Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Something Tried To Take My Soul Last Night But I Fought It Off

Something Tried To Take My Soul Last Night But I Fought It Off

Look close in that thumb and you can see an eye there….. I think it was Baron Samedi or some black serial killer spirit cause I heard a black dude who was laughing saying, “Yeah, I’m gonna get ya” and I heard that lil skeletal demon that said my Soul is his saying that “He is coming for your Soul.” I even saw Baron Samedi going for my people but I stopped him ????? I beat his ass NUMEROUS times in the astral tho like a roach he keep coming back. Man, I shouldn’t be under attack like this and

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Wetback Rapist Tells Rape Victim That She Will Have His Baby

Wetback Rapist Tells Rape Victim That She Will Have His Baby

Only a demon seed…..   Here is the Youtube video to be able to see it better in case that at the top stops working….. In all honesty – Imma say this now – I hope he knew her cause, if not, that is some fucked up random shit to wanna steal a random stranger’s life and force them into “motherhood” with a basturd seed they don’t want. That is Ariel Castro shit. That is demon seed of Quetzalcoatl shit. And ya’ll say I’m lying…… Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians As can be gleaned from

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Woman Gets Covid 3 After Getting Covid Vaccine

Woman Gets Covid 3 After Getting Covid Vaccine

LOL….. Watch they gonna have a covid 14 part deux bugalooo….. Anyways, lol….. Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot This fool Fool Colton Wood’s Pro Vaccine Video ONLY CONFIRMS The Covid 19 Vaccine Produces Corona Virus Symptoms IN PEOPLE North Carolina Revokes Covid 19 Vaccine Shots Due To Folks Getting Seriously Ill If you still get that vaccine after being shown that the “cure” IS the disease YOU are the problem ??‍♀️ #ColtonWood

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Beelzebub Created Doppleganger Continues To Try To Possess Me

Archon Beelzebub Created Doppleganger Continues To Try To Possess Me

You can see in that article thumbnail they subliminally try to manipulate me. They do it to all of us. My intuition has been validated: as I intuitively knew all along Beelzebub’s an archon: http://www.teachingtheword.org/apps/articles/?articleid=64889&columnid=6093 From a book on archons in pdf….. – Explains my alkie-hole, overindulgence urges….. Now this makes sense….. The dick symbols I been seeing makes sense now along with this and this….. Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude I see that ‘woke got that nigger mayate going crazy. Enjoy the nightmares…. and the demons you been sacrificed to, you rapist nigger.

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Pick Me Crakkka Nolan Ivanov Reveals The Innermost Workings of The Misogynist Mind of The Nice Guy

Pick Me Crakkka Nolan Ivanov Reveals The Innermost Workings of The Misogynist Mind of The Nice Guy

Now this fool sending (tiny) dick pics….. I told his ass I don’t have time for the back and forth and unless he plans to meet me to dance ???? I ain’t entertaining that….. But here his emails….. [email protected] [email protected] Since his lil dick ass is obviously lonely. Next Imma find his job! OOPS found it….. https://m.facebook.com/ivanov.nolan Might be him….. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nolan-ivanovskis-486507146?originalSubdomain=ca WHY mofos being doing this shit to themselves….. This bitch a NIMBY! I already saw the ‘woke ‘wokeing on one of em…. that group of crakkkas in the white mini- I don’t know wtf that is….. Rest in hell

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I Saw This Coming Thru My Cards: My Minivan Head Gasket AND Radiator Fan Is Fucked

I Saw This Coming Thru My Cards: My Minivan Head Gasket AND Radiator Fan Is Fucked

I rue that lil reptilian possessed nigga coming to me that day with that vial of health junk and given that I was possessed myself (it some weird doppleganger insect comprised version of me, all dirty and inundated with just…..dirt) which I now know was the cause behind my inadvertently absorbing other folks’ energies as mentioned here…… Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching To Them or Energies Activating Within Based On What They Say Or Do ….A good friend of mines found a nice ass Dodge Caravan, blue (my favourite color). Practically new. It was a 2008 – like

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Black Bigalow aka Black Bigot Hellyweird Will Never Put You On

Black Bigalow aka Black Bigot Hellyweird Will Never Put You On

It’s the truth…. Whoever was telling him in the chat to drink given that Black (now) Bigalow is under attack by possessing reptilians, causing him drinking urges like I had….. is a pos! I also noticed, again – Black Bigalow shapeshifting….. – That’s some real interdimensional intrusion shit going on there, hence the pixelation! But peep below the thumbnail for said video looking normal….. Also, peep how young he looks here….. But old here….. That’s reptilian-archon intrusion cause that would happen to me after succumbing to alkie-hole induced urges caused by a possessing entity, which I am in process of

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Cheating Couple Caught In An SUV Leering At Me Plus Keep That Nasty Energy Away From Me

Cheating Couple Caught In An SUV Leering At Me Plus Keep That Nasty Energy Away From Me

This shit – men need to stop this shit and more women need to start speaking up!   And just now I came across a rapist mofo just like this mofo here driving a black van (one of those tall model ones) with the Texas license plate# JIMWYRG who stopped RIGHT behind me then got the fuck when he saw me putting on my shirt. When I got out my vehicle to confront, he pulled out a gun and said he’ll shoot! – Just like a scared crakkka they gotta pull out a gun. * These mofos gotta realEYES this

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