Homeless Chic 3: Nigga N Nature

Homeless Chic 3: Nigga N Nature

The other day, I did a vid of me posing on the streets! Here is the video:

Buy vid here

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Here are screenshots:

– Look at my face, I’m sooo cutee XD

– If men can show off their chests to show how HOTT they are (mine ain’t drooping and I am 34), why can’t I #faildoublestandards

I LOVE this shot here – my body looks SOOO NATURAL, WAYYYY before all the fake curves womben grew out of surgeon’s office, fake EXTREME hour glass shapes created from FAKE ASSES, BREASTS (Which shouldn’t be sexualized as they represent the Sacred Bond which gives life and influences her Child as she breast feeds them):

I see a “light flare” fairy on my right breast:

I notice that certain negros, old ass “chicas” ie wanna be hispanic KNEE-GROWS (KNEE-GROWS always gotta claim they something that they ain’t cause they are ashamed of being BLACK), are copying my style of panning the camera ALL over their body like I do mine. Yet they corney asses talking about being on reality tv. Bitch, your life ain’t interesting enough anytime you gotta copy me! Your LIE of a LIE-F!

Here is more, fuck I just put the full pics up cause I don’t feel like reversing that shit. Plus I just ain’t got the time to be spending, rifing thru all that shit!!!

Here some more shots of me out in nature. I LOVE THIS and now that I think about it – maybe I shoulda put THESE before the other ones. BEFORE I SHOW, THO., I AIN’T NEVER BEEN A FAN OF POSING!!!! I LIKE ALLL Natural; natural poses, natural body, everything natural!!!

– My favorite shot. Remind me of when Eligio Natureboy was getting out of the pool – exactly!

I like those. Oughta put em side by side. Here more:

The following is MAD FYRE (Bet you ain’t heard that word in a looong time – this shit LIT)!

Here random pics of me out and about:

Here another showing me as “lighter” than what you see up above:

– Look cutee! XD

Here what’s possibly my fav: me looking natural, like the perfect mixture of masculine and Divine Feminine:

Here’s some requisite pics of me at the beach:

Tryin’ to whistle and looking craz

Here me taking some in front of a school, some catholic school named Lexington off Topanga Canyon Blvd:

Here a closer look, lol:

Here a video showing you all where I was at, lol:

Also, I noticed an abandoned home right across from there. So many homeless people WHO WANT IT CAN’T HAVE IT yet you got this opulent school across the street:

Here more pics of said school:

Oh yeah, I also spotted a ufo that very night as well:

Now, here are pictures and video taken of beautiful Malibu – I swear it is a MAJESTIC AND BEAUTIFUL PLACE:

– L.A. is MAD GRAND (In NY parlance).

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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