Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Get Ready For The Zombie Psychic Attacks By The Organic Portal Hordes

Get Ready For The Zombie Psychic Attacks By The Organic Portal Hordes

My cards, third eye told no lies about this ish incoming…. The first of em was…. while I was in the city playing with the hose at the car wash…… LAPD showed up after a wetback complained – my energy was too much for it – about my red mesh. Wetback go back to your country….. Early that morning I spied a parks and beaches truck mysteriously coming up then making a u turn which they never do…. Crazy thing is this was RIGHT AFTER I did the reading talking about this….. Early this morning I saw a white rape

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ReadyRefresh BlueTriton Employee Calls A Black Woman A Nigger On Tape

ReadyRefresh BlueTriton Employee Calls A Black Woman A Nigger On Tape

Here is BlueTriton’s number: 888-747-7437 This mofo super dumb as it looks – bitch looking like a turd a rock shit out πŸͺ¨ Shoulda threw one at it πŸͺ¨ Nah, seriously, I played my cards right. – Mofo look like a pig and got a lecherous air, aura and way about it. His truck numbers are 01-15012. This mofo just don’t know what’s waiting for it πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸͺ„πŸ‘ΉπŸ‰ Don’t try to pollute me – and the area – with your misogynistic bullshit. Foh. Imma say something about these wetbacks which I know I have overemphasized in my blogs, videos numerous times:

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Putting A Virgin Raping Sand Nigger Fruit Seller Who Called Me A Slut In His Place

Putting A Virgin Raping Sand Nigger Fruit Seller Who Called Me A Slut In His Place

I HATE these motherfuckers – THAT is an UNDERSTATEMENT to say the least! I died when he wouldn’t let me see his license plate – interesting they cover it up – and it flew down right when I needed it….. It is CA license plate number 7A43355. This IT. This STUPID mofo – like how tf you don’t think I’ll link this back to you – even sent an equally, stupid, fat, retarded wetback to sit behind my vehicle and masturbate and actually got the audacity to TRY to gaslight when he – they both – are just – I

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The Hypocrisy of Hypochristians Who Practice So Called Pagan Rituals And Sin As Well In Their Religion

The Hypocrisy of Hypochristians Who Practice So Called Pagan Rituals And Sin As Well In Their Religion

I was prompted to write this article cause of some real judgemental shit I saw being hurled at a young woman who wore makeup in an unusual manner, and they were calling her demon and shit….. Crazy thing is “Jesus” or shall I say HEY-Zeus (there is no “j” in the Hebrew language) is a mythos that was concocted at the council of nicea under the direction of Eastern Roman Emperor, Constantinople, who altered the original, real christianity (there were actually 4 sects of Christianity before the Romans fucked with it, including gnosticism which I fuck with) in which their

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Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

Dealing With A Rapist Stalker And How Much Society Hurts Me

It was hard to get thru this video without crying….. All the feelings, emotions of powerlessness – it’s how many rape victims feel – is torturous and I’ve been tortured with these feelings for weeks cause of inertia, inaction here….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation There’s more to the story and I had to do deep meditation, obsessing to get there: YOU KNOW WHAT – I KEPT MULLING OVER THE MEMORY OF WHAT HAPPENED A COUPLA WEEKS AGO WHEN

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Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation

Violent Amorous Stalker Gets ‘Woked After Confrontation

Remember this….. Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together Welp….. LOL: Public works messy….. Can they do this tho. (this was later as I did my tarot reading)….. Funny, cause there was this burgundy reddish suv that kept parking – I’m guessing his gangstalker “manager” he gotta report to I sense – and they didn’t help him but they called this honkey….. Here is his license plate CA license plate number is 5XMZ959….. This wide boi πŸ‘‰πŸ»β¬œ KNEW to get THE. FUCK outta town when he saw me

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My Cat Friend Snug Knight Protects Me From A Giant Sacrificial Head

My Cat Friend Snug Knight Protects Me From A Giant Sacrificial Head

It’s not her name….. not what she told me spiritually but it is my nickname for her. Unless a cat wants to be claimed as a pet I don’t believe in owning them. They gotta give you permission….. I noticed her taking on that guard pose and saw thru my third eye a giant sacrificial head approaching….. The Sacrificial Head Entity: How They Work and Why They Are THE HARDEST INTERNAL Entity Attachment To Get Rid Of The reason I realEYES cats are associated with witches is cause they can see into the spirit world like us and act as

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Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

Nigger Stalker LOSES IT When I Say I Like White Men And Why Soulled People Need To Stick Together

…..No organic portals 🀚🏻 I don’t fuck with white males who are organic portals and you know WHAT the fuck you are….. Organic Portals – Soulless Humans Like this nigger here….. I’m about to lose it my damn self! That said, how dare this nigger who said I was ugly and old when I confronted him about something else as well as the gangstalking not even more than a week ago….. LOSE IT when I say that my core attraction is white men….. It is how I was born…… YOU KNOW WHAT – I KEPT MULLING OVER THE MEMORY OF

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