True Christ Consciousness: What Jesus Christ Really Taught

True Christ Consciousness: What Jesus Christ Really Taught

The great Goddess Kali in Hinduism taught that: “In order to destroy demons, you must become one.” Jesus Christ was NO PUNK! He didn’t teach to “be a wimp,” to “be a stooge,” to “Be a punching bag!” (The Roman Emperor deliberately picked and manipulated the now BUY-BULL from the Gnostic text based on Jesus Christ’s SAYINGS – NOT teachings – in order to CONTROL THE PEOPLE BY RENDERING THEM “passive” just as the UN-HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS BEEN DOING FOR CENTURIES NOW) If anything, HE TAUGHT THE OPPOSITE: TO BE FIERCE, TO FIGHT BACK, AND TO BE A WARRIOR! I mean how can you be an iconoclast and break down the system when you are a “nice, meek…” PUNK! “Nice” means to “get along!” GOOD PEOPLE ARE NOT NICE: THEY STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH EVEN WHEN IT IS UNPOPULAR! Thus I explain it in THIS VIDEO:

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