCHES deliberately do this to THROW ME OFF COURSE so I won’t focus on my inner self and thus, my life mission! They are DIVERSIONARY OBSTACLES MEANT TO THROW ME OFF COURSE! As you can hear in the video, I ALREADY went to court for these – been tried AND convicted – and they mention 4 AND NOT THE SOLE 1 they put on the “cite out” form – so why are they producing “warrants” for shit I
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It’s been about 3 years past since I wrote this arcticle here: https://toplessinla.org/2014/08/28/what-happened-to-mitrice-richardson/ and I believe a good 5 or 6 (Maybe 2012) when I interviewed this gentleman. I hope he ain’t dead! I sense they might of killed him as told to me by a seer that he was murdered in an occult ritual! His name was Richard: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”28862″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think that girl was ritualistically murdered given all the weird shit that goes on out here and as I somehow think of her again – I remembered this video and decided
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