My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️

I Love My Lil Cat Friends

I Love My Lil Cat Friends

I got some disturbing shit in the astral realm last night that involved my lil two cat friends I don’t like….. See this white bitch here….. She drives a white Ford SUV that says “Topanga” at the bottom and the CA license plate number is 7HLG855. – SHE is the one who I saw fucking with them lil cats as I will mention in just a few…. Could be this wicked white hoe as well as through my third eye a blonde lady but I know folks’ Souls could look different from their physical vessels as is the case with

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The Archon Jesus Soul Sacrifice Program Part 2: The Emotional Slaves To The Organic Portals Programming

The Archon Jesus Soul Sacrifice Program Part 2: The Emotional Slaves To The Organic Portals Programming

It’s a continuation of what I was talking about here….. How The Image of Jesus Is Used To Destroy Soulled People And Black People Before I begin, this fat neckbeard, who was part of some homeless gangstalking operation here (I saw the person in the car across the street orchestrating this is part of the police and his last name starts with an “E” as seen through my third eye) crawled his fat ugly neckbeard ass out the tunnels of his ma’s basement to say, “He Jesus” and wanted to fight me with an ax…… He has Colorado plates. It

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White Supremacist Creepy Crakkka Driving The Blue Prius With License Plate Number 7HZX429 Runs Past My Van Deliberately Then Calls Me A Nigger

White Supremacist Creepy Crakkka Driving The Blue Prius With License Plate Number 7HZX429 Runs Past My Van Deliberately Then Calls Me A Nigger

Even the cops rolled up and didn’t do shut cause everyone can see what a piece of shit it is…. Dumb fuck….. This is one creepy looking ass crakkkka…. He drives a blue prius and as said in the title his CA license plate number is 7HZX429…… That said – I saw him running up Topanga past my van, get where the grey car is then run back then say, “Gotcha, nigger.” Imma do a future blog on this – but these crakkkas are really fucking intimidated by me and in large part do that gangstalking – I know they

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The Real Reason Why The Patriarchy Exists

The Real Reason Why The Patriarchy Exists

As this transcript called “tricked by the light” states the demiurge wants the world to be composed of 60% negativity and 30% positivity so he, his archons, and organic portals can feed….. You can read the transcript here….. Who else is better to wrought that but men…… All this, wrought by men….. And, yet, they wanna force womben into having their babies through that “pro life” charade which is really a cover up for their wanting to use our bodies to carry out their legacies, otherwise known as “having their seeds”….. Why I’m Thinking of ‘Wokeing Pro Lifers

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I Am REALLY Under A Dick Attack Curse That’s Fucking Me Up Socially and Mainly Financially

I Am REALLY Under A Dick Attack Curse That’s Fucking Me Up Socially and Mainly Financially

Ya’ll see the evidence here…. I see exactly what the fuck it is too that is the cause of it: it’s two sacrificial heads – a female white with blonde hair and a reptilian, t rex looking head – that are attached to the right side of my face that are the cause of it. These two things, operating from within unfortunately my energy, literally stymie any sort of attempt to make money outside of sex work and sends as what I now know to be some dick rapist curse energy vampires that take the form of sexual harassers like

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To Folks With Souls: Never Let Motherfuckers Dim Your Light aka Your Soul

To Folks With Souls: Never Let Motherfuckers Dim Your Light aka Your Soul

Look at what happened to me when I walked, butt ass naked, healed and most importantly of all, not drunk….. The cops just passed by lol 👋🏻👮🏻🚔 Saw this the other day and night….. Now contrast this with the times I was drunk and not standing in my power and doing the same….. The Symptoms of Reptilian Possession Respectable Politricks Nigger Bitch Calls Cops On Me For Being Naked And More Fuckery Black Ass Nigger Rapist Named Tony Punched Me For Not Accepting His Sexual Advances – This was RIGHT AFTER I got drunk….. Running Naked And Drunk In Malibu

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Malibu Watch Out For Wetbacks Driving Sky Blue Sienna Minivan License Plate 8KCY169 As They Canvas Vehicles To Steal Parts

Malibu Watch Out For Wetbacks Driving Sky Blue Sienna Minivan License Plate 8KCY169 As They Canvas Vehicles To Steal Parts

I wonder if these fruit seller mofos set these guys up to fuck with me to run me out cause I heard them joking here about fucking with my shit and I saw one of em – whom you can see below – last week supporting them which I mentioned here (I long been suspecting they been doing shady shit like that): That explains why when I first saw them approaching – and ran em off – they kept running to the other side of the street where that fruit seller is….. – Dismissing me (more like projecting on me)

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Not All Money Is Good Money

Not All Money Is Good Money

What I was about to accept woulda been a consent to a karmic cycle of toxic relationships, consenting to overindulgence in alcohol and low vibrational selfish connection-less sex and other low vibratory behaviours designed to destroy my Soul as broken down here: Why You Can Not Be Around Folks Who Are Spiritually Not Like You Can’t let them break me down and keep me stuck, which would inevitably happened if I accepted it….. If you wanna support me here is my Etsy site: You can also book a reading here by contacting me at: [email protected] You can also feel

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Exclusivity Is Key 🔑  For Soulled People Living Amongst Organic Portals

Exclusivity Is Key 🔑 For Soulled People Living Amongst Organic Portals

I think this mofo was clapping for these assholes one night who were sexually harassing me so he got ‘woked right along with them which will be profiled in a future blog post….. Looka that front bumper: whole fucking car a ‘woke and need to be thrown in the trash 🗑 Cussed his ass out when he tried to speak to me….. You do not speak to the qween 👸🏼🦖 Fucking wetback. DAMN, MY THIRD EYE WAS RIGHT ON THE MONEY WITH THIS DUDE AND THIS CONFIRMS IT….. That said, new (c)agers, more accurately – organic portals – like to

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