I don’t like those mofos. I honestly despise them and look down upon them. They got low IQ’s and an inability to understand and process human emotion and empathy otherwise known psychopathy. As a matter of fact, in terms of how they approach things when confronted with the knowledge of what they do to blacks, the words of Marth Stout who wrote, “The Sociopath Next Door” comes to mind….. “They know the words to the song but not the meaning.”

They are shallow thinkers and are not capable of deep thought hence why they make GREAT HARD workers but not smart workers. It is all because of this right here πŸ‘‰πŸ»




– They hate it when I tell the truth about them 😈

That said just yesterday as I ascend I stated that, after getting rid of a demonic entity that was living in me who once in a dream told me that he was gonna hook up me energetically to those wetbacks – as SOON AS I GOT RID OF THAT ENTITY IN ME, I NOTICE THAT MY ENERGY NOW NATURALLY WARDS THEM WETBACKS OFF!

The problem is innate with them; it is their bloodline πŸ‘‰πŸ»


That said, if you need more proof that something is wrong with em πŸ‘‰πŸ» Look no further than this….. 6000 hz frequency is a high level frequency designed to ward off low vibrational beings such as reptilians and demons. Why the only “humans” it works on are wetbacks:



Disrespect And Discrimination From Overland Car Wash

Disrespect And Discrimination From Overland Car Wash

Overland Car Wash 3764 Overland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-461-7992 I never felt good walking past this place! Stares, cat calls – we all know I don’t play that shit! That said, today as I was walking I heard a wolf whistle. Now, honest my first thought was it came from an interracial fuckers couple consisting of a crakkka male aka white girl as I call “white males” which I break down the reasons for here: Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That White Men Are Actually In Fact Women And an ole low self esteem black broad. So I told the

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White Hispanic Sent By Yahweh Attacks Me

White Hispanic Sent By Yahweh Attacks Me

Now this part here saddens me and hurt my heart – he gave his last dollar at the end – cause I don’t let shit die down – and was regretful, apologising in a way. Folks who come at me to take from me be it in the form of energy, blessings, don’t do that so I have to respect him for it! Why You Never Sacrifice Another Person For Material Wealth Especially If The Person Has A Soul That honestly had me crying at the end! I can’t stand an energy thief, especially one with misogynist, rapist, racist ass

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There Is Power In Being Known As a Racist Bitch

There Is Power In Being Known As a Racist Bitch

Look at the thumbnail screenshot for when I uploaded “I am proud to be a racist” on Youtube….. LOL! I’ve always felt there was a power in the phrase “racist bitch.” It is an energy that denotes exclustivity, that you can not have access to me on your terms but you gotta cow tow to me, placate me to reach me but it will never happen…… This is why I take pride – and pleasure – in being known for this. I find that – especially when facing the serpent seeds of Quetzalcoatl πŸ‘‡πŸ» Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid

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To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

I would NOT even let them in 🀚🏻πŸšͺ – I can’t tell ya how many blacks thank me for exposing their ASStecs….. – This poor girl….. I broke it down this week….. Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches These creatures are natural, innate energy vampires. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians They are literally some form of a

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How To Defeat The Illuminati: Know Thy Names Yaldabaoth The Demiurge aka God And The Illuminati Real Name Is A G Symbol Interwoven With A Snake

How To Defeat The Illuminati: Know Thy Names Yaldabaoth The Demiurge aka God And The Illuminati Real Name Is A G Symbol Interwoven With A Snake

– It’s pronounced, “YaldaBWATH!” πŸ‘πŸ» Look at the first video at the top in which I talk about this: I got 333 which I sense represents union, a unity of us folks with Souls due to the message I am conveying here…. As is said in exorcisms, there is power in knowing the true name of your adversary……. The demiurge aka “god” is actually called Yaldabaoth: He goes by many names, including Quetzalcoatl who, like Yaldabaoth as shown in the old and new testaments required human sacrifice. They are also the creators of the wetbacks hence why I just totally

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Wetbacks With Prodigy Moving Deliberately Drive Close To Fuck With My Window

Wetbacks With Prodigy Moving Deliberately Drive Close To Fuck With My Window

I REALLY don’t have the time to expend on this stupid shit…… This is why I hate wetbacks…. I can’t stand this thing here…. Here another one, built like a bean bag hence the term, “beaner.” These mofos got bad builds I swear….. Looka these beaners treating this white bitch like she is some authority figure when all she was doing was riding her bike πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ They love being white folks’ slaves as shown here…… It’s cause their daddy the demon serpent god of human sacrifice quetzalcoatl used to shapeshift into a white man…… I don’t know who in their

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Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

– RIGHT AFTER publishing this article….. looka what happens…… …..Tis CA license plate number AW09B67. – As I say before, always trying to steal energy but I wasn’t having it πŸͺ³πŸšΏπŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Yeah, I am a “racist” as far as ya’ll are concerned #MAGA2024 #DeportTheDemonSeedsOut #BuildTheWall LOL! There is an old saying that goes, “Real G’s move in silence”…… – I already ‘woked this dumb wetback lol so I know it is already going through it….. And this thing here….. It is an organic portal that is under a sacrificial head thus it has no power….. Here’s it’s info…… It also

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Racist Arab Seller Makes Good On Threat Sends Pedophile Tough Guy and Methhead Hooker In Sprinter Van They Stole My Way

Racist Arab Seller Makes Good On Threat And Sends The Cutty Black Sow and Casper The Methhead Hoe In Sprinter Van They Stole My Way

– I REMEMBER this creature. It used to get it’s ass whooped all the time on the pch, acting like a tough creature πŸ‘Ή Boy this bitch legit sent the cutty black sow my way…… – Boy how she knew that was my childhood fear….. If my night vision wasn’t so bad, of I woulda been able to see that thing clearly, I woulda been RIBBING that mofo while running at the same time cause that face is the fuel of nightmares….. UGLY MOFO Here this creature’s license plate number: And his van: Call Ghostbusters if you see it πŸ‘»

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Malibu Watch Out For Wetbacks Driving Sky Blue Sienna Minivan License Plate 8KCY169 As They Canvas Vehicles To Steal Parts

Malibu Watch Out For Wetbacks Driving Sky Blue Sienna Minivan License Plate 8KCY169 As They Canvas Vehicles To Steal Parts

I wonder if these fruit seller mofos set these guys up to fuck with me to run me out cause I heard them joking here about fucking with my shit and I saw one of em – whom you can see below – last week supporting them which I mentioned here (I long been suspecting they been doing shady shit like that): That explains why when I first saw them approaching – and ran em off – they kept running to the other side of the street where that fruit seller is….. – Dismissing me (more like projecting on me)

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