These Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS

These Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS

As an aside some wetbucks played some reggaeton last night ?? (I actually like that and it reminds me of NYC):


Also I overheard some wetbucks in a nice new grey car (they stole) say mockingly: “She blame her ancestors”, etc.

Let me send some reptilians your way and let’s see you SURVIVE dealing with the shit ALL THAT – ancestors, etc. – put me threw!

I’ve done it to folks and they come back looking crazy and fucked up like all the other folks I put ‘woke on here:

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Anyways, I awoke early this morning while hearing something hissing, constantly hissing!

It was a reptilian who I guess has been manipulating shit and causing prpblems so that I will severe ties with other things, entities, which I needed to – and only pair with him/her.

Man I got my ‘woke cut out for me!

As a continuation from this blog here yesterday:

That said, again – it seemed like I was back in my old childhood home – then at some point in college and/or high school. Seemed like I was in the body of the joker and was looking to set up a business. I recall something else symbolic had occurred but I don’t recall what.

I then slipped to another vision where I was told that Baron Samedi – a Voodoo Loa – was another entity attachment causing ill issues:

Hope somebody bring me some of what he got in his hand later on!

That said, I saw Baron Samedi swiftly run over I guess to protect my family but not knowing any better I tried to “fight” him. I then saw, almost kinda looking like a beige noise filter, I believe it was Baron Samedi pulling a snake out the back of my neck – No, now I remember, I had consciously called on my Goddess Self to do this and that is when said vision via my third eye manifested, so vividly!

Then I came to!

Then I developed those TERRIBLE OCD compulsions again, and I heard the hissing!

I looked at my cards to clarify and it showed that the reptilian – a lil short mofo usually represented by my knight of pentacles (green) card, was intending on blocking my ability to connect with other beings, gods, goddesses, etc. (the ones who want to help and not be parasitic etc.) so that he can be the only thing around to manipulate and fuck with me:

I felt the tugging, extremely pulling on this thing – it seems to be some type of implant attachment – on my lower jaw extending all the way up to the crown again, compulsive behaviors so I quickly called on Baron’s energy and it ceased and my chakras realigned!

Now that I think of it it may have been a power animal taken from my underworld that got removed cause, after all, it was white, not black and looked more like an eel.

That being said, these reptilians are something else. They are some deceiving ass heauxs.

As for my thoughts on the Baron Samedi appearing thing – as I said here:

Here is my take:

I have heard it propounded that he is an ascended master, something this brother here stated, Brother Yosef:

Based on my experience – and I’ve touched on it in various parts of my blog – he has helped me on more than one occassions but as I have heard from other spiritualists hurt me as well.

Are there many versions of him just as there are Agent Smiths as can be seen in The Matrix:

That’s why I laugh when I hear other spiritualists (with a kindergarten approach to spirituality) say, “I met the REAL Baron Samedi” or I got the “real” one around me. Really?

On a philosophical level, I can’t help but wonder if like the Agent Smiths of The Matrix:

When these santeros, voodoo priests say, “I met the real Orisha Oshun” or “I met the real Papa Legba” ….did you really?

They will go on to say that, “Oh you can tell by the energy” but spirits, being energy – can do that. They can change energy signatures even and esp. forms to fool you so are you sure you are talking to The One?

After all angels can change to demons and visa versa.

Here my take – all these beings require sustenance and sacrifices of some kind to maintain their form so are they really as powerful as you say or are you just giving them all your power so they can stay alive.

You got The Source in you (Soul = Sol = Sun ?) so who got the power?

You don’t need sacrifices or offerings for your Sol to exist.

Personally, I think the whole thing where ostensibly Baron Samedi was made to look like a foe then as a savior was a cleverly disguised plot as per programming orders by the reps to make him look like a hero to me so I’ll keep him around but he really not; he is an archetype of the matrix programming.

After all, why do I still have this attachment on my back which seems to grow worse as I try to break free of this shit!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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