The portal where I talk about crakkkas and anything crakkka related…..
That being said Imma say this right now: I was told that if I do a blog mentioning Baron Samedi’s name – he is the main entity along with Alex Nacimento who is keeping me tied to the curse – he was gonna give permission to the evil mofos who cursed me to steal all my shit and take everything from my consciousness as they have been doing – and take my Soul and bring to their and his hell realm so please send prayers cause I need it. They have been setting it so that they – Don Toliver
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This is the basturd who did it: My friend whipped his ass after pushing him, an old man, down! It happened on May 23 2023. This the one who started it it all. Her name is Janiece. She refused to serve me in the past and I learned that she doesn’t serve homeless people. Aunt Jemima Vons Black Employee Refuses To Serve Me Cause of What I Am Wearing Vons Kicks Me Out Cause Fake Khazar Jew Wetback And White Supremacist Has Problem With My Red Mesh Shirt Imma sue because that is not right!
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He still stood up to him with the sword. As I have said numerous times on my blog, crakkkas have a tendency to project their genetic recessive defective ways on others….. That said, this crakkka here: That young girl is not her but a close approximate…… Barbara Reina, thinks that by fucking with me by producing entity attachment machines that produce countless entity attachments of her along and other entities she done created using her subconscious mind along with using said entity machines that I am somehow gonna bend to her weak ass will. Just as black don’t crack, we
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While making the video that white bitch Barbara did something to my spiritual larnyx to make it more “white” and thus acceptable to her. She also put an entity attachment on my crown chakra designed to steal my black consciousness. When I just took it off, I realize in part that not only is it designed to change my consciousness, but take a piece of it – a significant piece – when I remove it. This white bitch Barbara Reina is extremely jealous of my blackness and my identity – and wants it! She and that wetback David Reina (I
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I don’t know this looks suspect. Call CPS at 800-540-4000 This don’t look right….. He drives a truck with CA license plate number 55079V2. – My third eye showed “yes” when I asked if he molests those kids….. I was saying this in the past how they send – in addition to mk ultra victims – pedophiles, people with serious criminal records, the mentally ill to gangstalk….. My Third Eye Reveals This Guy IS IN FACT A PEDOPHILE Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me You gotta be fucked. up mentally to put a bandaid on
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Here the gangstalker who called….. CA license plate number 5SQD064. Here the pill popping wetback who came….. It is CA license plate number 63963X2. I SWEAR he works for public works….. Here the incident: This is why I hate wetbacks and regard them as I do roaches and see them as being no different from…… Masked Wetback Comes To Rape Me But Brother Averts It About a year ago this serpent seed came around in a mask to attack me and a brother I was chilling. I hate them for a reason: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of
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Crazy thing is…. I saw a reptilian hand imprint in my bed early this morning…. Crazy too cause, the other day, I kept seeing 999 which means completion in numerology…… I conquered….. Remember this….. Vons Kicks Me Out Cause Fake Khazar Jew Wetback And White Supremacist Has Problem With My Red Mesh Shirt I was totally wine’d out that day 🍾🍷 My friends had a baby so I took care of em…. they love their children I can tell….. – Them fuckers devoured that whole chicken in one day: One of them fuckers look like a wolf: – S/he look
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Overland Car Wash 3764 Overland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-461-7992 I never felt good walking past this place! Stares, cat calls – we all know I don’t play that shit! That said, today as I was walking I heard a wolf whistle. Now, honest my first thought was it came from an interracial fuckers couple consisting of a crakkka male aka white girl as I call “white males” which I break down the reasons for here: Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That White Men Are Actually In Fact Women And an ole low self esteem black broad. So I told the
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Now this part here saddens me and hurt my heart – he gave his last dollar at the end – cause I don’t let shit die down – and was regretful, apologising in a way. Folks who come at me to take from me be it in the form of energy, blessings, don’t do that so I have to respect him for it! Why You Never Sacrifice Another Person For Material Wealth Especially If The Person Has A Soul That honestly had me crying at the end! I can’t stand an energy thief, especially one with misogynist, rapist, racist ass
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I saw through my third eye that even his own ancestors, spirits he called himself working with stood by and laughed and did nothing cause they did not like being turned into a marketing gimick….. This is a prime example of white folks stealing what they don’t know and using it for personal gain and it coming back to bite em on that ass….. – Sick misogynistic mofo. I been dealing with that – and racist – mofos all this week….. Here is a progression of when he once looked halfway decent (he was always a methhead manufacturing meth to
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