The Curse of A Reptilian Bloodline And How To Deactivate It Via DNA Activation

The Curse of A Reptilian Bloodline And How To Deactivate It Via DNA Activation

Not all bloodlines are good and worth connecting to…..

Breaking Free of Generational Curses From A Reptilian Bloodline And A Raped Slave Ancestor

– While meditating in jail I saw that thru the jeWISH side that I was related to these dark evil demonic reptilians that wore black robes with red cuffs and a red outline on the top of the hood outlining it and I was shown that their symbol was a “star of david” encapsulated in a circle with an eye of ra (re) symbol and a water symbol and other symbols posted on the sides of the individual triangles, which were cut and divided. They were THE FIRST thing to pop up when I asked about my ancestral linneage 🤦🏼‍♀️

Some can cause you problems like in the case of the reptilian dna line on the jeWISH side being activated and the ensuing issues with financial struggles and material and spiritual hardshipbthat ensued…..

I also think it can be beneficial for exorcising toxic twin flames such as what I been dealing with…..

Twin Flames Are Archon Saboteurs Meant To Keep Soulled People Down And How To Break Free of Them

The Name of The Reptilian Demon Following Me Is A Past Life Ancestor Named Thanh Nguyen

I Finally Rescued My Brother From The Demon Reptilian Holding Him Hostage

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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