I don’t like those mofos. I honestly despise them and look down upon them. They got low IQ’s and an inability to understand and process human emotion and empathy otherwise known psychopathy. As a matter of fact, in terms of how they approach things when confronted with the knowledge of what they do to blacks, the words of Marth Stout who wrote, “The Sociopath Next Door” comes to mind….. “They know the words to the song but not the meaning.”

They are shallow thinkers and are not capable of deep thought hence why they make GREAT HARD workers but not smart workers. It is all because of this right here ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป




– They hate it when I tell the truth about them ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

That said just yesterday as I ascend I stated that, after getting rid of a demonic entity that was living in me who once in a dream told me that he was gonna hook up me energetically to those wetbacks – as SOON AS I GOT RID OF THAT ENTITY IN ME, I NOTICE THAT MY ENERGY NOW NATURALLY WARDS THEM WETBACKS OFF!

The problem is innate with them; it is their bloodline ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป


That said, if you need more proof that something is wrong with em ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Look no further than this….. 6000 hz frequency is a high level frequency designed to ward off low vibrational beings such as reptilians and demons. Why the only “humans” it works on are wetbacks:



Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront

Before I show you the video make sure to call ICE at: 1-866-347-2423 to report his ass (cause we all know he illegal) and get his ass deported out the country! That said his facial expressions reveal he is lying….. ย  That said I don’t know why stupid people who are beneath me in terms of intelligence and consciousness think they can fool me with gaslighting given that I am psychic, highly intuitive, perceptive with really good hearing…. ??โ€โ™€๏ธ I don’t understand it. I don’t like this mofo. Ever since he first came here (I been here LONGER AND AM

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Reptilian Demon Seed Calls Black Panther Star A Monkey

Reptilian Demon Seed Calls Black Panther Star A Monkey

….And why those demon seeds need to be eliminated….. Here they page: https://instagram.com/chilemarvelfans?igshid=1cdw1tgnu915e Here that racist ass meme (calling the Black Panther dude an APE): https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmXz-DFrDf/?igshid=1ms4nl6quxve3 FLAGGGGG THAT WETBACK DEMON SEED OF QUETZALCOATL AND DEPORT IT BACK TO HELL WHERE IT BELONGS with ‘woke! Shit – I sleep with both eyes (including my third eye open) on these demon seeds! BTW when they call us “monkies” it is actually a compliment ??โ€???โ€? = ? cause – as some articles a while back confirmed – we are the only race with pure human dna by saying everyone else had neanderthal aka

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Pumping Iron And Pimping Non Blaq Niqqas

Pumping Iron And Pimping Non Blaq Niqqas

UPDATE: All today mofos been trying to test me but FLEE when they see me lol ?? ย  My aura so strong ?? I made a wetbuck cry awwwww ?? ย  LOL ?? I had to make an exception cause he was just to creepy….. ย  I don’t like feeling like prey. I felt like a deer caught in headlights – prey – when he did that! See, when I was a kid – one of my favorite (and my dad’s) tv shows was “America’s Most Wanted” in which awful criminals were featured! Looka this wetback lol….. That said, as

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Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl Calls Cops Cause I Won’t Say Hi

Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl Calls Cops Cause I Won’t Say Hi

He was about to say hi to a drop kick…… ย  – Even the fucking cop knew that demon seed wetbuck was el loco (for el pollo) ole fat azz chomo looking child molesting ass beaner bag built fat bitch! Ole ugly ass, looking like that big ugly fucking rock monster from Neverending Story: And that fucking troll from trolls that 1986 film ole ugly ass motherfucker…… That really pisses me off cause that demon seed was really thinking IT got demon seed privilege due to IT’S illegal azz living in the state of California, which is full of demon

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If You Are NOT Black, Stay Off My Social Media

If You Are NOT Black, Stay Off My Social Media

ESP. if you are a wetback and this goes for crakkkas, too! I can read from a mile away…. I saw this bitch coming with her low key white supremacist headlights in the distance….. This is a bitch who sees black people as pets – meaning IT has a tendency to fetishize us, sexually, and is the type to act like this white bitch here in The Color Purple by getting indignant when black folks won’t allow her into even our personal spaces….. ….Scene reminds me of what was done to that poor sister at the Capitol when she defended

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Calling Out Nasty Ugly Old Ass White Men Creature Features Trying To Leer At Young Black Women

Calling Out Nasty Ugly Old Ass White Men Creature Features Trying To Leer At Young Black Women

On a side note, before I begin….. I found Tom Berenger’s Messy-can cousin….. You know your country FAWKED-UP anytime you gotta take orders from another country to arrest your so-called “defense minister”: Looka how they had him, uniform all loose fitting – soooo unprofessional….. LOL looka what this article here is next to: ….How that “defend the police” shit going on, dumbasses….. ….That niqqa tallllll……. Ya’ll looka his son: you got this dude, looking like Sgt Barnes (probably cause of all the times the cartels kidnapped him) and his son a fabreige egg: – You can see that military dude

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Inside The Low Vibratory Simple Mind of The Wetback

Inside The Low Vibratory Simple Mind of The Wetback

Today I just made the decision to cut ALL toxic ties with all those who are used to create very unbearable synchronicities designed to keep me under archon control. I no longer do sex work. I been cut off the two dudes yesterday who I mentioned facetiously would see me respectively for $250 and $100. Now with that said, as I said again, wetbacks as I have taught – constantly – act as organic portals for very demonic entities and that is due to their bloodline! Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That

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Invading A Country Illegally Is NOT A Civil Right

Invading A Country Illegally Is NOT A Civil Right

As a black person I do not owe you my fucking voice! – Trying to use OUR black energy to push your reconquista la raza INVADING MY COUNTRY ??? agenda. Fuck outta here. I’ll deport you wetbacks straight back to hell with ‘woke ????? before that happens….. That’s why I keep these wetbacks at a hostile distance and under the foot of my ‘woke https://toplessinla.org/2020/09/09/drag-me-to-hell-is-real-and-these-wetbacks-are-about-to-find-out/ – You ain’t come your nasty wetback ass on a black womban’s social media and think your nasty ass gonna lurch and leech (energy) off MY FUCKING PAGE! STAY YOUR WETBACK ASS OFF AND IN

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People Are Straight Fucking Animals And Canโ€™t Let A Homeless Woman Have Peace

People Are Straight Fucking Animals And Can’t Let A Homeless Woman Have Peace

I hate bullies with a passion and I won’t let this shit slide…. I remember how the car looks too. Leave me the fuck alone! And this just HAD TO HAPPEN right after I removed some looong attached shit I got from my satanic period back in 2014: ย  I’m not letting you pull me back to a dark place. Imma let shit handle ya or let me catch ya ????? I rem. how that car looks. Leave people THE FUCK alone! Looka this I saw after…… Straight demon seed quetzalcoatl shit which is why I put spells to KEEP

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How To Protect Your Energy From The Wetback

How To Protect Your Energy From The Wetback

Alright, watch this video that I did here the other day….. ย  That said, let me emphasize – tho. I was topless – the wetbawk GOT THE FUCK OUT cause I consciously did something with my energy where he could not access it. The moment he could not feed he fled! It reminded me of what these two folks spoke of when talking on battling organic portals…. Sans the anti-meat speech, everything they say is on point ?? With that being said, the other night around new years I had the opportunity to talk with a cholo. Everything I been

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