Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

Yes Intuition Angel 444 Your Race DOES Play A Part In Spirituality It’s Called DNA Activation

This a response to a foolish comment made by this young lady in this video here where she GRAVELY MISTAKENLY says that race does not play a part in magic….. ….Tell what you said to the white girl who died “mysteriously” after trying to use the SAME voodoo loas who freed my ancestors from the very same people whose linneage she is of….. White Bitch Gets Christopher Cased After Trying To Summon Papa Legba To Kill Black Lover FOH with that kitchen witch shit….. There is a science to this shit. You can’t come at this with a kitchen

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This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This Is Why You Shouldn’t Have A Kitchen Witch Mentality When Approaching The Spirit Realm

This a SPOOKY ass image…. Look cool huh!? I was listening to her account of what happened to her at the hands of the police and – I mean – that shit MIRRORS what just happened to me yesterday…. Just like me, she was targeted based on a particular program that affects her heart chakra – in her case attacking black males programming and, in mine, forcing womben to bow down to men’s sexual needs and egos programming. In both cases, A MEXICAN SERGEANT WAS CALLED! What are the chances of that happening….. yesterday! Listen to the end which is

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