Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Man Reveals The Existence of An Underground Tunnel Underneath The Gas Station Owned By Arnold Schwarzenegger By Patrick’s Roadhouse In Malibu

Man Reveals The Existence of An Underground Tunnel Underneath The Gas Station Owned By Arnold Schwarzenegger By Patrick’s Roadhouse In Malibu

I think ole dude is dead. Ever since that fight last week, I don’t think he here. Based on his locale – and the fact that he was constantly, ALL THE TIME DRUNK – I surmise he fell into that canyon here and never madd it back. Now that I think of it I saw his ghost running thru the forest in that EXACT area the other morning….. It’s sad! He told me that this gas station here: Diss Patrick’s Roadhouse: I’m a nut! Lol I was lit AZZ ALL FAWK (off alcohol) that day ?? NOW, he admits it

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Damn I Can’t Believe I Am Near The Cusp of Fulfilling My Destiny

Damn I Can’t Believe I Am Near The Cusp of Fulfilling My Destiny

Looking like I’m about to take a trip to the other side…. I would say that I am about 94.7% there but I can’t believe I am THERE.   To think that I woulda sold off this life for a timeline of wealth and fame where I woulda been locked into a unfulfilling role of playing an image that I am not. That’s why I walked off this show: – Boy that brings back so many memories. I remember hating L.A. when they first flew me out here cause I was so used to the NY way of life. Now

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Don’t Come Up To Me Like I’m Lil Miss Ambassador

Don’t Come Up To Me Like I’m Lil Miss Ambassador

Imma curse your ass out:   That being said, damn right I’m bitter and anti-social and am carrying a chip on my shoulder. I got the RIGHT after how people have treated me. People treat me like shit. Aftet that day when I got into that fight with that white dude (vid will be posted tomorrow) no one came to my aid. Yet nasty mofos wanna gawk and stare and expect me not to see deeply into their intentions, their souls. Eye ? Sea ? past mofos. I see deeply. I think deeper than most people. That’s why you can’t

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Afrikan Ifa Priest Tries To Get Me To Sell My Soul To Oshun

Afrikan Ifa Priest Tries To Get Me To Sell My Soul To Oshun

These people are cutee…. Before I begin though I wanna say wetbawks are some bad luck mofos…. I let a wetbawk for a change following me on insta-heaux and I had a bad fucking luck, fucking HORR-IBLE CASE OF DIARRHEA, A FUCKING SCRAP (WITH A CRAKKKA). As soon as I banished this bad luck mofo, diarrhea went away, overwhelming burdensome dark malevolent energy went away. I said them mofos are under a reptilian curse-connection and they are organic portals for they evil asses….. The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse *Imma say this too –

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The Inner Conflict of Being An Adult-Child

The Inner Conflict of Being An Adult-Child

I am one of those rare people who still retains their childhood innocence (which is a gift) while being hard as fuck, which is why I can deal with all the shit I have dealt with while still simultaneously being hurt easily – esp. when no one helps (witch ??‍♀️ is why I ‘woke folks who attack me as well as those who don’t – I just killed a man recently for that btw):   Now that I think about it, I believe this is the archetype of the joker entity ? An entity that possesses the personality of a

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Closing Up The Portals To Hell To Tie Up Loose Ends

Closing Up The Portals To Hell To Tie Up Loose Ends

I have been hearing for awhile now that some false contractual deal was made with evil entities who won’t fucking let me go! I was a child in high school who merely hated her high school and just wanted to use the Grand Grimoire – not knowing what the fuck I was doing – to reverse back time and change what I had wrought on myself (looking back knowing what I know now – and after recently removing an entity that influenced folks to treat me unfairly even if I had been nice – I wonder how much influence maybe

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I Feel Good Cause I Feel Fucking FREE

I Feel Good Cause I Feel Fucking FREE

A few punches got this mofo knocked right ??   You gotta do that shit to all them reptilian possessed mofos to put them in they place: Reptilian Entities Have Been Attaching To Old Ugly Sexually Predatory Men To Get Sexual Energy Out of Me Sexual Predator Still Stalks Me Even Though I Whipped His Ass Then just as I predicted another rose up….   I chronicled the other mofo here….. Stalked By A Child Molestor That mofo wasn’t gonna stop! I had to get black on that wetback (and soon that crakkkazoid too) to make em understand.. Even after

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2Circles Is A Reptilian As Confirmed By Him Pushing Vegan Death Diet

2Circles Is A Reptilian As Confirmed By Him Pushing Vegan Death Diet

It’s a fact I hate having to accept! But just like all reptilians he exposed himself by offering the [final] solution like this other rep here I exposed a while ago: Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message That bitch said don’t eat, peridot! ?? That said, vegan diets will kill you…. The shit still kills animals…. They need to go to jail for forcing that literal SHIT ?? on their fucking kids…. This is what veganism truly does….. Vegan deterioration is one great channel to watch on this self induced atrocity…. https://www.youtube.com/c/VeganDeterioration/videos Another one is

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Instagrammer joseydutch Gets PISSED When I Call His Ass Out On His Racism

Instagrammer joseydutch Gets PISSED When I Call His Ass Out On His Racism

If he was anywhere near me I’d knock the fuck out of him: Basically it was over a video involving a dutch black woman and her two nieces who got harassed by the police over there and this asshole was trying to make out like this ain’t about racism, it’s about the NWO trying to divide and conquer blah blah blah (a usual deflection tactic by RACIST) even tho racism long existed way before some fucking illuminati was ever invented: Looka the tags to see what I mean….. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEXJdAnRAd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBEf-xbnn48/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Fuck outta here! This BITCH decided to flag bomb my

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