Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To

Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To

As John Ellizz said, ALL these people make deals with the aliens, reptilians, greys aka archons to get money and fame….. All of them: https://www.sportscasting.com/kobe-bryant-323-3-million-nba-wouldnt-dinner-seats-alter-ego/ NOTE these things that lit follow him around, one is a skeleton…… This is the SAME skeleton entity who I reported here whom I saw astrally who folks make deals with in exchange for material wealth and fame….. I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Fighting Off Archon Possession The other is named Black Mamba – a snake, very similar to what John

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What Is Work

What Is Work

For me, my website is work. I have a natural knack for philosophizing and spiritual discernment. I have produced works on subjects that most folks couldn’t even comprehend to touch….. The Eye of Ra aka The All Seeing Eye Is A Separate Entity That Lives In Your Right Eye And Controls You Fighting The Sephiroth Tree Parasitic Entity Attachment And What The All Seeing Eye REALLY Is I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I

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The Problem With First Amendment Auditors And These New Copwatchers

The Problem With First Amendment Auditors And These New Copwatchers

You heard it here: THIS IS what SGV wants – violent encounters…… Also, here they are deliberately all up in (while legally being on the sidewalk) people’s businesses, taping customers (witch ??‍♀️ is uncomfortable), all to provoke a response….. Alright, watch these vids (he my fav – always drama and he funny ass fuck) and tell me he ain’t baiting….. ….And tell me they ain’t baitin’ people into confrontations….. They hide behind “muh rites” to troll folks with a camera cause, c’mon, let’s be reasonable: it is a lil fucking weird that someone is just standing outside filming with no

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Spiritual Warfare Against Dog Killing Wetbacks In RV Number AB95165

Spiritual Warfare Against Dog Killing Witchcraft Wetbacks In RV Number AB95165 Part Un

This wetback a bully. At 1:24 you can hear him say, “Move, move, get your ass outta here”…… Here he is, screenshots from said vid…… with that high pitched voice sounding like a bitch. I honest thought IT was a transman….. – I’ll never forget when I first met him he somberly said, “Richard told me you rule this area”. Jealousy! This a bully who don’t like it when you fight back. Even worse IT plays victim…… I WILL NEVER FORGET the night I heard a dog’s death yelp and it was coming from them…. CA license plate AB95165 (they

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A Reptilian Tried To Possess Me All Last Night

A Reptilian Tried To Possess Me All Last Night

As I fought it off, I even heard the LOUD ass sound of a tail whipping and a loud ass hisssing…… It looked JUST LIKE THAT! Just like that! For a very long time I kept feeling a pressure on the right side of my body that would cause me to have insane urges, do impulsive things and for a long time I knew it was a possessing spirit….. I RealEYES That The Black Snake Right Eyed Entity Attachment Is Designed To Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix The Eye of Ra aka The All Seeing Eye Is A Separate

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Why People Truly Hate Me

Why People Truly Hate Me

It ain’t cause I am a free spirit, living my life (and light)…… Well, they are partially true but they are not the main reason. A very wise sist⭐r told me that I tell the truth, ugly truths people don’t wanna hear. A young white sist⭐r dating a young black man told me the same thing. My mere, bare (lol) existence exposes truths most folks don’t wanna hear. I expose the discomfort many feel towards their lives as folks chase and race to live up to bullshit societal expectations that are really false in the grand scheme of things….. I

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Malibu Getting ‘Woked By The Devil Because Lost Hills Sheriffs 5150’d Me

Malibu Getting ‘Woked By The Devil Because Lost Hills Sheriffs 5150’d Me

Edit: – Fuck Jeff….. Anyways, here is the dude who did it: It was a wetbuck. Regardless, all in all…. thank you demon seed, thank you ? #hisssss OH SHIT this where he gets the red color for his face from: thought it was paint! He also possessed by shit (he burns bible paper to keep evil away)! I sensed it! LOL! This that devil dude from a while back lol…… You can’t tell me this ain’t a spiritual sign ???????? hissssss #reptiliansquad ?? That being said, from what I understand, ole dude been setting fires uncoincidentally ever since Lost

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Spiritual Readings Using My Third Eye For Sale

Spiritual Readings Using My Third Eye For Sale

As you can read from all these here….. I Defeated The Demiurge How I Defeated Belial The King of The Reptilians My GodSelf Defeats Beelzebub How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side There Definitely IS A Parasitic Etheric Snake In My Right Eye The Eye of Ra aka The All Seeing Eye Is A Separate Entity That Lives In Your Right Eye And Controls You I pretty much know what I am talking about, spiritually! That being said I am inclined to bring my vast know-ledge, much of what I learned

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The Sexual Policing of Black People vs White People

The Sexual Policing of Black People vs White People

One thing I notice being a black shirtless rights activist is how the same crazy shit that whyte pee-pole do – my black ass gets judged as crazy, a crackhead – even by fellow niggers – and all sorts of racist ass contumlies cause I am black. I plan to open an OnlyFans in the future by the way to document all my crazy antics on the pch – for mo-nay ? But, when a white bitch do the same thing – she gets dismissed as just being crazy and having crazy white girl fun, even by niggers who will

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