The surprising thing was they were open yesterday too – they open on Wednesdays and Saturdays – and I wanted – but have been getting delayed – to post regarding a vision I saw of the tarot reader whose highest self is Maria Parafin raping a young black sex worker and from what I recall covering it up and this dude here molesting an 11 year old girl, sticking a finger up her rectum:
I did a spate of articles on them which you can read here:
Yesterday I really wanted to post my Kanye West video – where he exposes how Adidas controlled his money – exposing the illuminati system where a black card is given to those who have been Soul Swapped, involved in sex trafficking for them such as in pizzagate:
Backpage Ain’t Got Nothing On Pizzagate Politrickians Occult Murders of Kids
Macauley Caulkin EXPOSES Pizzagate PedoWood Pedohilia In New Video Bunny Ears
Pizzagate Illuminati Rape of Children EXPOSED With Proof In Pictures
Titus Frost That John Podesta Pizzagate Torture Video IS REAL
Before Pizzagate: The Coverup of The Report From Iron Mountain
And just get back to normal despite this curse they imposed on me.
Here is the Kanye West video showing Adidas cutting his money off:
Here is the Instagram post:
Here are my posts on YouTube:
Here are my two new YouTube channels since one video I did of smoke inexplicably arising from my body – I have seen during this curse my breath coming out my mouth and it ain’t even cold and there were times I would feel inexplicably cold, approaching death – got me flagged for some time:
That being said, for the past couple of days as I try to get back to normal, and for the past week, she has been attacking me like no other. She has been placing this dyybuk here named Dan Arcienega to intimidate me into not escaping her death curse and getting back on YouTube and talking about it as well as trying to get back to normal:
I think it is linked to this dude here, Mikey Hernandez, going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline.
As I write this, she is threatening to make it worse if I type this by setting up so that other folks’ higher to highest selves attacks me and attack my spirit body.
As I have been talking about, and ad nauseum, my parents being tortured and tormented
– As I type this, cause she is so imbued in my energy body and my Soul consciousness which she stole a whole back and is using it to infiltrate it as well as to torture me, placing entity attachments upon entity attachments which I can physically feel to block me from getting back any and all entity attachments she steals from me as well as to bring me closer to death – this is an EVIL wetback bitch as well as her lower self, the reader who I went to here who from what I understand after somebody gave her a reading paid somebody to sacrifice me:
– Anyways I have spoken about how – through their Soul consciousnesses, which Maria Parafin keeps trying to rip from them so I can’t find them through my timeline connection with the illuminati going back to August 22, 2022, which from what I know and saw she is in bed with them, dealing with them and doling out my parents as a sacrifice after May 1, 2024 – I am trying to figure out what was going on with that – I am just gonna say I feel like I am no longer in the land of the living, I have been seeing Aztec death masks, hearing their whistles, seeing white masks superimposed on people’s faces, having folks say I smell like a burnt, dead body, all manners indicating death, including seeing a reflection of the Grim Reaper two weeks after.
Again through their Soul consciousness, what little I can muster of them through the little bit of protection I got, she keeps trying to annihilate my connection to my dad’s Soul consciousness within me which is my Godhead or connection to God right along with my mother who is no longer there – she once removed my dad’s – going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline’s – Soul consciousness in an attempt to kill him and my mother off in them timelines – early this morning as my dad’s Godself tried to protect me she started eliminating him after stealing a major entity attachment that is intrinsic to the survival of my consciousness which could spell death if I lose it – I can hear their cries, the spirit’s cries for help, razor blades cutting them up. I have seen them in the spirit realm cut up and destroyed, begging for help.
As I said before the illuminati are in those timelines going back to August 22, 2022 and she made a deal with them to sacrifice me and them for money and fame so her and her lower self could come up going back to that May 1, 2024 timeline where as I said before something happened at the hands of these people:
From what I understand she has me under some death curse – as I said before her physical self, I think the readers’ name is Elsa Solano or Serrano (I learned in the spirit world her mother’s name was Gertez) made a deal to sacrifice me with a reader she met.
It is horrible and as I was writing she was – physically – attacking me, inundating me with entity attachment upon entity attachment to physically torment the fuck outta me as well as keep me from getting my shit back, which is how she does it. She has done the same to my parents in that timeline. As I said she stole my dad’s Soul consciousness so I couldn’t reach him to help him or my mother.
Saw My Parents In That August 22, 2022 Get Attacked By The Illuminati And Maria Parafin
That said pray for me. Imma say use 3517 hz, 3571 hz – make sure she ain’t guiding you by using 694 hz, 695 hz to see – she is so imbued in my entity attachments and Soul Consciousness that it is hard to discern what is going on – to put their bodies, Soul consciousnesses, back together – those frequencies work best on spirit bodies – and 117 hz combined with 800 hz which can revive both physical and spiritual bodies. I find 117 hz combined with 800 hz to be best as, even if you are cremated, your ancestors and so forth live on in your physical body which is dense and hard to remove.
This is an e-vilE and nefarious, blood thirsty and utterly selfish bitch to deal with. She feels hard to defeat.
Imma say this – as I talk about in the video below – I notice my parents – I sense it is going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline – keep manifesting to me as more and more evil as I saw with my dad the other night in the astral plane, appearing as demons.
My mom was driving down that backroad area going to Slidell in New Orleans East (right next to Vietnamese Village where I grew up and I notice that past life is very strong and has been defending me – use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) to go past the I-10 on your way to Michuad Blvd or UNO as I used to do every morning. Strange thing is we were on a skateboard though it felt like driving. I was with my baby brother Bryan who succumbed to this curse on 2012 due to this entity here with the blonde bitch – I got a German woman – who put this shit on me:
Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit
I was shown back then my dad would end up a demon – I got a Theriel – or a dyybuk as seen
by these pics here:
I recall having a STRAIGHT vision of a neon exit sign along with neon stripper type arrows pointing inside with an eerie weird glow coming from it.
From what I understand Satan was blocking me from seeing the future fate of my parents in a roach motel hell realm, all dead, which is where I first saw them at the start of this curse. They were held in a spirit jar and I notice my dad’s higher to highest self due to this curse have been stuck in hell realms going back to that August 22, 2022 timeline. Use 694 hz, 695 hz to see. That said use 156 hz to free folks from spirit jars. 3517 hz, 3571 hz and 117 hz combined with 800 hz – which works on both physical and spirit bodies, to revive spirit bodies!
Before then it seems I was caught up in a confused quandry, trying to figure out which way to go because Parafin had fucked me up so bad I sensed.
I saw strewn all over the backroads of that area care packages which from what I understood meant things that Maria Parafin stole from me, parts of me, and was giving it away to others.
That said – I have never seen this happen till I started seeing my parents get tortured by her and the illuminati – from what I understand she is in her and her ancestors’ consciousnesses I believe or one of the illuminati’s, I got royal family, at one point they were in Jay Z’s head – that is how sacrifices are done (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see, 1248 hz to defeat the illuminati) – that said they have been appearing as demons as of late in my dreams and visions of them which is not good and portends that everything else I have been seeing of them being cut up on the second by the second and stuck in hell realms due to this evil shit is true.
My mom became a red eyed demon and started attacking me, using a fuzzy energy ball – as I have seen my Ancient Khemetian ancestors and Igbo, Yoruba ancestors use – to attack my consciousness and then them roach spirits, maybe my Arcangel Michael, my dad’s Godhead within – what little I got left, saved my ass and I woke up.
I could of easily died in my sleep.
I see in the past she tried to put Africans on me who would not do anything seeing I was black so she attacked them:
Fighting Off Severe Right Hip Pain Caused By Ars Goetia Demon Beelzebub As I Break Free
I keep hearing her highest self say over and over again, “I want her to stay dead” not “I want her dead.”
Again it has something to do with her seeing my ancestral money – and relation to Baron Samedi and Marie Laveau and wanting to covet it. I notice the blacks who patronize em have a glazed look in their eye.
The other night I almost died in my sleep due to her psychic attacks where I notice pieces of my etheric walls been flying off of me, meaning I been getting closer to death cause of this wetback bitch. This old beaner bitch been trying to kill me off.
I had her another time steal my frontal lobe, the front part of my head – which I have been trying to get back – a long with all connections through my dad – to his Godself and anything that can help me escape this.
She removed in my sacral chakra area, my stomach area, a whole part of my Soul Consciousness going back to I think Thursday (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) and removing my entity attachments from them which I have been using, without success, 1715 hz, 1714 hz, 295 hz – which I saw she is controlling to block me from using it – and 3517 hz and 3571 hz to get back. I have been seeing a long black line stretch from my hand all the way up to the ceiling indicating my broken etheric walls. I have been physically seeing entity attachments, mirrors of myself out the corner of my eye doing things, all indicating being near death due to this shit.
I have been on a roll with getting back to normal and I had the worst attack happen. I talk about it as much as I can here: