I have been getting in trouble with the cops as of late. I dunno wtf is going on….
Here the recording: This was fucking weird! You can see he/she (listening to it I can’t tell WHAT it is) called at 4am, 4:07am to be approximate! As you can see up above, the person called from a private number (as if they got something to hide) and kept saying, “Caramel”, over and over… That said, if this were a prank, the person woulda kept calling and calling but they didn’t. That was the final and last call (at least for now). What do you all think? Someone trying to put a witch’s curse, some mk ultra sleeper “trigger” saying…?
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THIS IS FUCKED UP!!! To fuck with somebody in their time of need. Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”30052″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THIS BITCH rolls up – pretending like she gonna help – then asks: “Weren’t you arrested?” I SWEAR they got some demons out there in Malibu. Evil mofos!
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I want ya’ll to take a look at my reptilian eyes with one before the shapeshift then after: PROOF the shit’s REAL (look at the columns of pics and noticed those two pics above were taken side by side): I’m starting to become One; I’m so happy. Anyways, I’m becoming completed much like the number 9 (my expression number which means destiny) which indicates completion. For the longest period of time I’ve been longed for an out of body experience but it seemed after leaving my old apartment. I learned what helps is is to be in places where there’s
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I’m so proud of myself! Maybe it’s my reptilian genetics: – My actually shapeshifted to this from that…! But something’s bubbling up in me, got me not giving a fucking and not playing around! Watch the video! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29980″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That mofos energy (He needed to be scared with his slow ass self) WAS DELICIOUS!
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***UPDATE*** IT’S CERTIFIABLY HIM! I just received a privacy complaint to remove a video SHOWING HIS LICENSE PLATE: Here he is using “strong arm tactics” to remove that video on youtube TONIGHT, CHRISTMAS EVE: Here said video: https://youtu.be/xoNF5b6MEq8 Here is linking the url: – Why else would he send that unless it’s him. It even contradicts what he says here when he says, “I don’t care if you show it”: Here him DENYING IT AGAIN! Here are the two videos: it took me awhile to do this because of guilt and shame but the more I thought about it and
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This is who you got policing you all: a fucking bully (coward blocked me when I EXPOSED HIS ASS like I wouldn’t find out his slow ass is a COP with all the pics he posted, lol!): Here more pics: Here more… Here he is with his cop worshipping shit… I HATE WHEN THESE BITCH ASS COPS DO THAT… BITCH, YOU GETTING PAID to do what the fuck you do, WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO as per your job function, idiot! YOU AIN’T SUPPOSED TO EXPECT PRAISE, YA DUMB BITCH! YOUR OVERINFLATED PAYCHECK (AND EGO) SHOULD BE COMPENSATION ENOUGH,
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The watch commander, Sgt. Gonzalez, said himself HERE THAT THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO HARASS ME (That’s why it’s good to have people of color IN CHARGE): Here the incident I am referring to: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/16/lasd-sends-tranny-cop-to-enforce-false-warrants-which-i-have-been-already-cited-out-for/ Basically, these mofos – a tranny cop and another REAL female – HARASSED me for fake ass warrants whose fakeness you can read about, here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/01/la-county-courthouse-issues-warrants-for-cases-i-have-already-been-tried-and-convicted-for/ EVEN THOUGH I HAD ALREADY BEEN CITED OUT FOR SAID WARRANTS! They just doing the shit cause they want me out. Sgt. Gonzalez told me that they keep a book of people who been cited out so if they
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This is insane. I talked about it here, previously: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/01/la-county-courthouse-issues-warrants-for-cases-i-have-already-been-tried-and-convicted-for/ These mofos sent a female cop AND A TRANNY COP… Why this nigga licking his lips: And smirking… Tell me this nigga don’t look like Miley Cyrus… Niggas look like fucking clones… I didn’t know Miley worked for the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department. TO ENFORCE WARRANTS WHICH I HAVE ALREADY BEEN CITED OUT FOR AND DON’T HAVE TO SHOW UP IN COURT FOR TILL 1/18/2017: WARRANTS THAT ARE FUCKING FAKE since I had already showed up in court for, tried (barely) AND CONVICTED FOR SO THERE IS NO REASON TO
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That’s why pray = prey Here is the chart of the Demiurge – AND IT’S MOTHER! Based on experience, I believe so. I talk about it here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29933″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29938″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] and here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29942″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] HERE are the effects of what happens when you get out from up under it and ESP. EXPOSE IT (I was having the roughest time uploading subjects pertaining to it and all sorts of electrical malfunctions, feeling drained of energy – all actions indicative of what
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This a beautiful story. Here the BEAUTIFUL part: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”29924″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here more beautiful parts… This kinda where I had to start questioning shit… This nugga sound like he was SATAN SENT in an attempt to lure me back to him (I KNOW that ain’t that boys stuff. He told me the cops wanted him OUT THAT CAR CAUSE IT AIN’T HIS – THIEF!): That nigga seemed high as fuck, too. Here the main vid: He shared what little he had after I gave the poor child some water (wish I had more like money
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