Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
A Gallery View of My Artwork

A Gallery View of My Artwork

This a portrait of Nick Carter I did from when I was 15….. I am self taught. Here’s more where that came from….. a whole gallery of art I produced as a child AND as an adult using oil, acrylic and for the drawings mixed media, including white out which stood the test of time as seen in the Nick Carter portrait. I have always had a big imagination. I got the heart chakra and innocence of a child still. That said it shows in my art, which I will be offering for sale now….. These are portraits of half

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Gangstalkers Block My And Other Homeless People’s Cellphone Service On Thanksgiving Day

Gangstalkers Block My And Other Homeless People’s Cellphone Service On Thanksgiving Day

I interviewed another homeless lady who is also a targeted individual (TI) like me and she has a different cellphone service provider AND was in a different area – same area I had to go to to call – and endured the same exact thing….. I had to deal with these fucking gangstalkers on Thanksgiving day it’s a fucking shame….. That said Malibu is REALLY bad with this. I recall about maybe two years ago a brother, who also resides in his car, told me that when he was in the same area where I encountered the issue – which

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Vons Kicks Me Out Cause Fake Khazar Jew Wetback And White Supremacist Has Problem With My Red Mesh Shirt

Vons Kicks Me Out Cause Fake Khazar Jew Wetback And White Supremacist Has Problem With My Red Mesh Shirt

It’s the Vons here…. 17380 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-454-2502 The other day when I went there I got into it with a homeless white supremacist who looks like Tom Petty…. So I’m thinking that is why that wetback ass bitch there came at me the way she did…. I saw a wetback male conversing with the wetback female prior to me getting told to “cover up” (bitch you ain’t my mama you ole fat wetback ass bitch)…… This what I wore…… That said I also got a feeling that that Khazar fake JeWISH complained…… There’s a reason

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How I Spent My Thanksgiving 2021

How I Spent My Thanksgiving 2021

I went WYLD like a mofo lol…. got lit and eerythang….. Got so drunk I was about to go upside ole boy’s head as I was – in my drunk state – thinking of them fucking rape factories during the Yugoslavian war commenced by Serbians (he Serbian) back in ’92…… Got more WYLD shit to tell in the next blog…..

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Confronting Wetback Ass Pervert And FAT Crakkka Cop With LAPD Wilshire For Not Moving His Fat Ass Out The Way

Confronting Wetback Ass Pervert And FAT Crakkka Cop With LAPD Wilshire For Not Moving His Fat Ass Out The Way

Before I begin…. I saw the Big Lebowski at the McDonald’s on the PCH a coupla days ago….. I saw a $ellebrity. Anyways….. – The sist⭐r knew 💡 This motherfucking wetback here I caught taking a pic of me while I was standing in line at the Bank of America on La Cienega and Pico….. Wish I had the presence of mind to get that fucker’s license plate but I put my ‘woke – including the dick ‘woke ✊🏻🗡✏🩸 on him and his phone so his dick should be falling off….. Then arrogant fat ass crakkka cop Officer Williams (I

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Busting A Heaux And A Trick Situation

Busting A Heaux And A Trick Situation

DAMN HE FAWKING UGLY, LOOKING LIKE SLOTH FROM THE FUCKING GOONIES….. This is why I say sex work is so low vibratory. Along with STDs you gotta fuck THAT for money….. Also ole heaux (instead of ole’ lady) might be this halfbreed heaux here….. Here this bitch channel….. https://youtube.com/channel/UCcQdxvi7Me7BhvSD7D7Vxnw She probably be sucking off white men too for money with them dicking sucking lips she got. Bitch an MD of DYCK!!!! I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU DO but do not disrespect! I heard this car date heaux say, “Leave” and you know I had to bust that shit like

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My Commercial For My New “Imma Make A Dick Fall Off By Putting Black Magick On It” ‘Woke On Etsy

My Commercial For My New “Imma Make A Dick Fall Off By Putting Black Magick On It” ‘Woke On Etsy

This shit so real fucking Youtube INSTANTLY removed my shit….. This mofo tried to leer at me….. he moved but he wanted to fight me like a man….. GET HIM 🎯 Anyways, Imma make ALL these mofos dicks cum off 🗡✏🩸 I started an Etsy service where I basically put witchcraft on a dick….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Basically, if a nigga sexually harassing ya, done raped ya, or want to or done all manners of foul shit…. Imma put my patented ‘woke on his penis so his dyck will fall off™ – He gonna have THAT in his dick….. He gonna have

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How The Pact With The Demiurge Aka Yah Caused The REAL BLACK Hebrew Israelites To Have Their Identity Stolen

How The Pact With The Demiurge Aka Yah Caused The REAL BLACK Hebrew Israelites To Have Their Identity Stolen

As a spiritualist one thing I’ve learned is you don’t make deals with the demiurge or anything outside of yourself….. Here are the links to two VERY important blogs that explain how powerful us hue-mans once were till we sold our spiritual gifts and multidimensional being out for technology from the archons, ultimately separating us from The Source, our derivation…… http://www.attainablemind.com/2009/05/credo-mutwa-reptilian-agenda.html?m=1 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/never-call-them-archons-bust-up-matrix-stephen-john-roberts You don’t need to if you got a Soul as “God aka The Source is within you”….. “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21). See,

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New Recipients Of The Patented “Cut Your Dick Off ‘Woke” 🧙🏻‍♀️👹🐉👤🗡✏🩸

New Recipients Of The Patented “Cut Your Dick Off ‘Woke” 🧙🏻‍♀️👹🐉👤🗡✏🩸

Bitch don’t wave at me cause I go shirtless. We ain’t friends….. …… What will happen is they will masturbate and masturbate till their dick rots and fall off. It varies with HOW it falls off depending on the dude and how my spirits want to destroy him and his dick….. I am so good at this I even – as a sort of social justice service – started offering it on Etsy….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Imma start putting this shit on mofos who even think of and fantasize about my ass….. Oh, the possibilities….. 😁

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