Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

Have You All Seen The Frazzledrip Hillary Clinton Child Pedovore Video

This guy describes it…..   Facebook tries to suppress ANY conversation over it….   This is what they are trying to suppress – these are stills taken from the vids (it was a series of em)….. They essentially skin and tortured alive these kids….. All this came up in discussions I had with a very nice gentleman recently who described seeing one of the vids where lil African baby girls were placed on a dresser drawer and had their faces filleted like fucking fish….. This was one of the scenes described by ole dude above: These mofos are even trying

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Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

– The featured image looks like Willow o’ Wisp huh? You can REALLY hear it here:   And you may be able to hear it here:   Tf is this ??‍♀️ Shid look at the numbers….. 222 and 333 When you listen, listen for a feminine voice that goes, “Hey.” I once heard it fully speak and it was cackling like a goat, kinda like this: It then transitions to hooting like an owl – I tried to capture it on tape but, as if it KNEW I was gonna tape it shut up – and then I hear a

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These Spirits Are REALLY Fucking Shit Up For My Car

These Spirits Are REALLY Fucking Shit Up For My Car

These are some evil mofos…. they just tried to block me from posting up they pic just now….. ****UPDATE: I figured out what they are and I WILL discuss later but I touch up on how they caused me to get stabbed, here**** My EVP Sessions And PROOF Of How The Spiritual Can Affect The Physical Plane I saw this shit coming, this shit PERFECT storm ???….. Back in my old apartment, I saw that these things were gonna have me on a trajectory of living out my car….. I then had astral visions where I saw myself living out

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I’m In Such GREAT Spirits ?

I’m In Such GREAT Spirits ?

DISS what I’m stepping into…. ?? My old high school art teacher Mrs. Gourrier used to say, put it in a frame ? Here another version, a thinner frame: I’ve been kicking ALLLL the old demons and reptilians asses who been holding me back ??????‍♀️….. that my creative juices been flowing ever since healing and freeing some of my soul pieces from hell. Here’s one ?? This brings back fond memories of my childhood and the type of innocent, nostalgic, moments-in-time (I LOVED the Precious Moments porcelain figures) energy I enjoyed as a whittle baby! Will make more ???? I’ll

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The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality

The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality

YEEEEAAAAHHHHH I LOVE THIS MEME: GET EM BABY GRRL, GET EM! Fuck these men and boys up cause I’m tired of the shit! Of course, the great gun owning, kill folks, lethal chair state of Texas….. The same state that wants to make women and girls go back to the coat hanger cause crakkka jeebus told them that a woman should not have control over our bodies by wanting to ban abortion are the same ones that wanna protect us from having any sexual thoughts, desires and inclinations…. FOH! Thought that was a lil boy or a transgirl ✊??️‍? That

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Just Got The License Plate of The Wetbuck Gangmembers Who Tried To Run Me Over

Just Got The License Plate of The Wetbuck Gangmembers Who Tried To Run Me Over

Took me awhile…. It is CA license plate # 6APL755 Something TOLD me to revisit the video of the incident which you can watch here: Wetback Gangmembers Attempt To Run Over A Black Woman Before I was getting BLOCKED cause I looked thru that tape and never saw this…. I STRONGLY believe this their car: I Found The Wetbacks Who Ran Over My Foot This looks alot like it. I don’t know what that one is but I heard from witnesses it was a sepia green Ford Explorer with a grill like a jeep at the front and a sort

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Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision

Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision

Wow, I CAUGHT A PICTURE OF THE REPTILIAN THAT CAUSED THE TIME MATRIX DISTORTING I AM TALKING ABOUT: Here a close up….. That’s crystal fucking clear…. Before I begin….. Karma a mofo!   Be careful who you fuck with! A week ago when this happened….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry This low self esteem having, drug addicted, kuehn low vibratory ass mofo was calling himself trying to run me out of Malibu (cause I won’t lower myself to fucking him – plus he black!):   This a low vibratory mofo.

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I Warned Ya’ll About This Timeline That Our Babies Will Grow Up During Martial Law

I Warned Ya’ll About This Timeline That Our Babies Will Grow Up During Martial Law

I had an astral vision awhile back in which I saw a future – it was far far into the future like 2539 – where EVERYONE was bunched into the cities, living piled up on top of each other like sardines: Pregnancy Dreams And Realizing Who I Truly Am That’s Agenda 21. – What I saw looked like THAT but the apartments were square room cubicles painted white. I WARNED YOU ALL by telling you all of a natal chart that I saw back in 1999 that used to be what was once called about.com where it showed via my

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My shit don’t tell lies….. You can SEE he a fucking punk ass bully! Make this shit viral. I want this mofo dead. I profiled his ass here: Hippie Crakkka Who Claims He Likes Black Women Fights Me Like I’m A Man THIS mofo, the spirit realm NEVAR tells me lies…. I saw what he does to female employees and more than likely females in general he hires and prob. his own fucking daughter, like most crakkkas do! I saw in the spirit realm, I was with my brother Kristen. I went to like some nautical equipment place to get

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