Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

This a response to a foolish comment made by this young lady in this video here where she GRAVELY MISTAKENLY says that race does not play a part in magic…..

….Tell what you said to the white girl who died “mysteriously” after trying to use the SAME voodoo loas who freed my ancestors from the very same people whose linneage she is of…..

White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover

FOH with that kitchen witch shit…..

There is a science to this shit. You can’t come at this with a kitchen witch mindset.

Folks like that broad 👆🏻 at the top die thinking the shit you say is true when it’s not…..

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