Author: Raven Ray

White Supremacist Employee For Hampton Tedder Yells Racial Slur Then Gets Me Hit With A Felony
It took me awhile to do an article on this cause of the injustice….. This how the ugly “Hills Have Eyes” fucker looks…… Here the company he work for….. To give you a brief synopsis of what happened….. I was chilling in my van, in really GOOD spirits, having bought new and far superior lights from Party City for my van when I parked, got on my bucket I call a toilet, and, while taking a shit I see this inbred motherfucker pass by reeeal slow past my van. I then see IT park further up. All of a sudden…..
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Misogynist Russian Gangstalker REVEALS He Came Around Deliberately To Fuck With Me
Listen to him say, “put on some clothes” and the debasing way he tells his girlfriend to shut up….. This a misogynistic mofo WHO AIN’T EVEN FROM MY COUNTRY who needed to be dealt with His license plate number is CA license plate number 7PLS284
Like that city attorney said to me – like I been known – these mofos deliberately come around to fuck with me to run me out but it don’t work. Fuckers like this asshole – I don’t like this guy….. His license plate number is CA license plate number 5ELT826. Motherfucker got bandaids

Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation
This a response to a foolish comment made by this young lady in this video here where she GRAVELY MISTAKENLY says that race does not play a part in magic….. ….Tell what you said to the white girl who died “mysteriously” after trying to use the SAME voodoo loas who freed my ancestors from the very same people whose linneage she is of….. https://sundiatapost.com/white-woman-dies-mysteriously-after-summoning-an-african-spirit-using-voodoo-photo/ White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover FOH with that kitchen witch shit….. There is a science to this shit. You can’t come at this with a kitchen
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The Curse of A Reptilian Bloodline And How To Deactivate It Via DNA Activation
Not all bloodlines are good and worth connecting to….. Breaking Free of Generational Curses From A Reptilian Bloodline And A Raped Slave Ancestor – While meditating in jail I saw that thru the jeWISH side that I was related to these dark evil demonic reptilians that wore black robes with red cuffs and a red outline on the top of the hood outlining it and I was shown that their symbol was a “star of david” encapsulated in a circle with an eye of ra (re) symbol and a water symbol and other symbols posted on the sides of the
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I Predicted The War Between Ukraine And Russia A Month Before It Happened
The war’s gonna end after 7 months and Russia will be doing the retreating….. At least they ain’t raping em…..
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Stalked And Sexually Harassed By A Methhead AAA Tow Truck Driver
This is the third time this guy has stalked me….. The first time was here….. Second time I was with a friend and while chilling he rolls up but then I run him off…… Just now he pulls up and – feeling threatened – I run him off but NOTE how volatile he was – it was because HE KNEW he had ominous intentions and didn’t like being exposed….. I saw thru my third eye that he is a flasher who likes to expose himself who also does meth….. You can see he a methhead….. License plate number is 49535K2.
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2.22.22 Is The Chance For Liberation of Soulled People From The Demiurge And His Archons
That triangle is a reptilian-archon symbol btw….. The Archonic Meaning Behind Pink Floyd’s Famous “Dark Side of The Moon” Triangle I Am Under A Freemason Curse Why The Reptilians Hate And Fuck With The Most Reptilian Hybrids Also, I noticed a light emanating down a canyon slope last night….. Shit too steep for people to be treading down…..
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Change Your Inner Frequency To 6000 Hz Frequency To Repel Organic Portals
I changed my ENTIRE frequencies on ALL levels of my existence to 6000 hz frequency AND IT’S GOT THESE MOTHERFUCKING ORGANIC PORTALS RUNNT-ING You can see an example of that right here….. That said, you know how animals get sent to deliver spiritual messages….. Well, a skunk made it’s way to where I usually post and Pepe LePew’d THE FUCK outta my area….. That’s a spiritual sign
Even this stalker mofo – I swear up and down I remember last time I got drunk and butt naked he had grabbed me to him and touched my pussy and

Organic Portals Losing Their Minds As They Lose Me As A Food Source
There’s something I wanna talk about – an egregious wrong that I am dying to get out that happened a week ago, styming my ability to update my posts etc. Imma talk about that tomorrow. What happened to me is wrong. That said, these vids were taken last week before I was taken to jail for an unjustified slight at the hands of a racist pos who took advantage to the fullest extent of his white privilege to jail a young black woman whom his racist ass deliberately provoked into a fucked up situation. That said, while in jail I
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