The Corona Virus Fake Pandemic Panic Is Designed To Wipe Out People of Color

The Corona Virus Fake Pandemic Panic Is Designed To Wipe Out People of Color

This some martial law shit:   – Fining folks for working! We headed to martial law! LOL I warned you all, here: Eye ? saw it coming…. – thanks @houselessvoices – There aim was global ruin but Imma tell ya the ULTIMATE aim of their grand plan and it is some real nefarious shit for people of color! Now, that being said, first, don’t get out of line! They want this! They want us to get violent so that they can then justify initiating martial law! Contact your reps, senators, “governors” – here is a site: –

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Look I Am Parked Legally Ya’ll Are NOT So Take Your Asses HOME During This Corona Virus Pandemic

Look I Am Parked Legally Ya’ll Are NOT So Take Your Asses HOME During This Corona Virus Pandemic

Let me make something FUCKING clear – esp. to you WETBACKS out there: ESP FOR YOU ILLEGALS – see ? where I’m parked is LEGAL (unlike your immigration status with la migra): WHERE YOU ALL ARE PARKED AT IS ILLEGAL: – Here is a collection of folks parking illegally and me pimping for doing so! – Here the first night this happened:     Here me running some wetbucks up the fucking street (I overheard the BITCH with him saying, “If she can get away with it why can’t I”):   [purchase_link id=”32990″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] And tho this doesn’t

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