Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme’s Wife Calls Me A Nigger

Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme’s Wife Calls Me A Nigger

I believe this her ass: my intuitive senses tells me it is:

THAT SAID, PEOPLE WHO FUCK WITH ME RUN INTO ME FOR REASON! I am realizing I am MEANT TO BE PEOPLE’S KARMA, THEIR MA’AT! I notice when certain people be doing bad shit to people and run into me, THEIR LIFE GOES DOWNHILL PRETTY FUCKING QUICKLY AFTERWARDS. Take the artist loft situation: I noticed the girl hadn’t posted IN MONTHS! Before I arrived at that place, touched foot their, they were fucking over people. Then they ran into me, fucked over me. End result: They got kicked out of THEIR place and one of em – Amir Sanders – LOST HIS CAR AS I DID MINE which all that shit you can read down below:

I am Deputy Thieme’s karma. Here is what he did to me: https://toplessinla.org/2017/10/19/black-woman-sexually-assaulted-by-deputy-konrad-thieme-of-the-lost-hills-los-angeles-sheriffs-department/ I KNOW AND SENSE this malicious BASTARD been fuckinv over people since he got out here, maliciously arresting people more than likely FOR NOT BEING WHITE (As I said here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/20/deputy-konrad-thieme-of-the-los-angeles-lost-hills-sheriffs-station-is-a-white-supremacist/ this nigga uses the online monikor, “Wolftonski”, which the “Wolf” implies white supremacist ties which the seeming abritrary selection of that random word implies since, after all, mostly and largely white supremacist groups pick it for symbolic, Western Germanic reasons (it’s largely associated with the savagery of Europe). That said, bitch you got called out! I KNEW IT! You fucked over me. You met me for a reason. You’ve done ALOT of people wrong and you here to pay and I am the person here to collect. As I say, “When you keep fucking with people, you will eventually run into the wrong person. I am that wrong person!”

I don’t have visions like this for nothing, BITCH:


– I can be a demon when I want to be! And my eyes don’t shapeshift for nothing, baby!

Good day!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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