Egg Cleansing Is THE BEST Thing I Ever Did For Myself Spiritually

Egg Cleansing Is THE BEST Thing I Ever Did For Myself Spiritually

You know, a coupla nights ago I heard an entity, it was an ugly lil grey-reptilian hybrid that looked EXACT like this: – I saw his ugly ass posted last night right by my passenger side rearview mirror….. …..that WALKED his ugly ass up to my car! I saw via my third eye he was trying to send a deceptively light but evil ass orb my way and then I heard a deep gravely throaty voice – like how reptilians are described as sounding – saying, “Leave her alone!” He knew it was the end. I did some egg cleansing

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CHP And Public ‘Wokes Take Over The Highway And Run Dial Net Sky Net OUT

CHP And Public ‘Wokes Take Over The Highway And Run Dial Net Sky Net OUT

I sense both them niggaz are homosexuals…. Homeless Gangstalkers Get ‘Woked I don’t know why I was tripping…. take that back (happy I confirmed ?? cause I thought they were on some lecherous stare across the street schitt) – happy they (possibly) gay ✊?✊??️‍? Also happay I did that fucking egg cleanse…. That shit there, if you all KNEW the bad shit I had on me causing overwhelming DE-structive urges….. most of ya’ll would commit suicide if you all were spiritually in my shoes. It was hard but….. I’ll take about it in the next blog….. The cops and public

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