dropping the latest info on ufos and shit….
Crazy that this happens as I heal. As you will notice in the vid nothing of note was happening – not even I: That said, black helicopters have long been associated with black governmental projects….. http://what-when-how.com/conspiracy-theories-in-american-history/black-helicopters/ https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2020/03/04/whats-going-those-black-helicopters-york-county-skies/4950485002/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/16/historys-greatest-conspiracy-theories/black-or-unmarked-helicopters/ – And that they maybe organic. I hope whoever wrote this is serious cause some of the shit they state like nanotechnology is true….. https://zapatopi.net/blackhelicopters/ This was one of those conspiracy sites from back in the day and I notice they are letting it thrive (instead of suppressing it like they do so many REAL sites)….. …..and it is no coincidence
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These vids here in which two reptilian groups: a turtle like bipedal species named the D’voreh and an iguana like bipedal species named the T’chaumpilas saying they are my ancestors (and ancestors to the Rothschilds) makes sense….. Makes sense why our neighbors called my family “aliens” and why, as a kid, when I would look out the window at night (a habit I have now which is why I NEED WINDOWS), my parents would say I was jokingly looking for home ?? I don’t think they are joking. That’s why I don’t like most people aka humans and
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This the same orb I profiled here that I see hovering EVERY morning before heading over to the Hawthorne airport: This Shapeshifter UFO Orb GOTTA BE Some Governmental Experimental Orb
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This the mofo that be programming the homeless people in Malibu….. Peep them just “hovering” over each other then taking off….. Those aren’t planes or helicopters (otherwise we woulda heard a noise). Those are ufos and based on what can be seen in the vid they are of the governmental experimental program variety….. I recall once while it was with it’s red twin which you can see here (that ain’t Mars….)….. Here the red orb up close…. Anyways, while trying to take their pic one morning my phone experienced an anomolous surge of energy (similar to what happens when
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Before I start….. somebody got ‘woked: I saw it in my cards…. I warned ya my spirits don’t play that shit…. ?? When People Project On Me It Is An Issue With Them Not With Me You Gotta Watch Who You Open Yourself To When You Are Spiritual Go steal energy from someone else you organic portal motherfucker….. Enjoy the night terrors…. Someone else I got intranquil spirits on em. They won’t be fucking with me again! That being said…. these EVPs are mad interesting…. I will say do NOT 100% trust what these spirits say cause as taught to
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This tripped me the fuck out. I don’t know how long it has been placed but I peep it is directly. over. my car! In a spot I usually park. I wonder if it is deliberate? [purchase_link id=”33847″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] While en route to bust that old mofo’s ass who I talked about here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/05/03/reptilian-entities-have-been-attaching-to-old-ugly-sexually-predatory-men-to-get-sexual-energy-out-of-me/ And here: https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/08/spanish-dude-named-formosa-might-be-a-serial-rapist-based-on-overhearing-a-tape-he-played/ With a friend (by the way that old mofo who was stalking me got an illegal, unregistered gun in his car)…. I came across diss: I have been seeing this weird “star” for a coupla years now. He said
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Watch Men In Black show up (I’ve seen those bitched before). Last time I got visited by aliens I saw them which you can read – AND SEE – here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/04/10/tom-joyner-in-a-mothership-and-aliens-sending-me-a-warning/ They are all white. Cause they are 4D they have no discernie facial features and they move their heads – due to being hyperdimensional beings – they move their heads with the same fluctuating craziness of the demons from “Jacob’s Ladder.” That said, here is a screenshot: Here are the videos…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”31231″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] YOU CAN SEE IT’S A FUCKING UFO! The lights on
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Here is a cop driving one LETTING ME KNOW it’s some type of spook governmental agent vehicle: Here another one at a court house: Here another along the PCH (Where I spot em EVERY NIGHT, RUNNING UP AND DOWN letting me KNOW THEY AIN’T LIVERY VEHICLES): – Let me know if I start sounding like one of those “gangstalk” people who have a point! I know, it’s a loooong fucking title, but follow me on this… Awhile back when I astral projected, I had a vision of seeing these black chevy suburbans which I see rolling up and down the
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This shit was vivid! Very very vivid! I feel ESP. as I am now coming into my own power there’s “shit” watching me that’s otherwordly and I’ve been saying it for awhile now. That said, I had a “dream” last night or rather a vision where I was in a place in my old neighborhood of Park La Brea (I lived near it) where the Queen (of England’s) palatial residence lies. I’ve been here before AS OF RECENT and don’t know why I keep “dreaming” it. That said, I walked through there – topless – and I recall there being
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HERE IS A SCREENSHOT! – Notice you don’t see a “wing” like an airplane would have where the other light is. THAT is a ufo (AND I had a hard time uploading the pic). As this article says: http://www.metatech.org/wp/reptilians/underground-city-reptilians-aliens-los-angeles/ …and here: http://cryptozoologynews.com/los-angeles-judge-turned-reptilian-humanoid-says-man/ LOS ANGELES IS THE REPTILIAN CAPITAL OF ‘MURICA! That’s why so many anomalous objects can ve SEEN over the Golden State (since so many inhabitants here actually hail from outerwordly places). Hell, a couple of days ago, when I rolled my eyes at an old woman, SHE HISSED AT ME! That said, what many may think are “airplanes”
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