Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Here’s why… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29298″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I won’t say too much but I will just leave this KNOWLEDGE right here: http://www.crystalinks.com/thoth.html I will also say this: the illuminati will pervert, EXPLOIT AND USE THE POWER OF OUR ANCESTORS – OUR GODS – such as in the case of THOTH by dropping the “h” in the end of His Name and perverting the bastardized version to be an insult against women to create gender inequality and further their agenda such as Their Version of The New World Order! Yeah, I know, the ad is “THOTH” like but
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Alright, this mofo – I have NO IDEA who this person could be – is obsessed with me. Look at this shit (here is his channel: https://www.liveleak.com/c/Black_Holes_Matter) Then look at this shit HERE: EVEN THE OTHER POSTERS CALLING HIM OUT ON HIS SHIT: Plus I don’t think Youtube allows that since the video HE EMBEDS is on my site and that can run into all sorts of problems – even with Youtube/ Google (who owns the
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From the same “species” of “people” who knock my topless activism cause THEY THINK breasts in public are nasty cause THEY SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING, I present to you their (perverted, warped) “culture” (Here’s a great article on them that says 1 out of 6 whites fuck they dawgs): https://underprivilegedmedianetwork.wordpress.com/2011/08/31/was-racist-us-navy-regime-terrorist-jon-tumilson-having-sex-with-labrador-dogs-behavior-at-funeral-indicative-of-innapro-priate-relationship-dr-louis-sidney-jacobs-global-black-alli/ SPEAKING OF WHICH, LOOK AT THIS SHIT: THESE ARE SOME NASTY, PEDOPHILE AZZ MOFOS! I WOULD NEVER MATE WITH A CRAKKKA (WHEN I DID DURING SEX WORK I WAS FORCED TO OUT OF ECONOMIC SURVIVAL)! Any black woman wanting to MATE with these things need their heads seriously examined and
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I suspect this mofo is a fhegget here: I shoulda snatched the phone out his hand: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29293″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here are some Yelp reviews that possibly quite PROVES that this guy is sexist AND racist (the main complainers are female AND people of color): https://m.yelp.com/biz/u-pick-parts-junk-cars-wanted-los-angeles It’s par the course for self hating closet case homosexuals to lash out at other minorities because their asses are suppressed and so pissed off with themselves and thus take it out on others: That said, this closet case BITCH got on my badside after confronting me for
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Can you take a second and I guess what I am drinking here for a sec.: That’s right, fresh period juice mixed with urine (I find that when drinking blood it goes down rougher UNLESS you add urine into the mix and for flavor – with urine – it tastes better, too.). Yes, that’s right, I am drinking my own period blood. That said, we live in a filthy, patriarchal society that condemns THAT yet is okay with: Sipping on men’s semen (IT DOESN’T GIVE YOU POWERS – unlike menstrual blood – but for women it REDUCES IT which I
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Every now and then when I leave youtube – mostly cause they shut my channels down but NOW because – and even advertisers are tired of em – advertisers are “pulling out” (sexual pun intended) cause they got controversial shit they long been knew about existed online (bitch, this ain’t regular TV and that shit ain’t regulated by the FCC – Youtube I mean) – I get some cornball who says, “When are you coming back?” WHICH IS JUST AN UNAPPRECIATIVE, THANKLESS ASSHOLE’S WAY OF SAYING, “YES, BUILD A LIBRARY OF VIDEOS FOR MY INTELLECTUAL/ ENTERTAINMENT GRATIFICATION ONLY TO WATCH
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Wow… there is a REASON behind why I always sensed bad spiritual energy… or just strong energy (people are cool here) around this area. Look at the shit I saw while strolling at night (something TOLD ME TO TAKE THESE): BETTER? You see the scary shit I’m talking about now… Here, if your ass is blind like Ray Charles, here’s a close up of that scary shit… This has got to be some Chinese, maybe Japanese Ghost: That shit look evil. That said, here is an image I TOOK TODAY (right after witnessing all this last night) how that same
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This a shame… They got fucking rapist and murderer Cesare Borgia reppin’ Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ was a BROTHA! Here more racist imagery: They got Satan – the so called “enemy” when Him and Jesus are ONE IN THE SAME as you will hear in the video below – depicted as dark, melanated while they got “Crakkka Christ” aka Counterfeit Christ repp’d as white boy – thug and murderer extraordinairre – CESARE BORGIA, which you can read about here: Keep Saturn in Saturnalia and Other Ways Christianity Is Like Satanism I did this video awhile back. It was
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…Paying me a “visit” cause I said something “out of turn.” Look at these photos and tell ME that something weird AIN’T going on… THIS IS WHAT I SAW Here are some pictures to confirm it: Here are more: And this below is a fucking sigil that appeared the morning after this “experience” (possible abduction): THAT looks EXACTLY like a crop circle, which you can see an example of below: And THIS IS A SIGIL: These aliens were trying to give me a sign! You can’t tell me
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I am going to start posting here, on my personal site, more than youtube from now since it is my site and it is about high time I take advantage. I will be monetizing the videos, too, so I can generate income from this. Anyways, here is my crazy night! Enjoy! Here I am, kicking out two people – topless! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29271″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here I am, kicking out negroes AND A WETBACK SPIC – topless! I found myself defending people – topless – in one night, lol!
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